Chapter 14

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  Rae stared at Eric, astonished. The rattle of the train on the tracks filled the car. By the time he had returned to the platform where he had left her,  the train had arrived.
"What did you say to him?" She asked breathlessly. A reckless, goofy grin spread across his face as he glanced down at her.
"I just let him know in detail what I would do to him if he ever so much as looked at you again, because you're all mine now."
  The blood rushed to Rae's cheeks. She was speechless. Without a second thought, she threw her arms around Eric's neck, pulling him downward and crashing her lips against his. Although surprised, he reciprocated quickly lifting her off her feet and wrapping her legs tightly around his waist as their tongues fought for dominance. Eric was shocked yet elated as Rae's fervent assault on his lips continued to intensify. He took a step back and attempted to lean against the metal wall, but misjudged the distance and stumbled backward.   
  There was a loud thud as the back of Eric's shoulders hit the metal interior of the train car. It didn't phase either of them. Rae lost no time scrambling on top of Eric, straddling his hips and tossing of her shirt.
"Damn, kid-" he mumbled before Rae's lips were on his again. She fumbled with his belt as her lips moved to nibble at his earlobe. With his help, his black jeans were finally loose and Rae grasped the length of him.
  As she slowly caressed him, a low moan escaped Eric's lips. This only excited Rae, making her feel powerful and in control. Impulsively, and before he could stop her, she lowered her body to position herself between his legs. He didn't stop her as she took him into her mouth. Instead he leaned his head back and breathed heavily.
"Auraelia..." He sighed.
  There was no answer. She only continued to explore every inch of him with her tongue and lips, savoring his taste and the way his breathing became ragged. It wasn't long before she felt his muscles begin to tense.
"Shit.. Rae-" he growled, but she stopped. Sitting back on her heels, she smiled seductively as she brought the back of her hand across her lips. Sitting up, Eric's breathing was labored as he asked,
"Why'd you stop?"
"Mmm... guess I changed my mind." She teased. She made to reach for her shirt when Eric grabbed her around the middle, tossing her roughly on to the floor next to him.
"I don't fucking think so, little one."
  Rae inhaled sharply as he removed her pants in one swift movement. He  flipped her on to her stomach. With one hand he gently pulled her hips upward towards his own, and with his other hand he guided himself to her. She groaned as he rubbed himself along the length of her, repeating the motion several times before finally pushing himself fully into her. He filled her completely, causing them both to call out in ecstasy.
  By this time, they had far bypassed the Dauntless compound, but they paid no mind. Nothing existed to either one of them outside of that train car, and they were both fully immersed in each others passion.
  As each faction passed by the compartment door, the train slowed only enough to reverse and begin its journey back toward Amity. Rae, who  eagerly met each thrust of Eric's hips with her own, bit her lip hard to keep from screaming with pleasure as he hit a certain spot deep inside her. She felt the muscles deep in her core begin to tremble uncontrollably as he pushed into her harder and harder. His hand found its way between her thighs, and she lost control.
"Eric...Eric -" but her words were lost as her orgasm tore through her violently, shaking her to the bone.  
  It seemed like forever that she remained suspended in a state of pure bliss, before Eric reached his climax as well. Sweaty and out of breath, he collapsed on his back next to Rae, pulling her to him and crushing her against his body. They lay there for a few minutes, steadying their breath. Eventually he sat up and collected their clothes. Turning to hand Rae's to her, he looked her in the eye and said,
"I have never met anyone like you before, Auraelia."
"I've never met anyone like you either." She said in a quiet voice, forcing the words out through the butterflies fluttering fervently through her belly.
"I'll have to threaten people for you more often if that's how you're going to thank me." He said with a genuine smile and together they dressed, watching the sunset as they rode the short distance back into Dauntless.
  Deidra and Jackson were sitting in their usual place in the cafeteria. When Rae grabbed a plate of food and say down with them, they instantly bombarded her with questions, clearly worried. Rae assured them she was fine, explaining what Eric had done for her (carefully excluding what they had done on the train ride home!). She then also had to explain a little about her and her father's relationship, so they understood why Eric threatening him made her so grateful.
"I don't know, I guess I'm just really thankful that I've met someone who can and will stand up for me. I've always been alone, trying to protect myself. Now there's Eric, who goes out of his way to protect me. He's the kindest person I've ever met."
"Eric? Kind?!" Jackson blurted, laughing. "You really must be crazy. I don't think any other person alive would choose that word when describing Eric."
  Deidra laughed too. Eventually, so did Rae. Zeke and his girlfriend Shauna approached their table, hand in hand, and sat down with them.
"What's so funny?" Asked Zeke curiously.
"Rae... She's hilarious."
"I guess that depends on how you look at it!" Piped up Jackson.
"Shut it, both of you! Can you not?! Please?!"
"Okay, okay. Sorry guys, Rae has a deep, dark secret that she's made us swear on our lives we'd never tell." Deidra said, feigning annoyance. Rae rolled her eyes at her friend.
"I see," said Shauna. "Well for your sakes, I hope you keep it for her. I've heard that you are quite a skilled fighter, Rae."
