Tour guide

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November 1, 2021


Charles is going to be my Tour guide today we're kind of "exploring" Monaco but more than that he's showing me his country.

He picks me up, and starts driving, we chat and laugh and it feels natural.

The last few days i've kind of been thinking a lot about Milo, about how he did what he did
how she looks nothing like me, he looked so happy.

I think that being with Charles it's gonna keep my mind off those things, at least i hope it does.

He puts "meet me halfway" by the Black Eyed Peas, we sing along, he has actually a good singing voice.

"You actually sing good" i tell him and he blushes "Says the singer" he says back to me and i just laugh, i don't like singing in front of people like this, which is kind of ironic since that's my job.

But this is different, this is more personal
but i'll let it slide, he's singing more and more and i don't want to ruin it.

We arrive to his favorite ice cream place
we order and sit down to talk a lot more
"You said you play the piano right?" i ask him "Yes i do" "have you ever composed something?" i have the feeling he has.

"Actually yes, but it's not that good" i bet it is good "mh sure, maybe on day you can show me what you write?" i say hoping "Maybe, and maybe you can teach me how to play guitar" i didn't expect that from him.

"Of course" i say back to him while eating my ice cream which is by the way delicious "it has always been something i've wanted to do" he says i like getting to know him. he has more to it that you would expect.

"Why haven't you" i wonder "I mean with Formula 1, its hard to do other things, the sport is your priority you know?" he answers
and i mean i kind of get it but at the same time i don't.

"It's a lot of work i guess right?" i really want to know "Yes, a lot of the times it takes a toll on you and your health" he says.
"but i mean we work hard and it pays off, we all just want a good race and a good season" he says again.

"This ice cream is delicious" i say and his whole face lights up "It's the best, my father used to take me and my brothers here all the time" he sound so nostalgic.

I remember him telling me about his dad so i don't ask more about it.
We talk and we start exploring the streets of Monaco.

We go to the circuit which is a street circuit, Charles teaches me about formula 1 and the circuits.

"It must be super cool, racing fast cars and all of that" i say while we walk around "It is, i have such a good time, maybe one day you can come to a race and i'll drive you" i smile at that "That sounds so cool, i would love to"

I have such a good time with him, we actually laugh a lot, i tell him dirty jokes and he laughs, most people don't laugh but he does.

The day has been so good, it actually took Milo off my mind, i feel like a feather to be honest.

he drives me to my hotel and when we're there he opens my door and everything "This was really fun" i tell him i haven't been able to stop smiling "It was, so tomorrow i'll come and pick you up again, we have another adventure" he says.

i smile at him and give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you charles, see you tomorrow" he smiles at me, i really needed this.



"Tell me everything right now"

"I mean we did exploring"

"I hope you did" she says in a suggestive voice

"omg Madi, not like that, we are friends"
"we went for ice cream and walked around and talked and laughed, it was amazing"

"So you like him?"

"Yes, as a friend" i say in a firm voice

"Phoebs i love you, but you're just fooling yourself"

"shut up, i'll talk to you later okay? bye"

Emails i can't send 💌:
(track 14: opposite)

chapter 5! they're hanging out, yay!!! they're developing a friendship, Mexico grand prix next? maybe

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chapter 5! they're hanging out, yay!!! they're developing a friendship, Mexico grand prix next? maybe...
remember rn this is f1 season 2021, i'll write a lot more races of 2022 but not all of them.

love you all, remember constrictive criticism is very welcome! 💌🏎️

FEELS LIKE NONSENSE • CHARLES LECLERCWhere stories live. Discover now