I'm Just Sick

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Hey just got off work. Yay. 


The last half of Halloween was better than dinner that Ronald Weasley nearly ruined. After their moment in Hermione's bedroom they dressed and joined the rest of the group in the study. The young ones were playing all sorts of spooky games that Mr. Weasley had found at a muggle thrift shop while taking them trick or treating earlier with Harry. Harry insisted on it. Severus hated to admit that he was enjoying watching the young children laugh and have fun. He imagined a few years down the road, two little children here with Potter's youngest child and any more that popped up playing. 

He shook his head to get rid of the image of a young boy with silky brown hair and a slightly large nose and buck teeth playing with a toy broomstick. Hermione was sitting beside him on the couch by the fireplace, curled into his side. Harry would sometimes peek over at them, which started to annoy Severus. He was a grown man. Why was he acting like he's an awkward teenage boy again at the thought of friends having sex?

"Severus, would you want any more children?" Hermione asked quietly. 

Severus froze. He didn't know how to answer that. Of course he did, but he didn't want to say now in front of all her friends and family that he sometimes still despised. He didn't want to seem weak for wanting a bigger family with her. "I've thought about it," he said cautiously. 

Hermione looked seriously at Severus, but didn't press the subject. She turned to watch James run around the room with a toy firebolt in hand. He'd stolen it from Fred who was sitting on Angelina's lap crying. Ginny, with her pregnant belly, had grabbed a hold of him by the back of the shirt and pulled him towards her. He screamed and struggled, but she pulled the toy from his tight grasp and handed it back to Fred. 

"Don't take what isn't yours," Ginny scolded her oldest. He pouted as he watched his cousin zoom around the room and out the door. George followed his son to make sure he didn't run into anything. 

Minerva poked her head through the fireplace and searched the room. Her strict eyes settled on Severus. "Severus, its time for you to come back," she stated with a smirk. 

Severus groaned and stood up as Minerva's head disappeared. Hermione stood as well and sighed. "I'll see you next weekend?" She smiled slyly as he gave a soft grin. 

He bent down and gave her a quick, but sweet kiss before throwing some floo in the fire and shouting "Severus Snape Chambers!"

Weeks passed with Severus and Hermione falling into a comfortable routine. Every Saturday they would take a walk in Hogsmeade, then go to the Three Broomsticks to floo to Severus' private chambers where they would either read and relax or do other things. Hermione was a stickler for the routine also. She found it normal and safe. So when Hermione was late one afternoon for their walk, Severus got very worried. 

He was about to send a patronus to Minerva to have her search Grimauld place, but he saw her bushy curls bouncing as she hurried towards him from the Three Broomsticks. "Severus," she panted as she neared him. 

Severus raised an eyebrow at her. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes looked a little dull. "Hermione, are you okay?" He placed a hand on her back as she stood up straight and exhaled to steady herself. 

She gave a halfhearted grin at him. "Yeah, fine, just a little sick." She waved him off and placed a hand on her stomach. She hunched over and groaned in pain. Severus placed his other hand on her shoulder to keep her standing. 

"We're going to Madam Pomfrey, Hermione," he said adamantly. 

He took her in his arms as she was barely able to walk. He walked passed concerned townspeople and gawking students heading back to the school. On the fourth floor, he kicked open the hospital wing doors. Madam Pomfrey was tidying up one of the beds when she jumped and dropped her wand. 

She gave a groan of annoyance and picked up her wand again. "Severus, what's the meaning of this?! What's wrong with Miss Granger?!" Her voice increased in pitch and volume with each word she spoke. 

Severus laid Hermione down on the nearest bed. "She's sick, Poppy."

Poppy bustled around Hermione waving her wand. Severus stepped back and let the nurse do her job, however impatient he was. He gritted his teeth as she muttered to herself. "Well, Poppy?" Severus asked with a angry tone. He was angry because Hermione was in pain and he could do nothing to help her. 

After several more minutes of Poppy worrying over Hermione, she stood back. Hermione was more alert than when Severus brought her in. Poppy looked from Severus to Hermione with a warm expression that made Severus slightly sick. "Hermione's pregnant," she said sweetly. 

Hermione's hand shot to cover her mouth as Severus looked scarily serious at the nurse. "Are you sure, Poppy?" Severus asked. 

Poppy slapped her hands on her hips and glared at Severus. "Yes, Severus. I've been doing this for years."

Severus couldn't believe that Hermione was pregnant. Elieena was going to be a big sister. He looked at Hermione, who was wide eyed and had tears in her eyes. Severus went to sit on the bed beside her. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Poppy disappeared into her office. Hermione placed a hand on her stomach and smiled. "This seems like a dream," Hermione whispered. 

Severus wasn't sure if he was happy about this or not. He knew he wanted to have more children with Hermione. He just thought it would be later on. In a year or so. He was a little scared about Hermione having a baby. What if he messed the baby up? Elieena turned out fine, but that was because Hermione had raised her. 

"Severus, are you happy?" Hermione asked, twiddling her thumbs. 

He placed a hand over her stomach and swallowed hard. "I am enthusiastic at being given the chance to raise a child with you." He leaned over and kissed her stomach. He felt her place her hands on his head and sigh. "I'm just afraid at messing the child up. Elieena turned out fine because you raised her. What if I turn him into another Voldemort?"

Hermione laughed lightly. "There is no way that our child could be another Voldemort, Severus. And I know you will do wonderful as a father. You already are to Elieena." Severus was doubtful, but he didn't object. 


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