Chapter 16

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Rae lay frozen in Eric's arms, wondering if she'd heard him correctly. She figured that it had to be a mistake.
"You can't love me." Was all she said, sitting up.
"I can't? Why not?" He propped himself up on one elbow, and she could just barely make out the outline of the amused look on his handsome face.
" just can't. Because nobody loves me. Because you're Eric for fuck's sake."
This only made him chuckle, which in turn frustrated Rae even more. "Yeah, I'm 'Eric'. I'm a Dauntless leader. I scare people shitless for a living. Falling for a little Amity girl who doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut was definitely NOT on the agenda for me. I already told you, I didn't have a choice."
Rae didn't know what to say. She looked downward and stayed quiet for a long time, waiting for this to make sense. But it didn't make sense to her, and she had no idea what to say.
"Rae?" Asked Eric, after a few minutes of tense silence had passed.
"Hmm?" She hummed distractedly, lost in her contemplation. She began to feel the sting of tears forming in the corners of her eyes.
"Do you love me?"
He'd asked so directly, so simply. Rae thought about the way she felt when he touched her, when he kissed her. She thought of how on fire she felt when they made love and how safe she felt when he held her. She thought of how he had saved her life, and when he dropped everything to follow her to Amity, only to see to it that she was okay.
She also felt scared, because he didn't know about her betrothal to Marcus or that she was Divergent. Not to mention, she didn't know much about Eric either. This was anything but simple, however she was absolutely certain of one thing.
"Yes, Eric. I love you. I don't know what you see in me, but I love y-"
His lips consumed hers before she finished her sentence. He kissed her in a desperate way, as if he'd been waiting to say this for some time. She marveled at how his tough exterior melted away beneath her touch, and for the night, he became just as vulnerable as her.
Rae's job working for Max started smoothly. She found most of his files already organized and we'll cared for. Max explained that her job duties would include just about anything he needed, but Rae found that he didn't seem to need a whole lot. She spent most of her time going over member work hours charts and factionless crime reports.
One night, Rae and Eric were sitting down to dinner alone in his apartment. They'd both had a busy week, but Eric seemed to be in a great mood. When they both finished, Rae stood to clear their plates. Eric, however, stopped her.
"I'll take care of these. I got you a little something."
"You got me something? Like a gift?" Rae was confused.
"Yeah like a gift. It's in the bedroom, go check it out."
Rae narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously before hurrying into his bedroom. On the bed lay a long garment bag attached to a hanger. Approaching it, she slowly undid the zipper that ran down the length of it to the floor. Lifting the dress from its bag, she gasped lightly. It was a flowing black sleeveless ball gown. The skirt was full and long, while the bodice looked to be a leather corset. On the floor next to the dress was a matching pair of heels. Very sexy, very elegant, very...Dauntless.
Hearing a noise at the door, Rae turned to Eric looking stunned.
"You got this for me?" She stammered. He only nodded. "Eric, it's gorgeous. I don't know what to say. Thank you."
"I know it's extravagant, but I wanted you to have something nice to wear tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? You want me to lounge around the compound in this on my day off?!"
"Not exactly," laughed Eric. "There's an annual dinner-party-thing-whatever at Erudite that the Dauntless leaders have to go to every year. Jeanine does a big, black tie event. Basically she wants to know what we're up to and this is her way of finding out. I was the youngest person there last year, and one of the only people there without a date. It fucking sucked. I've planned on taking you as my date this year. I already told Max you were my plus one."
He hadn't exactly asked, so how could she say no? Throwing her arms around him, she showered him with kisses. Not only was Rae beyond happy to get out of Dauntless for a little while, she also secretly couldn't wait to put on that dress.
The next day, Rae spent the afternoon getting ready at Deidra and Jackson's place. Jackson was going to be attending as well, since he was a leader-in-training.
"You never thanked me, by the way." Said Deidra.
"Thanked you? Why am I thanking you?"
"Do you honestly think Eric just walked into a shop, happened to find a dress like this, and a pair of perfectly selected shoes to match, that both just happened to be flawlessly your size? AND THEN walked his beefcake self through the Pit, flaunting his pretty new dress? You've got to be joking."
"I should have known that he had help!" Rae exclaimed. She jumped up and hugged her friend. "Thanks, girl. This is a phenomenal dress."
"Yes, I know. I have impeccable taste." Deidra conceited.
They finished their hair and makeup and hurried into their dresses. It was nearing time to meet the others on the roof, and Jackson was already suited, waiting for them impatiently in the living room.
"I seriously cannot fathom what could take you two so damn long to get dressed." He was shouting to them.
"Beauty can not be rushed. Rae is my masterpiece tonight, it's her first fancy party!"
"Whatever you say. Let's GO before they leave without us."
"Okay, okay we're ready. Calm down!"
Rae didn't even recognize herself. Any trace of the Amity girl who had shown up in Dauntless 11 weeks ago had vanished. She caught up with Deidra and they followed Jackson out into the hallway. They hadn't taken two steps before they heard a door open. Turning, they watched as Eric emerged from his apartment and rushed to lock his door.
Rae's heart thudded at the sight of him in a suit and tie. He looked so good that she immediately wished they could go back inside his apartment, instead of going to a stuffy dinner.
