Chapter 18

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  The air between them was rather tense now, and remained that way for a few minutes. Eric brooded into his beer bottle, deep in thought. It wasn't until he saw Rae down over half her drink in two gulps that he relaxed, cracking a smile and laughing.
"You sure know how to drink for such a puny tree-lover."
  Rae laughed with relief as the tension between them quickly dissipated. They slowly began to talk, joke and eventually even flirt. They ordered another drink each and, when they finished, Eric stood. He offered Rae his hand and she accepted. She had been vaguely aware of all the eyes watching them as they sat, but now that she stood, she realized just how much of a spectacle they must make right now. They were wearing black, but their attire was extremely high-brow for usual Dauntless standards. However,  Rae knew that even without Eric's suit and her killer dress, they'd still have an equally curious audience.
"Do you want to get out of here?" She felt his breath tickle the back of her neck and it sent the now-familiar tingle of arousal through her. Her body seemed to have shut down momentarily, so she only nodded. Snaking his arm around her waist, he led her up out of the Pit.
  Rae was surprised when he led her to the rooftop instead of one of their apartments.
"What are you up to now?" She asked him as he led her around the roof. They came to a spot where they could see as far as the very distant lights of Candor.
"I just wanted to enjoy the view." Eric's voice was low and rich. Looking up at him, Rae blushed fiercely when she saw that he wasn't looking at the city lights at all. He was looking down at her. Her breath hitched as he took her hand and swept her into his arms, beginning to sway rhythmically.
He's...dancing with me. On the rooftop!
She smiled up at him.
"You never cease to amaze me. I never would have pinned you as a dancer."
"I'm not." He smirked. "But it's simple enough to figure out."
"How very logical of you."
"Erudite roots. I can't help it." He said, shrugging his shoulders.
  Rae almost mentioned that she already knew he was from Erudite, but then she caught herself. That would require some more serious explaining. Recovering quickly, she exclaimed,
"That explains everything!"
"It does? Like what?"
"Like... why you're such a smart-ass all the time."
  He stopped dancing at once and raised both eyebrows at her, the corners of his mouth curled into a small smile.
"You're gonna pay for that."
  She turned to run, but she only got a few steps before he caught her around the middle. Tossing her effortlessly over his shoulder he carried her, laughing and kicking, back through the compound. They made quite a scene on their way, but neither seemed to notice.
  Once they arrived the relatively short distance to his apartment, Eric tossed Rae playfully on to his bed. He then wasted no time in loosening his tie, removing his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt.
"Damn, these fucking clothes are suffocating." He growled.
"You look incredibly hot in that suit, though." Rae smiled up at him from where she lay propped up on her elbows.
"Oh really?" He gazed down at her with a playful half smile, pulling his shirt all the way off and throwing it to the side. "I'd say the same about you, but I actually prefer you naked."
  He reached for her hands and pulled her to a stand. Reaching around her waist, he slowly undid the lacing of her dress and let it fall to the floor. A smile formed on his lips as goosebumps sprawled over Rae's skin, and her eyes fluttered closed. Holding her fingertips lightly, he held her arms out to the sides as he memorized each curve of her body.
  Rae felt her face get hot as he gazed down at her. She had never felt so exposed to another person in her life, and it would definitely take some getting used to.
  Finally he released her hands and stepped closer to her, reaching out to lightly run his fingers down her stomach. A small moan escaped her lips. She reached out to touch him also, but he hit her hands away. She looked up at him surprised. In a quick motion, he swept one arm behind her knees and the other across her back, lifting her off her feet.
  She giggled as Eric tossed her easily on to the bed again. He then climbed carefully on top of her, working her thighs apart with his knee. Taking both her wrists in one of his large hands, he held them firmly above her head while his other hand grasped her chin.
"I love you, Auraelia." He murmured deeply, his eyes burning into hers.
Rae swallowed hard before whispering, "I love you too, Eric." The intensity of his voice made her quiver.
"Do you trust me?" He asked.
  She paused for a moment in surprise at his question, then answered,
"Yes, I trust you. More than anyone."
  That seemed to be all he needed to hear before his lips were on hers, claiming them as his own. He held tight to her wrists and pushed himself completely into her. Rae's back arched and she cried out loudly in ecstasy. Her hands struggled instinctively to free themselves from where they were pinned, but it was useless against his firm grasp.
  Eric plunged himself roughly into her again, and continued to do so relentlessly. Rae looked lustfully up at him, slightly shocked yet incredibly turned on by this. Allowing herself to let go, she finally gave him the full control he desired in that moment.
  It didn't take long before Eric felt Rae tighten all around him. He pulled back to gaze down at her as she climaxed and allowed her a few moments of bliss before he flipped her on her stomach. He lowered his lips to her ear, and whispered again,
"You're so beautiful."
  Rae didn't even have enough time to gasp out a reply before he entered her again. He continued his passionate assault late into the night, until they were both physically unable to stay awake a moment longer.

