Chapter 24

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  The party that followed Eric and Rae's wedding was one of the wildest that Dauntless had ever seen. The alcohol flowed generously, the cake was sweet and the music was loud. The whole faction seemed to have shown up to celebrate the young leader and his beautiful bride. Everyone was dancing, singing, laughing and shouting.
  Rae and Eric didn't put on much of a show; both were aching to be alone. Yet they stayed and graciously thanked all their guest who stopped to congratulate them. They ate a little food and cake, had more than a few drinks each, and as the late-summer night began to end, Eric even asked his wife to dance.
  It was a slow song, and Eric swept Rae close in to his arms as she lay her head on his chest. He began to sway gently with the music as he bent to whisper in her ear,
"I can't WAIT to ditch this shit-hole and have you all to myself."
  Rae sighed longingly in agreement. "Do you think it's too early to sneak out?" She asked, gazing at him hungrily through her lashes.
"As soon as this song is over, I'm taking you upstairs and putting you to bed. Just don't plan on doing much sleeping." His lips brushed lightly against her ear as he whispered the last sentence and it sent a shiver down her spine.
"Yes please." She whimpered quietly, and his lips pressed possessively against hers. 
  He kissed her deeply and for the first time he didn't care how many people saw it. She was his wife. He had waited what seemed like forever to be able to call her his. There was nothing to fear now.
  The song soon ended and as promised Eric scooped Rae up into his arms in traditional bridal fashion, carrying her up out of the pit as their onlookers whistled and shouted behind them.
  Eric, to Rae's amusement, carried her all the way up to their apartment. As he carried her through the door, Rae gasped. Strings of dim lights hung decoratively around the room, as well as candles lit on the tables. Soft music was playing from the radio. Rae smiled up at her Husband,
"Deidra did this?"
  He nodded, carrying her through the apartment and in to their bedroom. In addition to the lights and candles, the bed was covered in flower petals.
"Only Deidra could be this extra." Rae laughed. Eric cracked a quick smile before setting her gently on the edge of the bed.
  Kneeling before her, he slowly pushed up the skirt of her dress to just above her knees, grabbing one of her heels and gently removing it. He did the same with her other shoe, and then let his finger tips travel, feather-light, up her legs and over her inner thighs. Rae smiled and sighed again, thoroughly enjoying his rough hands on her skin. She leaned forward, kissing his lips lightly. He returned the kiss happily.
"I love you, Auraelia. You deserve the best life I can offer you. I may not have much to give, but it's all yours."
"Your love and time spent with me are more than I could ever ask for. You spoil me, Eric, you treat me like a princess when I'm anything but. I am so thankful for you. I keep thinking this is all a wonderful dream that I'm eventually going to be miserable to wake up from. I never imagined being this happy... this, you... us.... this is more than perfect."
  He smiled at her with one of his rare, big, genuine smiles. Kissing her again, he reached behind her dress and felt the delicate fastenings holding her dress together. Pulling away from his bride, he grasped her hands pulling her gently to a stand and turned her around.
"I didn't realize I'd have to put in this much work to get you naked." He muttered quietly, loosening the ties on the back of the dress slowly, his large fingers fumbling on the delicate fabric.  Rae giggled in response, glancing up over her shoulder at him.
  Her dress finally undone, Eric slid the sleeves off of her slender shoulders languidly, in no rush for this to be over. Once her arms were free, he let the dress fall in waves around Rae's feet. She stood facing away from him still, wearing nothing but black, lace panties. She looked so beautiful, he had to remember to breathe. He let his fingertips trail along the skin of her back, causing her to inhale sharply as goosebumps visibly made their way across her skin. He gently grasped her shoulders, turning her to face him, taking in the sight of her exposed body before pulling her into a tight embrace.
"You're so damn sexy." He growled into her hair, before lifting her up and kissing her. Making his way to the bed, he lay her on top of it, pressing his kiss deeper. She moaned lightly as his tongue brushed over her own, slightly frustrated at the barrier created between them by his suit that he still wore. His lips traveled down to her jaw, then to her neck, lightly biting at the sensitive skin.
  Rae attempted clumsily to push his jacket off his large shoulders. He sat up momentarily, removing only the jacket before continuing to kiss her, this time making his way down her collarbone. She felt the warmth of his breath on her tender breasts and moaned again, reaching for the buttons of his shirt. This time, he absently pushed her hands away and held her wrists so she couldn't interrupt him again.
  Rae yelped as his teeth grazed her nipple, arching her back. She was helpless as he moved his lips over her body, occasionally nibbling at her skin before running his warm tongue lightly over the bite. Rae tilted her chin up, groaning happily as Eric did as he pleased to her.
  It didn't take long for his mouth to find its way down across her abdomen, stopping just long enough to nibble at her hip bones and that sensitive area just under her belly button before letting her wrists go and nudging himself between her knees. She gasped as he bit down on the inside of one thigh, following it with feather light kisses, and then repeating the process in the other thigh. Rae ran a hand through Eric's hair.
"You make me so happy." She breathed, meeting his hungry gaze as he slid her panties off.
"I will always be here to make you happy, my beautiful wife."
  With that she let her head fall back as Eric's plump lips met her most sensitive area. She felt her body rock and twist with pleasure as his tongue hit all the right places. He knew every inch of her body so well. She lavished in the waves of ecstasy that washed over her as her husband tantalizingly teased her with the rhythmic movements of his tongue.
He stopped just short of her climax, kneeling over her and pushing himself into her instead. His lips met hers as she cried out in surprise. She could taste herself on his lips, his tongue. Rae had no time to acclimate to him inside her before he interlocked his fingers with hers, pressing her arms into the mattress above her head and thrust into her again and again. Not too fast, but unrelenting and possessive.
"You are mine. MY wife." He growled in her ear.
"Yes-yes Eric I'm yours. I'm all yours." She promised breathlessly.
He seemed more than satisfied with that as he rocked his hips into her again. He soon felt her body tense as her climax finally overcame her, watching as her body twisted and turned involuntarily in excessive pleasure. Cupping her face in one hand, he barely contained himself as her cheeks flushed and she looked up at him lovingly, her chest still rising and falling as she tried to regulate her breathing once more.
"You're so breathtaking." He said, not even attempting to hide his adoration.
The blush of her cheeks deepened and she giggled, completely overwhelmed by the compliments he was giving her.
"You're too good to me." She said, brushing her knuckles along the edge of his jaw.
"There's no possible way for me to be too good to you." He smiled at her.
Rae returned his smile. She let her hand drop down to his chest and her smile turned to a frown as she remembered his suit. Even now she felt annoyed at the barrier between them here in their own bed.
Eric laughed lightly as if he could read her thoughts.
"Don't worry little one, we have all night. I told you not to plan on sleeping."
Rae only narrowed her eyes at him, causing him to laugh again, sighing in mock defeat as he lifted his large hands to his collar and began to unbutton his shirt.
Smiling triumphantly, Rae rustled her fingers through the first few inches of his chest hair that was finally exposed.
"Ahh." She exhaled happily, settling back into the bed.
"It's not time to rest yet." He said, pulling her back off the bed and against his chest. Rae's eyes lit up as she nodded in response, eager to return the favor.


