Chapter 22

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This song is the whole reason I chose the name of this book. Lyrics are perfect! Please give a listen.

  Monday came again all too quickly, and both Rae and Eric went back to work. By the time Thursday rolled around, Rae felt relieved that she had barely seen Max so far that week. He'd been busy with a large number of scuffles that had broken out among the Factionless over the weekend. Many extra Dauntless were sent in to perform raids on their dwellings, and those raids had produced a number of illegal weapons. They had discovered Zachariah's body, however the recent attacks amongst the Factionless themselves covered up any suspicion that he had been killed by a member of Dauntless. 
Marcus Eaton's "accident" was a huge topic of discussion throughout all Factions. Jeanine had recently released a statement saying that they suspected the Factionless, what with the recent raids turning up all sorts of contraband. She made the promise of more intensive security installments throughout all Factions to deter any future attacks on anyone. This included more security cameras and more staffing for the control rooms. She concluded with high hopes for Mr. Eaton, that with intestive medicinal and mental therapy, he could regain some of his memory.
Rae only prayed that he didn't remember everything.
That morning, Max had asked her to go through and add the names of the members of society that had recently been rendered Factionless into their database. It was Dauntless responsibility to keep them in line, so every person that was deemed Factionless was documented. After their initial entry in to the system they were more or less forgotten about.
Rae had only a few files left before her lunch break when she came across a familiar name. She froze. Looking at the attached information it sank in that, at some point during the week, Eric had made good on his promise to her. He had somehow succeeded in making her father Factionless.
She sat still a moment, holding the Faction dismissal form in her hand lightly. Her breath seemed to catch in her throat as she read.
Reason for Faction Dismissal: Voluntary
She stared at the word 'voluntary'. He chose to leave on his own? That didn't make any sense to Rae. Surely Eric had to have something to do with his decision? She hurried through the rest of the paper work in record time and took her lunch.
She looked briefly around the cafeteria for Eric, but he had gone with Max to search more Factionless. Appetite gone, she grabbed water from the beverage station and sat against a wall. She watched the commotion of the cafeteria, and let her mind ease over her emotions. She was surprisingly calm.
"You okay?" A familiar voice stirred her from her thoughts.
Rae smiled up at Deidra, "Yeah I'm fine. Just people watching."
"I guess this is as interesting a place as any to do that." Deidra laughed, joining her against the wall.
They were soon joined by Shauna, and she spent the remainder of her lunch break catching up with her friends. They talked about their jobs, their boyfriends, upcoming parties, the next group of Dauntless initiates and just about everything in between. Rae was enjoying her conversation so much that she lost track of time. Once she caught sight of the clock on the wall, she jumped up.
"I have to get back to work. We really need a girls night soon!" She told her friends.
Agreeing, they hugged and Rae rushed from the cafeteria.
She was thankful that Max and the other leaders hadn't returned from Factionless yet. She sat down and got to work on her next task.
Eric didn't get home until late that night. Rae had prepared a quick dinner for them, and he ate quickly.
"I really appreciate this." He told her, motioning toward the table.
"It's no problem. I like to cook. Wish I could do more of it." She raised an eyebrow at him.
He only smiled, getting up to grab seconds.
"I have a question." She asked quietly. He raised his eyebrows at her from the kitchen.
"What's up?" He prompted.
"Did you...Well, um... I saw today that my father voluntarily left Amity. That he's Factionless now."
Eric smirked, laughing a little. "Yeah. I told you I'd take care of it and I did. You're welcome."
"Thank you!" She said hurriedly. "It just surprised me is all. He went voluntarily? How did you do that?"
"For some reason, convincing people to do things seems to be a special talent of mine. Especially spineless cowards like your dad." He said, still smiling, as he bent down to kiss her. "It really didn't take much. I just threatened to kill him unless he told Johanna what a worthless piece of shit he is and demand to be thrown out. Easy." He sat down and began to eat again.
Rae stared. He had made a promise to her and he had kept it. He'd dealt with her father the way he said he would, and didn't lay a hand on him. As she sat there she felt the sense of freedom really sink in, and she suddenly felt lighter as if much of the stress she carried with her had lifted. Eric looked up, catching her staring at him, and she blushed when he smiled.
"So... considering what happened last time I threatened that piece of shit for you, I'm in for a good night tonight...right?" Smiling at her still as he took another bite, she mocked being deep in thought.
"Don't be so quick to assume! I hadn't even thought about it actually." She said coyly.
Pushing his chair back and rising, he strode slowly to where she sat. He bent slowly, reaching down to intertwine his fingers in her hair. He heard her gasp as he pulled her head gently to the side, whispering in her ear,
"That's bullshit. You're thinking about me right now, aren't you?"
"Always. I'm always thinking about you." She confessed, whispering also.
His teeth bit into her neck, and she sighed happily as his hand slipped under the waistband of her jeans. Rae held tightly to his bicep as he touched her, and it didn't take long for her to reach her peak. Eric didn't even give her a moment to catch her breath before removing her clothes and taking her right there at the table.
The months that went by were as sweet as the apples from Amity fields. Rae couldn't ask for better friends. They had broken her out of her shell and provided her with reasons to smile since the moment she met them.
