Chapter 6

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*Sexual content warning, pretty much randomly from here on out. *

Eric led Rae through the compound, and she almost had to jog to keep up with his long, brisk strides. He lead her down a series of hallways, Rae trying to pay attention to where they were going. He eventually came to a hallway that had numbered doors on either side. He walked up to a door numbered '207 'and took out a set of keys. The lock clicked and Eric pushed open the door, holding it briefly for Rae as she stepped into the room as well.
  She found herself in a small living room, two doors against the wall to the right, large windows lined the wall directly opposite the door. A small yet modern kitchen stood off to the left with a little bar that separated it from the rest of the space. It felt rather un-lived in to Rae, although a couple of books lie on the coffee table, along with a dirty coffee mug.
"Is this where you live?" Rae asked, to which Eric only nodded as he kicked off his shoes into a little closet that stood by the door. He also shrugged off his jacket and hung it up, turning to Rae.
"Bathroom is over there," he pointed at one of the two doors to their right. "Get in the shower, I'll be there in a few minutes."
  He turned on his heel and walked in to the kitchen as Rae stared after him for a moment, stunned. She walked nervously into the bathroom, turning on the shower like he had told her to. She studied her reflection for a moment as the shower water began to warm up. This was happening. Her stomach was way passed fluttering, it was doing flips. She was nervous, but also felt a delicious thrill of excitement. Sex is something Rae had no experience with. She was sure that Eric, whose virginity probably hadn't been safeguarded until it could be delivered to the highest bidder, had plenty of experience. She wanted this, and not only because of her absurd desire for the Dauntless leader. Her innocence had been bought and paid for without her consent, and this was her way of reclaiming what was rightfully her to give to who she chose. While she was fully aware that this was not a wise choice, it was inevitable. There was just something about the young leader that had captivated her from the moment she'd seen him.
  Without allowing herself another thought, Rae undressed and entered the shower, pulling the curtain shut behind her. A few minutes passed as she washed her hair. Just as she reached for the bar of soap, the door to the bathroom opened. Rae heard the sound if ice clinking in a glass as he entered, closing the door.
"Here, want a drink?" He asked, and handed her a glass through the curtain without looking around it. Rae took it, tossing back a long drink of the alcohol. After she swallowed the harsh tasting liquid, she mustered enough courage to ask sarcastically,
"You won't dangle me from a train again, will you?" She reached her hand around the curtain to hand Eric back the glass, when all of a sudden the curtain was thrown to the side, causing Rae to jump. At some point before he had entered the bathroom he had undressed. Every inch of him was exposed to Rae, and her to him. She blushed, and crossed an arm over her breasts self consciously. He grabbed the drink from her hand and set it on the bathroom counter without taking his eyes off of her. Stepping into the shower, he cupped her face in his hands and tilted her chin so that she was looking up at him.
"The next time you dump alcohol all over me, I will THROW your sweet little ass right in to the chasm." Although his voice was steady and low as he said it, Rae saw genuine grin spread over his features, brightening his face in a way that made her smile too.
He leaned into her and kissed her deeply. She stood on her toes, returning the kiss earnestly. A small moan escaped her lips as she felt his very large erection press into her stomach. It caused a tingling ache that pulsed heavily through her body. The nervousness hit her again in full force but she tried her best not to show it. She must have hesitated because he reluctantly slowed the kisses he was trailing along her collarbone.
"Auraelia," he breathed, pulling back from her slightly. "A-are you sure- is this, uh.... I mean..." Eric searched her eyes, looking for an answer to a question that he wasn't sure how to ask. Rae smiled suddenly, biting back a giggle. Watching Eric stumble upon his words was so out of character for him that it was almost comical. She erased her smile immediately however, when she saw his eyes change from uncertainty to a dark, burning glare. She lowered her gaze, but in a split second Eric's fingers tangled through her long black hair, pulling downwards sharply. Her eyes were forced to meet his. She could not place the look he was giving her now, but it was intense.
"Do you want this, or not?" He asked the question with a low growl, sounding almost desperate. His face wasn't even an inch from hers, his chest rising and falling as his breathing quickened in anticipation.
Consumed by his sudden intensity, Rae was unable to answer. Her mouth simply forgot how to move. She settled on a slight nod of her head, as that was all she could manage. In an instant his hands were on her backside, gripping it firmly as he lifted her off her feet. He had her pinned against the shower wall in a split second and she wrapped her legs around his waist instinctively. He kissed her, and as he did, one of his hands found its way between her thighs.
