Christmas Break

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hello what all do you think will end up happening? I'm not actually sure what is going to happen honestly. 

Also, what do you all think of me starting another Snamione book. Or possibly another fanfic. I also sometimes read Dramione. However, I'm not sure really. Let me know. 


November came and went, bringing the beginning of winter and Christmas. Severus, even though he hated the cheer and cold, didn't mind Christmas as much as people thought. He hated the overly cheerful people that would skip and wish every single person a Happy Christmas, or the people that would sing carols all month long in preparation for the holiday. 

Winter wasn't that nice to the school leading up til Christmas, either. It snowed the second week and stayed around a foot thick until the end of term for holiday break when it started to snow very heavy. Severus would stare out the window to the whiteness and grumble at how bright it was with the sunlight hitting the snow. 

He assigned Elieena to make a new potion as an term exam that seemed cheery. He expected her to make an Elixir to Induce Euphoria, a potion that she never studied before, but also a fairly difficult one to make. However, she didn't. She actually created a new cheery potion that helped people that suffered from 'in law syndrome', an illness that Severus was sure to start suffering from soon. 

The potion was supposed to give the drinker a pleasant mind all throughout the 3 hours that it was active. However, Elieena didn't think it came out right, so she vanished it and did an Euphoria potion. Severus tried to get her to remake the other potion, but she refused. While the Euphoria potion was perfect, he had to take marks off for it being her second try, although she still passed swimmingly. 

Hermione was starting to show a little bit and they found out she was having a boy. Elieena wanted a sister, though so she was a bit upset. However, Hermione told her there might be more siblings later, though. (Severus choked on his tea.) She left Severus' chambers after that to pack for her trip home. She had decided to go home for the holidays, which made Severus happy. He always stayed at school at every break over his seven years. It pleased him to know that she had somewhere she loved to go. 

While Minerva allowed Severus to floo to Grimauld place where Christmas was going to be held this year with everyone around, Severus didn't really want to go. There were going to be even more Weasley's and people than there were at Halloween. While he liked the party, he didn't enjoy the amount of people that was there. 

Teddy Lupin would be there. While he didn't hate the boy's late father, he didn't like the fact that he favored his father so much. He was a year ahead of Elieena by a year and Severus could tell that he was very studious. His best friend, Victorie, was just as studious, only with a little more daring nature. She was the first Ravenclaw Weasley, which she boasted about forever last year. Her younger sister and brother was supposed to be jealous at home. 

Percy, Audrey, and their two girls, Molly and Lucy would be there as well. He hated Percy simply because he was a prefect and head boy. Severus always wanted to be, but never was selected. Their girls were supposedly starting next year and the year after. Of course, George, Angelina, and little fred would be there. Plus Ron and his two boys. Severus snarled to himself at the thought of Ronald Weasley procreating. 

Although, its not the children's fault their father was a complete idiot and a disgustingly rude friend. Severus watched his daughter leave on the train back with a blank expression. He was among the few teachers that had to accompany those students leaving to the train. Minerva was among them. 

"Severus, have you and Hermione thought about where you are going to reside when not at Hogwarts?" She asked as they walked back to school. 

They haven't. He had plenty of money from the Order of Merlin and his Prince inheritance. (It was hidden behind years of paperwork at Gringotts.) They could get a place anywhere, but he didn't know where it would be good to raise a family. He never had a family to raise. 

"Perhaps I can suggest a house at the far edge of Hogsmeade," Minerva suggested lightly. 

Severus raised his eyebrows at the old witch. She looked at him innocent like. "What? There is a couple that has a good home that is moving to America and wanted to sell their house."

He nodded to himself as he thought of Hermione and their son living so close to home while he was teaching their daughter. It was a pleasant thought. "Possibly," was all he stated. 

Not many students stayed over the holidays. It made the break that much more bearable for Severus. He was counting down the days when he would be able to floo to Grimauld place at Christmas Day. He wasn't able to see Hermione much anymore. Her work at the ministry was getting busy and she was getting bigger. 

He was the original one that told Hermione they should calm things down and for her to focus on her job more. It hurt him to know that he would see less of her and not see her get bigger as their child grew inside her. However, it was for the best. He walked passed the leftover students walking around the empty halls, passed Peeves trying to drop a suit of armor down the entire grand staircase, and to his chambers. He just wanted to be alone for a while. 


This wasn't the best chapter. I'm sorry, running into a block again. Need more fanfiction inspiration. 

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