Shannon's Wedding

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October 29, 2021


Today is my sister's wedding, i cannot believe it, im extremely happy and extremely nervous for her but i know she can make it.

i am wearing a green dress, all the bridesmaids are, i actually look pretty good i'm feeling myself.

The wedding is starting soon, my sister is still getting ready and we will be taking photos soon, the typical wedding photos.


the reception was beautiful, of course i cried almost everyone cried, I saw Paris Hilton between people, like what? i didn't even know my sister or Gabriel knew that many famous people.

I also saw a few sports people, football players, f1 drivers i just recognized lewis and Daniel to be honest, tennis players and yeah...

I saw Kris Jenner, which is kind of awkward considering what her daughter and my ex are up to. i mean i love Kris she's so funny but i just can't get Kendall out of my head, in a bad way. maybe she's here, i don't want to see her.

I need a drink, i really need a drink to get hyped and have more fun.

I go to the bar, there's a lot of people here
some i recognize some i don't
there is this handsome guy, he is tall, cute smile, green eyes and brown hair.

He is in the bar with other two guys, one is a bit shorter, brown light hair with curls and kind of green eyes and the other has brown hair and blue eyes.
all of them have an accent, cute.

French and British i'm guessing.
they're cute if i had more drinks on me i would definitely hit on one of them, that's what alcohol does to me, it makes me a shameless flirt, which i'm usually not.

As im lost in my mind, two of them turn towards me and start tapping the other one on the shoulder, i just frown at them kind of telling them wtf?

One of them speaks "Hey, i'm Lando this is Pierre" he points to the one with blue eyes "and this is Charles" he points to the cute one i saw first.

I smile "Hey i'm Phoebe" turning to look at all of them "nice to meet you all" i don't really know who they are but i am all down to making friends, they seem nice and like they know how to have a good time.

Both Pierre and Lando say goodbye with teasing smirks, i what? they're weird as fuck but they're funny.

They leave me with Charles who hasn't talked at all since i came to the bar "um so what do you do?" i ask him "I am a formula 1 driver" he says with a smile, he's really cute.

"Oh cool, so you work with Gabriel?" i ask "Yeah, how do you know him?" at the sound of Gabriel he smiles more and has a more open body language "Well he is marrying my sister" "Ohhhhh your sister is Shannon?" "yes, you know her?" is weird that he actually knows her, well i guess not that weird if her husband works with him right?

"of course, Shannon is always at the garage with Gabriel, she's really nice" he says "Garage?" what the fuck what? what garage? she never tells me anything.

"Oh the Ferrari garage, i work with them" he says with a laugh, i laugh too because his smile is contagious "Right right sorry i just don't know much about Formula 1" i smile and stare at him, his eyes are so pretty omg.

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