Brasil 2021

818 23 5

November 14, 2022


Today is race day, we're in Brasil.
Phoebe is coming and i'm excited but nervous too, really hoping to get a good result today.

I had an okay practice 1, the quali was the same and practice 2 it was a little bit bad, the team is really trying their best, but we still have a lot of work to do.

The sprint was the same.
I'm starting on P7 i know we can make it work but i have to be very concentrated.

Carlos is in the same pace and we're not doing bad, not good either.
In this sport you have to be the best, there is no room for errors, however we're making them a lot.

it's the end of the season, we just have 4 more races, Max is fighting Lewis for the championship and i'm not even up there.
I just hope next season is better.

I won't see Phoebe until after the race, which is good i can't really get distracted.
I'm doing all the before race rituals and preparations.

Everyone is already on the race mood
the crew and mechanics are getting everything ready, people in the garage are moving around, shouting things.
Carlos is doing his thing in his side of the garage.

I like Carlos a lot, we always have a good time, we have the same kind of humor and he's teaching me Spanish.

We have five more minutes until we have to be in the cars and ready to start, we already did the drivers parade.

The five minutes pass, "Good luck" i say to Carlos "you too mate" he says back with a smile, sportsmanship is an important thing to me. if he does better than me i will congratulate him.

I won't say i won't feel bad about myself but it's part of it and i'm working on that.

I get in to the car, it's formation lap and i get into the P7 space.

I am in my car, it feels good.
The lights start as always.
green. lights out.

I go, acelerare.
Lando and Carlos touch and that gives me advantage to overtake and gain a better position.

I keep my pace, make my pit stops
Perez is in front of me and Carlos is behind me
the entire race i keep Carlos behind me while i try and overtake Checo.

Lap 71/71 i'm in 5th place and i see the checkered flag.
good result for the team.
i've had a pretty decent season, better than others, just hope the next one is better.

I get out of the car and go to cool down, go the press to give them the interviews.
they always ask the same things but i have to give them the answers.

I go to the garage and see Phoebe talking with Carlos.
I go over them and she sees me and smiles, i smile back at her, she has a cute smile.
"Hey" i say while i give her a hug "Hey, eww you're sweaty" she says and pretends to clean herself.

I just laugh "You did so good!" she says, okay so she thinks i did good but i could do better i just have to dedicate more and more to it "Yes but i could do better, it was a fun race" i say
always a self critic "It was fun watching i can only imaging racing" she has no idea.

FEELS LIKE NONSENSE • CHARLES LECLERCWhere stories live. Discover now