Chapter Eight

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(First person)

After Kenny, Cartman and Butters got out of the cold water , they were all freezing to death... I luckily had a jacket and a coat on , so I decided to give one of them my coat ... But which?...

I look at Cartman , he didn't have much on his shoulder, but to be honest, I don't think my coat would fit him... I then look at Kenny , remembering that I had also his coat that he gave me earlier before running after Cartman. I had given it to Tolkien tho , and he was already walking towards him to hand it back to Kenny . So I looked at Butters , I smile before walking towards him and handing him my coat , he looked up at me with a innocent gaze.
"There , you can take it. I don't want you to catch a cold." I say with a kind smile as he slowly took the coat from me , still looking up like he was mesmerized...

Is he...okay?...

I'd smile awkwardly as he continued staring in awe instead of putting the coat on.

"Butters?! You are gonna give your coat to Butters?!" Eric exclaimed loudly , making everyone turn around to look at him while he was already looking in my direction.
"What?" I'd ask , confused by what he was meaning.

"You aren't gonna give your coat to me?! When I was so nice to be one of the first to welcome you in the town!" Cartman would yell , I mean , he would have a tantrum.
"Dude! Calm down! What is going on?!" A voice said coming from behind us , I'd turn around and see Kyle looking at us ,confused , Stan was walking next to him , seeming just as confused.

"Ugh... Nothing of your business, you fucking Jew!" Cartman would yell back at Kyle before turning away and walking off angrily. Kyle sighed as he approached while Cartman disappeared out of sight.

"What even happened? Why are Kenny and Butters soaked?" Stan asked confused and weirded out by the situation.

"Nothing , just Cartman being an annoying ass, like always." Kenny said with a cold voice as Tolkien rubbed Kenny's shoulders to try and make him warmer, since his teeth's were practically chattering.

Meanwhile, I helped Butters get the coat on his shoulder . Giving him a light pat on the back when it was fully on , he smiled back at me kindly.

"The fuck did he do this time?" Kyle asked with an annoyed eye roll.

"We'll tell you about it when we get somewhere warmer. Because I think right now , is not the best time for Kenny and Butters." Clyde said with a sigh.

"We can go hang out at my house, guys." Tolkien said with a small nonchalant shrug

"Hell yeah , I haven't hung out at your house since forever. I wonder how different your house might be from the old ones." I say with a chuckle.

"I'm sorry , did you just say ones? As in PLURAL ?" Kenny would say with a shocked look on his face.
"Yeah? Does he only have one house here?" I'd ask with a confused expression

"Yeah , but you'll see." Tolkien reassured with a smirk.

Another small update...

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