Chapter One

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This is what I imagine the main four to look like at the moment of the story ⬆️ yes Kyle for me canonically has glasses 🫶(Not my fanart)

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This is what I imagine the main four to look like at the moment of the story ⬆️ yes Kyle for me canonically has glasses 🫶
(Not my fanart)

Read the Pilot Chapter before reading this story , you might get confused about a few things! And if you already read it then I recommend reading it again because I might have changed a thing or two.
Warning. Suggestive themes.

It's been over 2months since when I learned that I was going to move to South Park and I was soon gonna move out , it was summer now and in h/t its pretty hot here. I was chilling on my pc watching YouTube . When I suddently came to the realization that I was soon gonna move. I looked around my room it was almost empty , boxes on top of eachothers as I laid on my bed my laptop on my lap. I quickly decided to text Kk since I was slowly starting to be more and more excited to move.

Kk 😜

Guess what

What 💀

I'm going to move in two weeks 😱

Wooow cool.

You clearly do seem happy for me.
Are you not excited for your bestie?

Awh 🥺

No 💀

Rude ass bitch

Anyways I'm hanging out w my friends don't bother me



I rolled my eyes thinking about who truly could be Kk. I wondered how he looked like and what was his real name , I know he told me he couldn't tell me because his mom was very very strict about internet informations . I sighed before going back to watching YouTube .


I was walking out with my friends , Stan , Kenny and Cartman , we were going to go to the mall to laugh at all the edgy stuff there was at Hot-Topic . It was Cartman's idea. I feel my phone vibrate as Stan was talking to me . I sigh before looking at the Notification from Uni , I smile as I see that she called me her bestie . I was excited for her but I couldn't admit it of course.
"hey Kyal c'mon lets go see the dildos!" Cartman said snickering as he entered the mall and pointed to the Hot-Topic. Kenny chuckled at the word "dildo". I rolled my eyes at Cartman as I put back my phone in my pocket.

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