Start of Holidays

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December 18, 2021


Today we leave for the Alpes and i'm so fucking excited but so fucking nervous.
I've talked with Charles a lot. we're getting close.

After the last race and getting 7 on the drivers championship he was sad and needed comforting, he was glad for Carlos but disappointed in himself, i can understand that.

He's being seeing a therapist and I have too.
its doing its job, i guess..
Anyway, my holidays start today with my crush who is also my friend
i love getting into complicated situations.

We have planned amazing things for the trip, skiing, climbing, ugly sweaters for christmas (Charles idea) and all of that stuff.

I already met his family, they are really lovely, i can get why he's such a gentleman and a simply a good person.

I get along with Arthur the best, he and Charles have the same voice i get confused sometimes who's taking to me.
his girlfriend is a fan but we're friends now, i also gave her an inside scoop of the new music.

And promised that she will have tour tickets if i ever do a tour.
His mom, Pascale is lovely, so so nice and always making sure i'm comfortable.
I really love this family and i'm glad i'm on this trip with them.


December 20, 2021

we have been here like two days, we have played board games and shouted at each other during those said board games.

Today we're going skiing, im pretty good at it
Charles doesn't believe me.
I am using a pretty cute outfit and Charles has been looking super cute with his red nose.

Every time Arthur and i see him we start singing Rudolph the red nose reindeer.
like now "Rudolph the red nose reindeer had a very shining nose!!!" we both start singing at the same time while charles is walking out of his room in his outfit to ski.

He glares at us and we start laughing while we high five "It's not funny" Charles says "it is kind of funny" i say to him, he grabs my beanie that's in the table and puts it in my head.
I smile up at him and he smiles back.

Arthur clears his throat and we scramble apart. awkward...
"Should we go?" Carla Arthur's girlfriend says, "Yess let's go" i say to them, i kind of feel bad that they all have to speak english because of me, i don't speak french and i'm the only one here.

But Charles will have to teach me sometime soon "Hey remember that time you told me to teach you guitar?" i tell him while we walk toward the village that has the ski lift to the mountain, he hums "Well i thought that in exchange of that you could teach me some french?" i say.

He smiles at me "Why? i mean of course but why?" he asks "Well so it's not that hard for me to understand when you talk and also to communicate with your family i guess" i say shyly.

"Wow" he stares at me and hugs me "Well i'll teach you, yes" he says and we get to the lift, it goes over the mountain to the top of it.

When we're on top i say to him "i challenge you to a race" "You remember you're talking to a professional racer?" he asks teasingly "Yup but i'll beat you come on"

We count to three and i go, i'm fast he's fast and we're both laughing, we're racing and i feel so good.
We come to a stop at the same time "I won" i say "We are tied" he says back to me "No we're not, i won" i say again and then a thought comes to me.

I grab a bit of snow, turn it into a ball and throw it at him, he gasps and says "Oh my godt" i start full on laughing, bending over and grabbing my knees, the i feel a snow ball too.

Before i know it we're in a snowball fight
then he grabs me and throws me over the snow.
he's practically on top of me and then he smiles and leans over, almost kissing me.

"Come one guys, let's do another race but the 4 of us!!!" Arthur shouts and we break apart.

We get up, and go over to them
we start racing again and again until we're tired and go have lunch with Pasacle and Lorenzo.

We all chat, a few other family members are coming too but just the day of christmas.
Later we will have dinner and the rest of the days we will be doing this among other things.



Charles Leclerc and Phoebe Macky ski trip together?

Charles Leclerc and Phoebe Macky ski trip together?

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So we have seen these two a lot recently, yacht dates, brasil together and now they're on a ski trip a few days before Christmas?
things are getting serious.

And they were not alone!!! they are there with Charles family, so pretty serious if we're being honest.
You don't spend your holidays together with the family if you're just friends right?

Are they a couple? do we like them together? are they over both their exes?
who knows?

What we do know is they seem to be pretty close...
We will see if we get to know more about them or we see clues on their instagrams.
for now let us know your opinions on this new couple.

tap here for other articles

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username11: I HATE THIS
username677: he's mine wtf
username52: this is none of our business
username00: this slut
username21 i mean.. with the family? this is serous guys
username562: she's pretty
username18: at least she's not his ex's friend

not a kiss yet! soon i think? Arthur cockblock
Soon social media chapters so it doesn't get too much... tell me if you like the real life or what.

love you all!!! 💌🏎️

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