Forgotten ring?

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Char <3: You left you ring in the table

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Char <3: You left you ring in the table

Phoeb ❤️: return it when you see me next 💪😚

Char <3: No i think i'm going to keep it in my wallet.

Phoeb ❤️: urghhh kay then, what r u doing?

Char <3: I don't understand your texting
I'm training right now, later seeing my brothers.

Phoeb ❤️: omg tell them i said hi, tell arthur i miss him.

Char <3: Do you miss me?

Phoeb ❤️: mmmm nope 🤗

Char <3: You are mean Phoebe

Phoeb ❤️: that's why you like me, i'll call you later, keep training xx

Char <3: That's why yes, okay xx


@phoebeymacky: writing some stuff

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@phoebeymacky: writing some stuff...
i promise it is coming. 😚


username54: please we need stuff
username00: so natural so pretty
username21: i want to look like you please.
tatemcrae: beauty 😍
f1wgs: new wag?? yes thank u.
username8181: have we forgotten she broke apart charlotte and charles???
username71: we don't even know that
charles_leclerc: blue eyes on point. 🧿
username12: charles what?

super super short chapter i'm sorry.
MEGA time skip next. it has to be done.
sorry just 2 chapters today!!


Favorite F1 bromance???

love you guys thanks for the support!!! 💌🏎️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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