Under the miseltoe

721 24 4

December 22, 2021


I am having the time of my life, seriously.
We have done a lot of things, i have bonded with his family and with him.
I talk with my sister on the phone every night, she's happy and i'm happy.
everything is perfect.

Even tho Charles and me are still friends, it's perfect. because i rather have him like a friend than not having him at all.

It's 2 am and i'm in the room, we're all in one big house each on of us has a room, except Arthur and Carla who are sharing, sneaky things.

I get an idea and wonder if Charles is awake so i tip toe to his room and knock "Come in" he says quietly but i still hear it.

"Hey, sorry to bother you" he is laying down in his bed with a black hoodie on "you don't bother don't worry, Everything okay?" he asks "Yes i just had an idea, but it's dumb good night" i say quickly and try to get away.

"No no tell me" he says standing up i start fidgeting with my hands "I know it's late but wouldn't it be cool if we go skiing?" i say "In the night?" he asks and i nod.

"That would be cool" he says and i smile i knew i could count on him "Okay so do you want to go?" i ask "Yes" we go and get ready.

We're silently giggling and being as quiet as we can, i feel like a teenager.
We go out into the mountain, the lifts aren't working but we will have to climb it.
we both don't mind.

We go and we start skiing, this time we don't race, we just ski, we talk and we appreciate the moment, at least i do.

When we go back to the house the lights are on and Pascale is waiting for us and i really feel like a teenager, "Sorry mom" he says with a smile, she says something in french and he just smiles harder.

She looks at me and gives me a hug and then she goes to sleep.
"There's a roof here do you want to go talk there?" he asks me and i nod he grabs my hand a leads me there.

We sit on the roof top, talking about everything and anything, the conversation taking us everywhere. "I'm having so much fun" i say "Me too, i always have when i'm with you" he says to me.

"I feel the same" i start rubbing my hands because it's pretty cold "Are you cold?" he asks me and i say yes then he grabs my hands with his own and keeps them there.

"I'm really glad you're my friend" he says, well ouch but what did i expect? for him to confess that he likes me, to kiss me? wtf no.

"Yeah me too, you know i had a crush on you" i say with a small laugh "Really?" he asks "mhm" i nod "I really like you as a friend phoebe and i rather not ruin anything" he says. that stings.

"Yeah i know, we're better of as friends right?" i tell him: ask him? i don't even know anymore, he's pretty close and his closeness just confuses me.

He makes a noise and starts getting closer, i feel his warmth and one of his hands is in my knee, i look at him and he's looking at me.

Then he kisses me, i really didn't expect it and i really was joking when i said i expected him to do it.
but i kiss him back.

FEELS LIKE NONSENSE • CHARLES LECLERCWhere stories live. Discover now