  The next day, Rae woke late. Eric still slept deeply beside her, so she quietly slipped out of his bed and into the bathroom to shower.
  Afterward, she made her way to the kitchen to fix a pot of coffee. She sipped it slowly, allowing it to warm her body and work it's magic. She was sore and groggy because Eric had kept her up so late, but she smiled remembering how incredible he had made her feel. She was still in shock sometimes that she was this intimate with a Dauntless leader, and wondered if she'd ever get used to it.
  As Rae continued to drink her coffee, her thoughts wandered to their conversation in the bar the night before. Eric had told her that his brother had died... and that he had been a "threat to society". Rae was fairly certain she knew what that meant. Eric's brother was Divergent, and he had meet an untimely death at a young age. The way Eric had spoken of it, so matter-of-fact like, it was clear that he didn't really mourn the loss of his brother. Or did he? He didn't seem to want to talk about it, changing the subject almost immediately.
  Rae was then side tracked by Eric emerging from his bedroom. His hair was still tousled and he looked rather sleepy still himself. Rae cracked a smile.
"Good morning." She mumbled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. He grumbled in response, then shuffled over to pour himself a cup of coffee as well. Rae smiled at the way he sleepily moved about the kitchen. He seemed so much less like the cold faction leader now than he did the day she met him. Now Rae had seen a glimpse of the very real human beneath the soldier, and fell right in love with him.
  They drank their coffee in silence a moment, before Epic spoke,
"You really shouldn't have kept us up so late. I'm exhausted."
"Me?! How was that my fault?!"
"You're the one who had to go and mouth off to me again, as usual. Do you really expect me to just let that slide?" He asked with a coy smile. 
"I suppose not." Replied Rae, returning a shy grin. "I'm just glad we have the day off."
"Uh, sort of." He looked at her pointedly. 
Eric sighed, leaning forward on his elbows. "I'm not letting this thing with your father and that Stiff motherfucker go, Auraelia. We need to work on a plan. Today."
   Rae sighed, dropping her gaze to the floor. She knew that she'd have to enter back in to reality sooner or later, she was just hoping he'd give her more time. Yet, she supposed he was right. Especially now, knowing that Marcus knew her secret. That made her extremely fearful.
  It was then that it dawned on her who she needed to talk to. The only person who Rae could think of that had any possible chance of getting her out of her current mess. However, there were drawbacks. For one, he wasn't exactly her biggest fan as of late. Two, Eric wasn't going to like it. Not one little bit. 
"Rae, you said you want to deal with Marcus. What exactly did you have in mind there?" He asked. He always had a way of making Rae think that he could read her thoughts. 
"Well," Rae replied slowly. "Um. I thought that....maybe, since he knows Marcus best, I could ask...Umm...I could ask Four's advice?" She did her best to avoid eye contact with Eric when she said it. 
  Just as she feared, Eric was instantaneously unnerved. 
"Four?! FOUR?!"
"Yes." She replied quietly.
"Hell no. You're not going to that dipshit for help. Why not just let me handle it Rae? You said you trusted me damn it-"
"Eric stop! Please, I do trust you. This isn't about whether or not I trust you to handle it-"
"Then just go to Jeanine and tell her the truth. Make both their sorry asses factionless. I'll go with you."
  Rae sighed and shook her head. 
"You don't understand. That's not what I want Eric. I don't want to go to Jeanine. I'd rather BE factionless."
  Eric didn't respond, only narrowed his eyes.
"I told you last night before we came back inside the compound. I don't WANT anyone else to know. Not Jeanine, not anyone. You know, Four knows, Jackson and Deidra know. Isn't that enough? Weren't you listening? I'm ashamed of what they tried to make me do. I don't want to be known as that girl. I just want...normal. I just want normal. Please...please just let me try it my way. Let me ask Four's advice and if he can't help me think of something, then I'll let you do it your way I promise. This happened to me. Let me wipe the ugly smug smile off his face myself. Please Eric."
  He studied her face for a long moment, his arms folded across his chest. At last, his chest heaved in a long sigh. He reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her gently towards him. 
"Fine. I don't like it, but I'll do my best to let you handle it. Just know that I'm here, and I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I don't trust him to protect you like I would. I don't trust him one bit."
"Who says I need protection? Have you forgotten, I had a lot of extra training, from one of the toughest motha fuckas around."
"You still hit like a girl though. I sure as hell didn't teach you that."
  Rae shoved him playfully, relieved slightly that he agreed to let her go to Four. Now, she just had to find Four and find the nerve to ask for his help.

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