Saudi Arabia 2021

760 24 4

December 5, 2021


Today is the penultimate race. just this and one more to go
I am actually glad for the break.
I'm planning on asking Phoebe to spend the holidays with me and my family skiing.
as friends of course.

But right now i cannot get distracted.
This race is important, well... all the races are important. every single thing counts.

So i'll think about all of this after i race.
The practices were mediocre.
The qualifying was a lot better i am in P4 and starting there, so i hope i do well.

The adrenaline is always there, when i get in the car.

When i see the lights go out.
When i press on the accelerator.
When i get the first straight and the first curve.
When i overtake someone.
When someone overtakes me and i overtake them again.
When i pass the checkered flag.

The podiums, the fans, the champagne.
The people you love the most being there for you, to celebrate with you.

That's all i think about when the race starts.
I start good, but then i fail to keep pace.
We make a few errors and Daniel, Pierre and Esteban overtake me.

I get back to P7, that's how i end the race, i'm disappointed in myself, it's still in the points however i could have done better.

I do the same routine, interviews, fans, etc..
After all of that i'm still in a kind of bad mood, i see Phoebe and she smiles at me, i give her a small smile and she frowns.

She comes over to me "Hey, what's wrong?" she puts her hand in my shoulder and that comforts me a little "Just a bad race, sorry for the mood" i tell her "Don't worry i can understand" she's so thoughtful.

"Maybe we can do something?" she asks, i know she asks to make me feel better but i'm really not in the mood "I'd rather just watch a movie and have a chill night if you want to" i tell her truthfully.

That's how friendships work, with honesty and trust "I'm down for that" she smiles and we head to the hotel.

We arrive and i'm in a better mood "So what movie do you want to watch?" she asks me "Whatever you like"  "We could watch little women?" she says "I love that movie and you should watch it" she says again.

I agree and we watch it, we sit together on the bed, we are far apart but as the movie goes on we drift to each other.

We don't touch but i can feel the tension.
I'm trying to not feel anything. it would be complicated. with F1 taking over my life and the exes thing.

I would never want to loose her friendship and ruin all of this.
That doesn't mean i don't have a crush on her, because i do.

It's now or never to ask her about the holidays, if not i will never ask her.
i'm actually really nervous, i noticed when i'm nervous my accent gets more prominent.
"So phoebe, i wanted to ask you something important" i tell her and she turns to look at me.

"Okay tell me" she smiles and says, she says that in a way which makes me feel like i can tell her anything and the nerves go away
"So my family and I are going skiing in the Christmas brake to the Alpes" i pause waiting  no for her reaction.

She looks at me with a suspicious look "Uh huh?" she says confused "So i wanted to ask you if you wanted to come?" i say nervously her eyebrows go up and she smiles "Omg yes. i would love to, but i don't want to ruin your family plans" she tells me.

"No you're not ruining anything, you're my friend and i want you to come, also Arthur is bringing his girlfriend who is a big fan of you"
at the friend word her smiles fades a bit but she hides it quickly and smiles again.

"Okay then if you say so, i would love to come" she says and i smile "Okay then" we are both smiling while we watch the end of the movie.

"Ohhhh remember i got you something, well i'm gonna give it to you" she says and gets up to get her purse "Have you been carrying it around?" i ask amused.

"Yup, here it is" she hands me a keychain a lego keychain of a driver dressed in a ferrari suit.
It's so simple but i love it, it's really thoughtful and cute and one of the best gifts.

"I love it, thank you" i give her a hug and go put it in my keys.

Then we both fall asleep.

The keychain 🔑💌🏎️:

The keychain 🔑💌🏎️:

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@charles_leclerc: Arghhh, unlucky with the first red flag, but it's how it goes sometimes

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@charles_leclerc: Arghhh, unlucky with the first red flag, but it's how it goes sometimes. Now P5 in the drivers championship, let's try and finish on a high in Abu Dhabi! 💪

a bit of a longer chapter but not too long.
Holidays next and time skip.
i don't want the story to be too long.

love you 💌🏎️

FEELS LIKE NONSENSE • CHARLES LECLERCWhere stories live. Discover now