Chapter 20

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Rae followed quickly, staying as close to him as she dared. The area was unfamiliar to Rae, and it made her nervous. She focused instead on loading the serum into a syringe as Four had instructed. They had only walked a few minutes before they came to a slightly larger house, set back from the road.
Four crouched as they snuck up to the door. Rae saw he had a small key in his hand that he fit into the lock, successfully granting them entrance to Marcus Eaton's home.
Rae's breath caught in her throat, her nervousness heightening with each passing minute.
If this plan works, it will be a fucking miracle. She thought.
They took the stairs at a snail's pace, careful to be as silent as humanly possible. When they reached the top, Four flattened his back against the walk next to a cracked door. There was a deep, wheezing snoring coming from the other side.
They slipped silently into the room. Rae stayed put at the foot of the bed, handing Four the serum as he crept up to where his sleeping father's head lie. When he gave her the signal she drew the gun from her waistband, aiming it right between Marcus's eyes.
Four waited for her nod, and then made his move. Throwing his hands over Marcus's face, he covered his mouth and plugged his nose at the same time, making him unable to breathe. Panicked, Marcus began to thrash and kick, and Four eventually lost his grip. Jumping on top of him, Four wrestled an arm around his neck. Marcus struggled, attempting to yell out, that is until Rae clicked a bullet to the chamber of her gun. That unmistakable sound made him go stiff, and he looked horrified from one of his attackers to the other.
"Son...wh-why are you-?"
Four answered hollowly, "You should be able to figure out the answer to that Marcus. We don't have time to play games. She and I both have good reason to be here."
Marcus turned his panicked face toward Rae. Her stomach turned at the way he looked at her, recognition slowly spreading across his face. A mixture of hatred, fear and lust was etched in to every wrinkle. She refused to look away.
"You going to shoot me, princess?" He said with a slight snarl. "You sure you're Dauntless enough for that?"
"I'd love to. Really, I would. However, that's not why we came here. Tell me how you knew."
"Knew what?" He sneered.
"About my aptitude test. How do you know my result?"
Marcus slowly chuckled. "Ahh. I see. So it is true."
"What? You said, at Jeanine's dinner-"
"An educated guess." Marcus spat. "Your mother was one, it could only be presumed that it's hereditary. I said it to scare you, and guess what? I was right. You're Div-"
She nodded quickly to Four and he wasted no time. Grabbing Marcus by the hair and forcing his head back, he jabbed the needle into his father's neck, emptying the contents into his bloodstream.
We did it. Thought Rae, as a huge wave of relief washed over her.
The effect of the serum was almost instantaneous. Marcus's eyes glazed over and he slumped back into the bed. Four withdrew the needle from his neck, and motioned her out the door. They retreated down the stairs, exited the house and quickly made their way toward the train.
"Thank you." Rae said gently to Four. His eyes met hers, and he nodded. She could tell he didn't want to talk about it. She wondered if he'd felt bad about what he had just done, and she felt a pang of guilt. "I owe you one." She added, hoping that he would somehow find her gratitude hidden somewhere in her offer.
They neared the train tracks, but the train was nowhere in sight.
"Let's keep walking along the track. We can catch it further down, but we can't just stay here and wait." Said Four.
Rae nodded and they started off on foot toward Dauntless. They talked lightheartedly, both relieved that their mission was successful, and over. Their steps were light and their vigilance faded slightly as Abnigation slowly disappeared behind them. They had been walking for a little while and were well into the darkness of the city that lay between factions when they heard the train. Gradually speeding up their pace to match the train, they both prepared to board. Four eased himself up effortlessly, swinging into the car like he had done so many times before. Stretching his arms, he then turned expecting to see Rae behind him. Yet, he was shocked to find himself alone.
Running to the door, he looked out. The night was dark, no moon lit the sky tonight. Coupled with the jostling movement of the train, it was nearly impossible to make out anything that lay behind. He grabbed the sides of the door, preparing to spring from the car when he was nearly knocked out by the steel beam of a tunnel the train was passing through. Retreating back in to the car, he slammed his fist into the side. He had to get to Rae, but she was too far behind now in order to find her on foot. He needed a car, which he could only get back at Dauntless.
