Chapter 15

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The new members of Dauntless were finally preparing to choose their careers. Rae was completely unsure of what she wanted to do. Or what would even be available. She was most nervous about sitting in a meeting with all the leaders. She had only ever spoken to Max before... And Eric, of course.
Eric had told her to apply for the leadership position that was available, however Rae didn't want that at all. Being Divergent, she needed a more low key career.
She walked to the Dauntless conference room like she had been instructed at 10:30am. When she entered, Max greeted her.
"Good morning Rae, nice to see you again."
"You too sir." She took the hand he offered.
"You already know Eric-"
Eric stood to shake her hand. Rae could tell he was hiding a smirk, and she avoided direct eye contact to keep herself from smiling like an idiot.
"This is Heather." Max continued. The only female leader shook her hand with a smile. She had many piercings in one eyebrow and short bright red hair.
"And this is Sam." She nodded to the last leader. He had a slightly odd smile on his face that Rae couldn't quite decipher, but he seemed friendly enough. He grasped Rae's hand with both of his own and greeted her warmly.
"We are the leaders of Dauntless. We would like to discuss your career options today. As the second highest ranking initiate, you have a lot of choices. Eric has told me you've shown great potential in leadership. Would you be interested in applying for a leadership position? Of course you aren't the only applying initiate that would be considered for the job."
"Um... actually no sir. I don't think I would enjoy having that much responsibility. I mean, you guys are awesome, but I can't imagine being in charge of an entire faction. I may prefer something a little more...behind the scenes and not so on the spot. I'm kind of shy."
"I respect that. Although, I must say that you seem like you would be a great addition to the team."
Rae politely declined again, and out of the corner of her eye she saw Eric roll his eyes. They all sat and talked for about 30 minutes before Rae finally decided on a career. Max's assistant. Rae had wanted to work in the kitchens, but they all refused to let a second ranking initiate be a cook.
"I haven't had an assistant for a few years, Rae, I'm quite excited about this." Max said as they wrapped up their meeting.
"Me too, sir." Said Rae. She was excited. Being the head leader's assistant was a good career, yet she supposed it would be easy to stay quiet.
"I expect to see you in my office, 8am sharp on Monday morning."
"I'll be there. Looking forward to it." She offered one last smile and bid farewell to the other leaders. Eric winked at her almost imperceptibly as she exited the conference room.
She hurried to the housing office, where she was to receive the keys to her newly assigned apartment. The man in charge looked at the paperwork Rae handed him.
"Max's assistant huh? He hasn't had one of those for awhile."
"So I've heard." Rae replied.
"You're in apartment '201'." He said again after clicking through his computer for a moment. "Here are two copies of your door key. Give one to a friend if you like, in case you lock yourself out. You need someone to show you where it's at?"
"I don't think so, it's near the infirmary, right?"
She asked without needing to know the answer. It had to be down the same hallway as Eric's.
"Yep. Here you go. Let me know if there are any issues with anything."
"Thank you." She took the keys and practically jogged down to the dorms to get her stuff. Upon her arrival to the dorm rooms, she noticed both Jackson's and Deidra's spaces were already cleared, and neither of them were there. It only took minutes to pack everything she owned, then she carried it up the jagged, rocky paths until she reached her destination.
Unlocking her door, she dropped her things just inside. It was a spacious one bedroom apartment. She had a bathroom similar to Eric's, with a laundry closet. The one thing Eric's apartment had that hers didn't was a great view. Even though they were above ground on this level, all she saw out her windows was the fallen brick of an empty building.
As far as furniture, there wasn't much besides a bed, nightstands, a couch, a bookshelf and a dining room table.  So Rae grabbed her keys and her point card and decided to do some shopping.

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