Private not secret

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notphoebs: someone is acting suspicious as hell. send help.
retweets 2.3 k.                  likes 20.2k.

username1: why? who?
username55: GUYS SHES IN MONACO!
username00: how do u know?
username55: she was seen in the airport
username63: phoebe i need more of you. music interviews whatever but please
username21: bitch tell us
madisonbeer: suspicious guy.
username12: so.. they're talking about a guy, charles maybe?
charles_leclerc: who? 🧐
—notphoebs: 😡
username56: it's definitely him.

January 10, 2022


I have been in Monaco 2 days, Charles is acting weird as fuck, like he is the same but not. i don't even know.

I decided that i like him, but if he said to just be friends i'll respect his wishes.
I saw Arthur yesterday, without charles and i'm liking the friendship i'm forming with him.

He's super funny they have the same voice it creeps me out.
Charles was all jealous asking me why he couldn't come, i said he wasn't invited and he just pouted and stayed playing video games.

Kind of cute if i'm honest.
Anyway today we have planned going around in bikes.
I like that, normal and fun, kind of our thing.

He has been training too while i'm here, im staying in his house. it's so cute just how i imagined it.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks me and i nod getting up from the couch
We head towards where we are renting the bikes.

We start cycling and he's ahead of me i take out my phone "Charles!" i shout he turns and i take a picture he smiles and i smile.

We do this for a few hours. we return to the house and watch a movie.
He has planned a few other activities.

 He has planned a few other activities

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January 13, 2022


Phoebe is leaving in two days so today is the day.
the day i will ask her if she wants more. because i do. i really do.
I'm really nervous and i don't think she's expecting it.

We are at the dinner, she is telling me all about the music she is making.
she looks pretty when she is excited talking about the things she loves.

"Yes i have a few ideas i'm excited about" she says "Like what" i say interested "I won't tell you it will have to be a surprise" she says.

"You still owe me those guitar classes" i say remembering "Ohhh right i'd love to" she says "Soon, you promise?" i say smiling and she puts up her pinky.

We talk a lot more, never slowing down.
Until i feel ready "So phoebe i need to tell you something" i say my voice shaky.

"Sure" she says "So i think you're an amazing girl, my family really loves you and you make me happy and i'm really lucky to have you in my life" i say pausing she nods.

"I really don't know why i told you to be just friends, i don't want that. I like you a lot and i was dumb for telling you that after the kiss" i say her eyebrows are up looking surprised.

"So what i am trying to tell you is, i don't want to be friends i want more" i tell her finally, she just starts smiling like a crazy person.
i wait.

"I like you a lot charles, and i love your family i think i like them more than you" she says and i gasp "i'm kidding but yes i want more than friends" she says.

I lean so we're sitting side to side i grab her chin and turn her to look at me, i kiss her and she kisses me back, my hand is in her cheek and her hands are in my hair.

We pull apart and start giggling.
i wink at her as a joke and she laughs more
"So i guess we're boyfriend and girlfriend?" she asks "I guess we are" i say to her.

"I'm kind of private about my personal stuff and i know you're not so we can keep a balance" she says to me and i like that "Yes of course, we don't have to announce but also we don't have to hide" i say.

She nods "Also i won't deny i have a boyfriend but i won't say who it is okay?" she tells me and i understand "Okay, then i will do the same" i say and take her hand.

We walk hand in hand laughing and smiling and talking and kissing.

I'm happy.


Phoebs 💖: guess what?????

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Phoebs 💖: guess what?????

Mads 🩵: what???




Mads 🩵: i'm so happy for u, LOVE U HAVE FUN

okay they're official, finally!!!!!
races soon, big time skip soon!

love reading comments! love y'all 💌🏎️

FEELS LIKE NONSENSE • CHARLES LECLERCWhere stories live. Discover now