Yacht date, as friends

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Charles: Hey phoebe, bring a bathing suit

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Charles: Hey phoebe, bring a bathing suit

Phoebe: hey charles, okay...
what for?

Charles: Its a surprise!!

Phoebe: okay then see you later

November 2,2021


His text message was weird, but i guess we are doing an activity that requires a bathing suit, im sure it will be fun.

He is the type of guy to be just like me, that likes to do fun stuff, out of your comfort zone stuff so i trust him.

He picks me up, we listen to Coldplay
i love it, he has good music taste
we arrive to the place and i realize it's the yacht club.

Omg, amazing
this looks cool and i bet he has amazing things planned. i don't see anyone else so i guess it's just us.

He helps me up into the yacht
"Thank you" i tell him and he's still grabbing my hand he smiles in return.

i ask him about the boat and he explains, he talks with ease and i don't feel like i'm being mansplained i feel like he just likes to teach me about the stuff that he likes.

We start sailing and i feel good.

At one point we stop in the middle "do you want to snorkel?" i knew he had planned something good "Oh my god yes" i kind of shout and jump in excitement. he laughs at me.

"You look excited, it's cute" he tells me and i can feel myself blushing. and i never blush. ever.

we jump into the water, with the equipment on, he splashes me "Hey!" i shout at him and splash him back, we both start laughing.

"Come on, let's found flounder" he says and i laugh "okay Ariel" i say to him and he actually catches the reference, i mean duh he made the reference.

I'm not the brightest crayon in the box
but oh well.

We start swimming, we see all kinds of fishes, really colorful ones, big and small ones
we see a turtle and i smile so so big my cheeks hurt, i haven't had an experience like this ever.

we come up for air "You're having fun?" he asks while we float "So so much fun, been a while since i've had fun like this" i say back
he looks at me and smiles and then grabs me by the arm and drowns me.

I come up for air, and splash him and we fight in the water, he has his snorkel mask in his forehead and he looks super cute, like a happy kid.

FEELS LIKE NONSENSE • CHARLES LECLERCWhere stories live. Discover now