Chapter Five

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Hi guys! Just a quick info for you all , I was thinking of maybe starting to make one shots on Tumblr or Wattpad , so they would be anything from ; Angst , Fluff , Platonic , Smut and any of your guy's requests . I'll put more informations if needed on my Tumblr page !
User : aily-uk
Also don't forget to add me on discord to join my server! (Look on my profile for informations)

(First person)

The next two days went by normally, just staying at home and finishing to fully decorate my room. I sighed I finished organizing my closet, I was sweating... I took a step back to admire my work , knowing it would only last a week or more until it gets as messy as my old room was.

I flop back into my bed , exhausted of all the cleaning and stuff. Moving in was hard . I take my phone that was charging on my bed. To check the notifications ... And I see a notification from that  Kenny guy.

Kenny 👍

Hey new girl

Me the guys wanna know if you want help with finding your way around town 🤷🏼

Oh I mean sure

When though ?

Well we are at the park right now

You can join us and we can show you around.👌

Alright sure I'll be there in 10mins
Cya 😋


Each time I waited about 20 seconds for an answer, that was kinda funny. Well anyways I need to get going. I sat up and looked at the time.  It's 2pm , I'm good it's not too late. I got up from my bed and went to my fully organized closet. I searched through it all to find an outfit that would fit my mood and situation...and by then my closet was already a mess. Great, All this time organizing for nothing...

I quickly put on an outfit and put on some mascara , gloss , highlighter and curled my lashes before rushing out of my bedroom with my shoulder bag that had my money , keys and phone in it. All the essentials were in that bag. My parents were on the couch watching TV so when I walked downstairs I quickly kissed them both on the head

"I'm going out. I'll be back before dinner" I said with a smile before quickly opening the door .
"Alright! Stay safe!" My mom said with a smile

"Don't forget your taser." My dad said and I smirked. Pulling it out of my bag to show him
"That's my girl . Stay safe Hun" he said with a smile before I went out the door . And walking fast to the park that I saw when arriving here.

When I got to the entrance of the park I noticed that there were four boys I saw last time , but also Clyde and 2 more. I slowly approached them as they looked like they were having an argument of some sort . The only ones not participating in the argument were the curly haired one and the black haired one. They were standing away from the group of guys . So I decided to walk up to them instead of the obviously busy group . I stood behind the red haired one. Shit I forgot their names...

"Hey..." I said softly and he jumped a little before turning around and seeing me . He sighed in relief as the black haired one took a step forward to stand next to him to face me. "How are you guys?.." I say smiling as I try to ignore the fact that I couldn't remember their names...

"Hey y/n. We're fine , what about you? How has your day been?" Kyle asks with a smile but he seems a little on edge...
"Um well it's been fine for now. Can I ask...what's happening over there?.." I asked looking at the group of guys arguing, from one side was Kenny , Cartman , and a blond guy with short hair and who seemed a little worried. On the other side was a black hair guy with a blue hat , Clyde... and...Tolkien?!

My eyes widen, no fucking way!

"Don't worry about them , it's just Cartman making drama about ice cream flavors..." The black haired guy said as he looked back at the others arguing... Oh yes now I remember! It's Stan and Kyle . "Oh...uh that - Tolkien?..." I ask the two guys and they look at me with a surprised and confused face.
"Yeah? You know him?" Kyle asks as he looks back at Tolkien.
"Yeah ! Back from my old school and town!" I say excitedly "but he moved away in the middle of the school year back in fourth grade.." I add with a sad smile . I feel nostalgia as I think back to when he left and I was so sad.

The three of us walked to the boys arguing and they all turn to us , I notice Tolkien looking at me with a confused expression. Does he not recognize me?

"Hey y/n" says Kenny with an awkard smile , probably embarrassed about seeing him arguing like that.

"Y/n?! No way?!" Tolkien exclaimed as his eyes were wide. The other boys looked at Tolkien, confused.

I smile happily before running to him and hugging him
"No fucking way ! How is that possible?!" Tolkien adds as he hugs you tightly

"I moved here recently, I didn't know you were here!" I said as we broke the hug and looked at eachothers with excitement, happiness and nostalgia.

"What.. is happening here?" Cartman said as he crossed his arms

"Me and y/n used to be bestfriends back before I moved here!" Tokien said with a bright smile

"Damn! That's so cool!" Clyde exclaims happy for his bestfriend.

"Yeah! And we also used to date" Tolkien says with a chuckle , and I laugh too , all that nostalgia...

"What." Cartman says with a glare as his arms drop to his side.

I am so extremely sorry for updating so late
I had lots going on right now . And didn't have much time to update or write.
But I promise I'll try to update more.

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