Having to wait only a few minutes to reach Dauntless headquarters, he knew that Eric would be livid. Bracing himself when the time came, he launched as fast as possible out of the train car back onto the rooftop. Sure enough, Eric was right there waiting.
"Look, you can kill me later. We need a car now."
"Where is she?!" He roared.
"I'll explain in the car, keep your voice down, we need to move now, Eric."
Cursing loudly, he took off, leading the way to the parking garage at a sprint. It's a good thing that it was late, the halls were deserted. They reached the garage, climbed into a small black pickup and Eric took off into the night.
"Go toward Abnigation, but she should be about half mile outside."
"Factionless?! You left her in the fucking Factionless sector-"
"I didn't leave her anywhere! We did what we went to do, and when we boarded the train I turned around and she was gone. I had just spoke to her 30 seconds before that I don't understand."
"What were you doing near the Factionless?"
"We had to walk. The train wasn't anywhere near, we couldn't just sit there."
"Damn it Four why didn't you get off the train?"
"I tried! But by the time I went to jump I was under the bridge. Figured it would be more efficient to come get you, and a car."
Eric was silent. He fumed, but he didn't trust himself to speak. He was too angry and knew that arguing with Four wouldn't help them find Rae.
She better be okay. She HAS to be okay.
Rae was about to follow Four up on to the train when a thick hand reached out from the darkness, grabbing hold of her hooded sweatshirt. She was jerked back, slamming hard to the ground. Looking up, she recognized the familiar face of Zachariah as he bent to pick up the gun that was protruding from her waistband.
"I can't believe my luck, Princess." He sneered. "You of all people wandering into Factionless in the middle of the night? I think it must be fate, you and I."
Zachariah moved quickly, bringing the butt of the gun across Rae's face. She fell to the ground, blinded by the blow. She blinked hard, touching the gash on her forehead. Clumsily, she got to her feet.
"You're pathetic." Rae managed to look him in the eye as she said it. The next thing she knew, the air was forced from her lungs as he made a fist around the pistol and sank it deep into her abdomen.
She lay on the ground for a little longer this time, gasping for air.
Think, damn it. I was trained for this. I'm Dauntless.
Rae stood again, slowly and shakily. She forced herself to stand tall and look him in the eye again.
"Do you feel like a man now? Beating up a little girl?" She was ready for him this time. Making a sudden leap to the left, she managed to duck under his outstretched arm. She rolled to her feet and began to run. She heard him following right on her heels. Sticking to the main road, she ran until she heard the clicking of the gun Zachariah had taken from her. Abruptly she stopped, intentionally causing him to run full tilt into her.
Twisting her body, Rae strained to reach the gun. Limbs entangled, she only caused him to drop it. They struggled, each trying to reach the weapon when Rae remembered her knife. Shoving her body into his in an attempt to get him away from the firearm, she grabbed quickly for the blade she had stashed in her boot.
Zachariah's hand clutched the cold metal of the gun, right as Rae's knife bit into his chest. He froze as Rae's eyes met his. Regretting instantly what she had just done, she pulled the blade from his chest.
As soon a the blood began too flow, Rae's vision blurred. She grabbed the gun from his hand and began to run home.
"There she is!" Yelled Four.
"Yeah I see her...shit."
Four was surprised yet relieved to see her stumbling toward them. She was covered in blood, a bloody knife in one hand and a gun in the other. Eric stopped the pickup and they both ran to Rae. She threw her hands up in front of her face as they approached, blinded by the headlights of the truck. "Rae?" Eric said gently, reaching out to her. At the sound of his voice, Rae collapsed into his arms, breathing a sigh of relief. "Rae what happened? Are you hurt? You're bleeding."
"I'm okay."
"What happened?" Asked Four. "Why didn't you follow me on to the train?"
"Zachariah." Was all she said through her tears.
"He attacked you? How?"
Rae only shook her head. She still couldn't believe what she'd done.
"Where is he Rae?" They both looked down at her, yet she couldn't bring herself to tell them that she had killed him. Instead she held out her hands, in which she still carried the pistol and the bloodsoaked knife. Four took them, and they both understood.
"Just leave him. We were never here." Said Eric. He tossed the keys to Four and climbed into the passenger seat with Rae still tight in his arms. Four shook his head and climbed into the truck, then started off back to Dauntless headquarters.

Hi guys! Sorry its taken so long to update. This chapter was hard for me, I rewrote it quite a few times. Hope you're still liking it! Also!!! Big News!!! My husband and I found out we are expecting again!!! My little dude is gonna be a big brother(:

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