The sense of safety that Eric provided for her was only overshadowed by the love that grew between them daily. They didn't see much of each other during the weekdays as Eric worked late often. Rae had taken to staying late as well; the Dauntless leaders had been meeting with the leaders of the other factions, which meant she had stepped in to take more of Max's paperwork.
Yet every night they spent together. Not every night was perfect, yet they were together. They fought sometimes, they annoyed each other and they had each stormed out of their apartment in anger at times. However, every argument ended with them loving each other a little more, going to sleep and waking up with each other every day.
Rae was in love with her life for the first time. She was in control and in love and making a life for herself. Her job was modest yet she enjoyed it. Her friends were amazing.
She and Deidra had plans to go out for a drink that night. It had been a little while since she had seen her friend, due to their conflicting schedules and increasingly busy Dauntless life. Rae looked forward to catching up with her friend and decided to dress up for the occasion.
  After about an hour she was ready to go. As she went to leave, Eric walked in.
"Hey!" Rae smiled as she turned to him.
"Hey." He replied quietly.
  Rae furrowed her brows a little as she noticed his strange demeanor. He seemed uneasy, almost nervous. He noticed her concerned expression and shifted his weight, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. As he did his shirt raised a little, giving Rae a glimpse of his hip bones and sending a quiver down her spine.
"Are you leaving?" He asked her.
"I'm going to the pit to have a drink or two with Deidra." She explained. "We haven't seen much of each other in awhile."
  Eric met her eyes and didn't speak for a moment. When he did, he spoke quietly.
"Okay. Do you know when you'll be home?"
"I'm not sure... not too late. Eric, is everything alright?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. You okay?"
  She nodded, but couldn't shake the feeling that he was acting odd. They kissed goodbye, and there was nothing strange about the way he kissed her, long and deep. She almost changed her mind about going out so that she could stay wrapped in his arms, but she couldn't cancel on her friend. Tearing herself away from him, he gave her butt a little slap as she walked away.
  Deidra's smiling face welcomed her as she waved Rae over to her seat at the bar. The two girls hugged briefly before ordering drinks and taking their seats.
"How is the tattoo life treating you?" Rae asked her friend, who appeared to be sporting new ink down her bicep.
"It's great!" She gushed as she sipped her drink. "My work is getting pretty badass. I designed this myself!" She indicated the piece that Rae had noticed. "Not to mention I get to tattoo all the hot dudes that come in." Her friend smiled mischievously.
"Deidra!" Exclaimed Rae. "You and Jackson haven't split up have you?!"
"Of course not! But it's hard not to notice a good looking man when you're tattooing his muscles... you know?" Her friend laughed.
"Mmhmm, right." Rae teased as she took a sip of her drink.
"In all seriousness though. Jackson and I are just fine. He still makes me happy."
"Well I'm glad. Choosing sides between you two would have been really awkward."
"Shut up!" She laughed again. "Speaking of awkward. How's The Scary Leader?"
It was Rae's turn to laugh. "Eric is fantastic actually.. thanks for asking." She added with an eye roll. "He's been busy with Max all the time, but we make up for that." A mischievous smile spread over her lips and she sipped her drink again.
"Wow. That was definitely more than I needed to know!"
The two girls laughed again, the drinks beginning to work their magic. A couple of hours passed, and true to her word, Rae hugged Deidra goodbye. As she pulled away, she felt a hand gently caress her waist and pull her back against a solid set of abs.
"Did you two have a good time?" A low voice growled lowly in her ear. Rae shivered a little and leaned back against Eric, nodding. She let him lead her toward the exit. As they made their way through the Pit Rae noticed he was leading her up to the rooftop. It was a favorite spot of theirs, although they hadn't been in a little while. She didn't ask questions, as she was getting sleepy.
When they arrived on the roof they sat in their favorite alcove, Rae leaning into his chest and their fingers intertwined. For a little while they remained silent, until Rae finally broke the silence.
"Are you alright Eric? I know I already asked you, but you seem a little weird this evening?"
"Weird?" His serious face broke into a grin. "You think I'm being weird?"
"Yeah a little." She smiled. "I just want to make sure you're okay."
"I'm fine, Auraelia." He said, suddenly serious again. She was surprised at him using her full name. His eyes met hers, and she saw that his mild uneasiness had returned.
"I just was wondering if you wanted to marry me."
Rae stared at him. Obviously he hadn't said what she thought he just said. Dauntless rarely get married. It just wasn't something that was done too often. She opened her mouth but no sound came out, so she closed it again.
Eric still stared at her, expectantly. Almost nervously. That had to mean that she wasn't crazy and he really had just asked her to marry him. Opening her mouth again, she erupted in a nervous laughter.
The change on his face silenced her immediately.
"You don't have to. Just thought it would be..." He was scratching his neck again as he looked away from her.
Taking his hands in to hers, she pulled herself up until she could reach his lips and kissed him hard.
"I'd be the happiest person alive if I married you, Eric. I just worry you'll regret it someday." She said the last part quietly.
Eric took Rae's face in to his large hands, a smile bigger than any she'd ever seen.
"How could I ever regret you? I want you to be my wife."
A tear rolled down her cheek on to his thumb.
"Okay. Let's get married."

Whhhaaaat. Hope the ending of this chapter made up for the fact that it isn't my best! And YAY an update haha. Thanks for all the love guys, it is appreciated! Also, I wanted to let you all know that my gorgeous girl was born, healthy as could be! Our little family is complete! ❤️

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