Rae inhaled sharply, at the electric feeling that shot from her core to the very tips of her fingers. Eric pulled back slightly to look down at her face and she squeezed her eyes shut. He gently stroked his thumb over her most intimate place, sending waves of ecstasy crashing through her body with a force she would have never guessed possible. Her breathing quickened to match the steady pace of his caress. She never imagined it could feel this good. No wonder those back in Amity were so sexually expressive. This was dangerously delicious, overwhelmingly devine. He continued his calculated rhythm until eventually she felt a surge of pressure deep within her, and thought for sure she was going to explode. Without noticing, she dug her fingernails into the skin on the back of his neck, trying but failing to stifle her soft moan as she let her head fall back against the shower wall. Suddenly he stopped. As soon as he was no longer touching her, she was hungry for more.
"Eric..." She groaned, looking up at him through her lashes. "Please."
He gazed down at her, his own eyes dark with lust. She was so sweet, her cheeks flushed pink with pleasure.
"Please what?" He smirked.
She blushed fiercely, too shy to say what she so badly wanted. Even now, despite what he had just done to her, Eric was still intimidating. Biting her lip, she lowered her eyes.
"I... I don't want you to stop." She finally groaned, her body practically shaking with need. Unable to wait any longer, Eric grabbed Rae firmly by both hips. Before she had any time to react, he brought her hips to his, and pushed himself into her. Rae buried her face in his shoulder, crying out as a slow, stinging burn spread through the most sensitive part of her.
He rocked back and forth inside her, moving more carefully. Her discomfort was not lost on him, although he was a little caught off guard by it. Rae squeezed her eyes shut, forcing herself to breath out her nose. Never before would she have imagined how big he would feel inside of her.
"Amity... relax." Despite the unwelcome nickname, he spoke the words close to her ear and they almost seemed soothing. Taking a deep breath, she did her best to relax into him. It didn't take long after that for the pain to subside, turning into a different kind of burn. One that woke her up, heightening all of her senses. She tilted her chin up to look into Eric's intense blue eyes, feeling brave. They held each others gaze for only a moment before she brought her lips to his. They moved together, her hips meeting every thrust of his own. In no time at all they had both become lost in each other, tongues dancing, backs arching, hands exploring. She sighed, giving up any semblance of self control to him.
Neither was aware of how much time had passed. In those moments nothing beyond them existed, only the wild passion that had consumed them both. Eventually, Eric's rhythm became quicker, more intentional. For the second time since he joined her in the shower, Rae felt a delicious pressure begin to build deep in her belly.
"Oh fuck... Eric!" She moaned his name and he felt himself harden even more than he thought possible inside of her.
  Subconsciously Eric bit down hard her neck, letting out a long, low groan, as he kept himself from exploding. It had been a very long time since he'd been with anyone, and she felt so much better than he expected. He had to satisfy her before he found his own release. As if on cue, he felt her body tighten almost unbearably around his. Rae felt the shock waves of her orgasm tear through her so hard that she felt there would be nothing left of her when he was finished with her.
"I'm... oh god Eric, I-I think I'm-"
Her eyes closed as she was thrown off the edge of reality. She was acutely aware of his teeth still clenching down on her shoulder as he growled out her name, or the way he slammed into her as if his life depended on it.
"Fuck... Rae... fuck-"
His body stalled as he finally succumbed to his own orgasm, momentarily blinded as he relished the moment. Too long, it had been too long. Had it always been this good? Had it been so long since he got any action that he forgot it felt this good? He sure didn't remember a woman ever feeling quite this incredible.
Rae let herself relax into him, trembling. Eric held her tight. She kept her head against his shoulder and tried her best to steady her ragged breathing, feeling his chest rose and fall rapidly. She was exhausted, and her legs felt too weak to support her.
Sensing her exhaustion, Eric shut off the water without losing his hold on her. As he pulled himself out of her, he noticed the faintest trickle of red swirl down the shower drain. His eyes widened as he realized what that probably meant.
That couldn't have been her first time. He thought to himself, suddenly furious. At least, it SHOULDN'T have been. Not like that.
He felt the familiar bubbles of anger rise up in him, but when he looked down at Rae it seemed to evaporate completely. She lay there in his arms, her head against him. He smiled to himself as he realized she was already starting to fall asleep. Shoving the curtain aside, he grabbed a towel from the rack nearest them and wrapped it around her. Depleted of energy now as well, he carried her into his bedroom and lie down with her still clutched tightly in his arms.
This girl is kind of a badass. He thought to himself, before settling into the sea of blankets and falling quickly to sleep as well. A tiny, sexy little badass.

Short but JUICY chapter! I am taking a break from the new stories I've started in order to edit this one. I really feel like the characters need to be explored a bit more than they were originally. I was so eager to finish that I left out a lot of detail. If anyone is re reading, I hope you enjoy the changes! If you are reading this now the first time, HI! Glad you get to experience this story at its best! Don't forget to comment/vote or both! It all gives me life to keep on keepin' on!

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