The week off that the newlyweds had been granted from work was, regrettably to both, coming to an end. It had been the greatest week of both their lives and they weren't excited about their first day back in the real world.
Rae had only been in her office for about hour before the door opened. She was surprised as Max entered. Standing to greet him, he lifted his hand to her.
"Have a seat, Rae. No need to get up on my account."
She only nodded, resuming her seat while he continued,
"I've come to bring you up to speed on an extremely important matter. I want to ask your forgiveness in advance for not making you aware of this information sooner, however I hope you'll understand the sensitivity of the task at hand."
  He paused, and Rae only nodded. She was slightly baffled trying to think of what sensitive information he thought she needed to know.
  "Erudite leader Jeanine Matthews is coming for a visit tomorrow. As you know, a new wave of initiates will be joining us as this years Choosing Day approaches. Erudite has been working on some new serums to improve our training methods, more efficiently train our initiates, and most importantly to assist in filtering out those who are a threat to our system."
  Rae only stared blankly.
"Divergents." He clarified.
  Rae's ears rang at the word. Life had been so perfect for her that she'd forgotten that she was one... one of those threats he spoke of. Divergent. Her palms began to sweat and she swallowed hard, knowing that he was waiting for her to respond.
Think like a Dauntless.
"Divergent? Is that a real thing?" She managed, sounding more convincing than she expected. She only hoped her expressions matched her tone.
  Max chuckled, "Of course it's a real thing. And Jeanine Matthews is working hard to use new ways to find them. To stop them. To keep the peace among factions. And since that is what we are here for, that responsibility lies on our shoulders."
  The words struck Rae like a sack of bricks, knocking the air from her chest. In that moment, her mind flashed back to that night in Four's apartment when he'd attempted to warn her about something that, at the time, she had found absurd. Yet here was Max, sitting in her office, talking to her about Jeanine's plan to find and stop the Divergents. She didn't want it to be real.
"What does that have to do with me, sir?" Rae croaked, her throat dry.
"I need you to be there to show her in. There's an available conference room in Corridor 3A ithat she will be requiring for her setup. I will have a team there specifically for heavy lifting to set up a few pieces of equipment needed to test the new serum formulas for the improved initiate training program. I'm excited to have your involvement on this Rae. You've made an excellent assistant."
He smiled as he leaned forward in his chair and clapping a hand on her shoulder.
"Thank you, sir." Rae managed a faint smile as she nodded, rising from her chair as he did.
"I told you there's no need to stand on my account, Rae." He reminded her as he exited her office.
Rae sat and just stare at the wall, frozen in a strange sort of internal panic.
I'll be fine, she thought. I've already passed initiation. I have nothing to worry about.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving (Indigenous Peoples Day for my fam :P)! I ate my heart out 💜 and finally got some decent writing in that I didn't delete afterward because I felt like it was garbage👎🏼 Again thanks so much to everyone whose still following along. I've also gone back and edited a lot of past chapters and made a few changes if your up to rereading!

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