Fancy a party?

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We're going out, i suggested this plan because i'm in the mood and i haven't been out since who knows when.
I also think it's a different environment and i can see how charles acts.

I really liked the race, loved watching everyone and how everything works, i get why people are so obsessed with it now.

Charles and i go to the club, we arrive together and thankfully is a private club so nobody can say anything about us, even tho we're just friends.

we dance a bit, we get drinks "Hey could you take a pic" i ask him "Am i about to become your personal photographer?" he says "Yup, you should know i'm very picky about it" i tell him in advance.

"Well i'm an expert but if you take too much time i might just not take any photos" he says and i laugh and roll my eyes, he stares at me and says "Have i ever told you how much i like your eyes? and you look cute if you roll them" i blush, i can feel it.

"Thank you" i turn around so he can't see me, he takes the pictures and we have fun.
he gets a little drunk i'm not that drunk

he's a funny and touchy drunk, he hugs me a lot "Thabk you for being in my life right now" he tells me in my ear while he hugs me, his accent is coming out stronger, i like it.

He's too close, wild thoughts coming to my head, it's just nonsense. nothing can happen. i have to find my chill.
"I'm great full too charles" i tell him and he laughs and hugs me again.

He really is touchy and too close but i really don't care, a song plays and he starts singing
he's too drunk now but we're both having a good time and singing along.

Two guys come over to ask for a photo with him and i take it, after that he doesn't leave my side. he starts telling me stories about some of the drivers. about his time in 2020 making live streams with them.

"I'll have to search them up" i tell him, he laughs a lot and tells me to do it.

I like his laugh, it's like he can't breath but it's cute in a weird way.

We start dancing again and he starts twirling me around, i can't stop smiling "You are a pretty good dancer" he's not but i tell him to tease him "I know right? my mother taught me" he says smiling.

It's late but it's time to leave, i get a taxi and i have to practically carry him into the back seat, i sit down next to him and he's sleepy so he rests his head in my shoulder.

I start grabbing and playing with his hair, when we arrive to the hotel i get out and carry him to his room, he manages to take his room card and say "Goodbye Phoebe i had a pretty good time, i am going to miss you" "I'm hoping i'll see you soon" he says before hugging me.

"I promise we'll see each other soon" i hug him back and he gets inside his room and i leave for mine.
i'm meeting him for breakfast but still.

I'm in bed thinking and i get cartwheels in my stomach every time he walks in a room, every time he sees me.
and i forgot all about my ex.

Emails i can't send 💌:
(track 9: Nonsense)

i hope you catch the references to the Sabrina songs, if you don't listen to her, what are you doing??? go now

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i hope you catch the references to the Sabrina songs, if you don't listen to her, what are you doing??? go now.
anyway i'm putting the track # so you can know what i'm referring to and maybe listen to the song.

Favorite artist??

i'm liking how this is going, but this is just the start... love you all 💌🏎️

FEELS LIKE NONSENSE • CHARLES LECLERCWhere stories live. Discover now