The lock clicked into place and it was then that he realized he wasn't alone in the hallway. Upon seeing Rae, he stopped short. He stared blankly at her for a moment before a look of recognition crossed his features. He strode over to them, nodding a quick hello to Jackson and Deidra.
"Good evening." Eric said formally, offering Rae his arm and a light kiss. "We have to hurry. Max will be livid if we're late."
They walked quickly through the compound. They didn't pass too many people on their way, until they came near the Pit. Anyone who saw them stopped to stare in shock, as Eric, with Rae on his arm, led their perfectly dressed group through the arriving dinner crowd. Rae blushed fiercely, keeping her eyes low.
I guess we are official now.
They eventually came to a ground-level exit that Rae had never seen before. Once outside, they found Max, Heather and Sam waiting for them with their dates. They all greeted one another and got in to the cars that were waiting for them, but Rae could tell that they were all burning with curiosity. Seeing Eric with a girl- a recent Amity transfer at that- was completely unexpected.
The drive felt very long to Rae. It was filled with small talk and boring leader stuff. Eric's hand never left hers though, and she noticed he kept sneaking glances down at her.
At last they pulled into Erudite. Max and his wife got out first, Eric and Rae followed. They made their way up the clean, precise steps and started through the compound when Rae caught sight of a man walking a ways ahead, following along and taking with another group. The whole group was clad in Abnegation gray, and the man that caught her eye was their leader. Marcus Eaton.
Rae stopped abruptly, taking Eric by surprise. He turned to her as the others passed them, casting curious glances their way.
"Rae, what's wrong?" Asked Eric.
"Abnegation is here?" She asked quietly. She should have known the other factions would be here, should have thought this through. Now she had Eric with her. If she told him about Marcus, she feared Eric would do something unpredictable or even violent that would get him into trouble.
"Well yeah, the leaders and prominent members of all the factions are here. What's the matter?"
"Um... I'm nervous about seeing Johanna." It was a lie, and she was pretty sure Eric knew it.
"You're nervous about seeing that Amity broad?" He asked with a disbelieving laugh. "Rae you could probably snap her neck like a twig if you wanted to. You were the second ranking initiate in Dauntless training. She's a non-violent, tree-hugging, lover of peace. What the hell are you afraid of?"
"Its not so much her. I guess I'm just nervous in general... now that we're here I'm afraid to go in there. I don't feel like I belong here." His face relaxed slightly, and she could tell he sort of believed her. A pang of guilt hit her for lying to him, but now was not the time or place for the truth.
"Don't worry, little one. You look outstanding, you're actually kind of tolerable when you aren't taking back, and most importantly, you're with me. I won't let anyone give you trouble." For once, Eric succeeded at being reassuring. Rae knew she couldn't turn back now, so she allowed Eric to lead her along after their colleagues.
They entered a large, brightly lit room with a long table. They were the last to arrive, and Jeanine gave them a warm yet hollow sounding welcome. She floated over in her perfectly pressed navy blue cocktail gown to shake Max's hand. She greeted all the leaders and their guest, then eventually stopped in front of Eric. Rae, who'd been keeping her eyes locked on the floor, finally looked up when she approached. She attempted to appear confident as Jeanine shook her hand.
"You're Rae, right? So pleased to meet you. Maybe Eric here won't be so awfully bored this year, now that he had such a lovely date." She quipped lightheartedly. Rae felt Eric's body tense for a moment.
"Nice to meet you too, Jeanine. Thank you for having me."
They were ushered to the table, and Rae kept herself from making eye contact with anyone. It wasn't until they were seated, and she looked up that she realized she was seated right across from Marcus. When their gaze met, Rae's breath caught in her throat. His gaze was intense and made her stomach twist uncomfortably.
Jeanine called the attention of the table, and they began to eat. Rae only nibbled at her plate. She chatted a little with Sam's date, who she was seated next to.
"So, Rae. How are you enjoying your new faction?" Jeannine's voice cut through the crowd like glass, and all eyes were on Rae. Eric placed his hand on her leg and squeezed her thigh gently.
"I-um- I'm, enjoying it very much... thank you." She stammered awkwardly. Janine simply raised her eyebrows, urging her to continue. "It is definitely a lot different than Amity, but I'm adjusting." She added, earning a few chuckles here and there.
"Well, you certainly look the part." Said Jeanine.
"Rae is being modest," interjected Eric. " She was our second ranking initiate this last year, right behind our newest leader in training. If she aims a knife at you, you're already dead. Unfortunately, the girl can't throw a punch to save her life. So Jackson got the top spot. " He smiled down at Rae and she elbowed him playfully, thankful for him taking the spotlight off her even if it was at her own expense.
Jeanine then turned her attention to Jackson, who talked to the rest of the room effortlessly.
He was definitely meant for a leadership position. Thought Rae to herself. She looked up at Eric smiling gratefully, and he planted a kiss on her forehead. Just then, she felt Marcus's angry eyes burning into her. Their plates were taken and the guests began to loosen up. Some chatted amicably and others got up to stretch their legs.
"You barely ate your dinner Rae. Are you feeling okay?" Asked Eric.
"I'm fine. I just need to use the restroom."
He pointed in the direction she needed and she excused herself down the corridor.

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