A decided man

697 23 1

December 31, 2021- January 1, 2022


It's new year, i am in Monaco and we're spending it here.
Phoebe is back in LA with her sister and her family. We kissed and i have been thinking about her nonstop since that.

I fucked up when i told her to be just friends.
We talk all the time and i feel good when i'm around her.
I want her to be around every day, every race. good or bad one so yes, i fucked up, my mom told me, my brothers told me and even Carlos told me.

The past weeks i have been training for the season, i know F1 will be a priority but i still can manage being with someone who makes me happy. I did it which Charlotte and in the moment everything was good until it wasn't. that's not important right now.

But it can work with Phoebe too.
She's amazing we always have a great time and i like her a lot. we have been friends for four months and one of them there has been "tension" i guess. we also kissed.

I guess it wouldn't be bad if we were more than friends. She gets the F1 things and i know she would support me and go to the races.
She is working on an album but she can do what she likes anywhere.

If one day she decides to go on tour we also can make it work.
So after new year i will tell her the idea and see what she wants.

It's been a few hours, i am a little bit drunk.
it's almost midnight and i want to talk to Phoebe so i do.
i call her "Hey" she says she sounds good "Heyy Phoebee" i say and she laughs "Are you drunk charles?" she asks me "A little probably" i say to her "Are you okay?" she says.

"Yes, i was thinking about you. everyone misses you" i say, in reality yes everyone misses her but that mostly means i miss her "Aw i miss everyone, tell them i said hi" always so nice she is.

"I miss you" oops i didn't mean to it just came out i hear her breath "i do too, it's still a bit early here" she says and the i hear the countdown.


"I'll let you go, Happy new year Charles. we will see each other soon" she says to me "Yes phoebe, Happy new years" i say to her.

"Happy New Years!!!""
everyone shouts.
we all hug and it's a new year.
new things to come.



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@phoebemacky: Happy New Year from your favorite duo

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@phoebemacky: Happy New Year from your favorite duo. New things to come!!!
🩵👥👩🏽‍❤️‍👩🏽✨🎆💖 @madisonbeer


username23: fav duo is back!!!!!
username56: you're not with charles?
username817: WHEN IS THE MUSIC COMING?????
madisonbeer: 2022 here we come!!!!!
username71: i love you
username16: please die
carla.brocker: so pretty. miss u!
username155: I HAYE U
username5: no charles comment?
charles_leclerc: Love the blue! 🤍
username5: spoke too soon
username23: a heart!??????? we're advancing with the interactions
username23: what was your new year goal?
—phoebemacky: to meet taylor swift.
username22: she's just like me


January 6, 2022
(time skip sorry)

Charles: You should come a week to Monaco

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Charles: You should come a week to Monaco

Phoebe: i should? why?

Charles: Cause i want to see you? and i have to tell you some thing.

Phoebe: why don't you tell me on the phone?

Charles; Phoebe you're being difficult. please just come to Monaco?

Phoebe: when?

Charles: In two days? i will buy everything

Phoebe: okay but i'll stay a week. okay?
i have a few meetings after.

Charles: Perfect i'll see you then 😘

Phoebe: don't use that emoji...

Charles: Why not?

Phoebe: don't worry!!! just don't

lighter chapter! this is getting somewhere...
i don't want this story to be that long but i just can't, i keep adding stuff for the future of the story. hahaha we will see

anyway, love you all 💌🏎️

FEELS LIKE NONSENSE • CHARLES LECLERCWhere stories live. Discover now