"I barely classify as okay. Jackson here is the fighter." She motioned at Jackson, who straightened up proudly.
  As her friends began debating on who was the better fighter Rae's eyes wandered to where Eric sat. Their eyes met for a moment, and he winked quickly at her before turning his attention back to the older woman speaking to the leader's table.
Ugh, what have I gotten myself into?! She thought to herself, not for the first time. She couldn't contain the smile from her face for the rest of the night as she sat and joked with her friends. When she finally went to bed, she was only vaguely thinking about tomorrow being the last day of Stage 2.
Stage 3 was like Stage 2, only harder. Physically and mentally. They practiced facing their fears more realistically, in a large room with a glass floor. Inside the glass room was a fear landscape lab. Lauren, the Dauntless born instructor, explained that in the final stage, their fears would be played out in front of everyone, all at once. They were to combine their physical skills from Stage 1, and their mental preparation from Stage 2, and put them into practice here in Stage 3. Their final test would be to act successfully navigate their fear landscapes in front of the Dauntless leaders.
"No pressure, though." Deidra whispered sarcastically in her ear.
"Right." Muttered Rae.
  That first couple of days, they were each assigned one of Lauren's fears to navigate through. Then they were sent straight in to their own landscapes. The fears were always worse when they were your own.
  Stage 3 was relatively easy for Rae, thanks to Four's help in Stage 2. After about a week though, all the initiates were looking stressed and worn. Rae, who didn't have much trouble sleeping like the rest, tried to act just as tired.
  That last three weeks passed quickly. With Four's helpful hints, she managed to have the fastest fear landscape time, carefully and intentionally by only a few seconds. She spent a lot of her free time in the training room, as to stay in shape. Deidra and Jackson were constantly sneaking off to spend time alone in dark corners. Eric, although he stole away as many moments with Rae as her could, was busier than ever with his leadership duties and preparing for the initiates to take their final test.
  The celebration at the initiation ceremony was unlike anything Rae had experienced. Amity had their fair share of wine and frivolity, but not like this. Here, there were men and women sparring after they tossed back a beer, or couples getting hot and heavy on the dance floor. People everywhere were hollering, dancing, and being rowdy. Rae enjoyed the chaos, however she made sure she was surrounded by friends at all times. Her incident with Zachariah had not been forgotten.
  Jackson had received the top rank of #1, while Rae sat right below him at #2. Deidra wasn't too far behind at #5. They all celebrated like the true Dauntless members they were.
  After a couple drinks, they headed to the tattoo parlor together and all got matching Dauntless symbols on their wrists. Then Rae stopped next door and decided to put some blue at the tips of her hair.
  Once she was finished, she stopped at her reflection. The changes that had taken place had been gradual, but it was fully apparent to Rae now. Just 10 weeks ago, she was a wispy tree hugger. She wore flowing dresses the color of summer, climbed apple trees and harvested plants. Now, she wore black. Tonight, it was a tight, thigh length dress with an open back. Her face had the gleam of metal and her skin was darkened with ink. She was still skinny, but more solidly so. She was fully trained to handle a firearm. Vaguely, Rae wondered what her mother would think if she could see her now.
"Rae! How drunk are you? Let's go, crazy!"
  She followed her friends to the dance floor. They danced for hours, before her group finally made their way toward the dorms where they would be spending their last night.
  Zeke and Shauna had followed Jackson, Deidra and Rae out of the Pit. Their apartment was in the same direction of the dorms and they had all been ready for bed at the same time. Zeke and Shauna were lagging a few steps behind the other three, arguing. They did that a lot. Jackson was in the middle of mocking their bickering when Eric suddenly came around the corner, stopping face to face with them all.
"Well, congratulations.... initiates." He smirked sarcastically, surveying her friends. When his gaze finally fell on her he said awkwardly, "Rae. I like your hair." He nodded in her direction. She didn't respond, only smiled nervously and looked down at her feet as all of her friends turned to look at her.
  She could tell Eric had a few drinks under his belt. Zeke and Shauna each wore a look of utter shock, while Jackson and Deidra had to stop themselves from laughing like intoxicated idiots.
"Hi Eric." She finally said, shyly. She was pretty buzzed herself, and blushing. Eric hesitated a moment, then took a step toward Rae and said,
"I need to speak with you for just a minute." He said with his usual smirk.
"Alright," she turned to her friends and said weakly, "see you guys in a minute." They watched as Eric placed his hand rather low on Rae's exposed back, then led her down an adjoining hallway. He led her down the hallway quite a ways until he came to a door with his name on it. Unlocking it, he motioned her inside. It was a small room with a desk, some chairs and a plant in the corner.
Eric's office.
  Eric pulled Rae immediately into a tight embrace, kissing her hungrily. Then, pulling away, he said,
"I'm really proud of you. I... just wanted to tell you that."
"Thank you," Rae laughed, batting her eyelashes up at him playfully. She slid her hands slowly from his shoulders down over his huge biceps. "Is that really the only reason you brought me all the way here?"
"Hell no that isn't the only reason." Eric replied heavily as he pushed some files and a pencil holder to the floor. He lifted Rae, laying her on his desk.
"I really want to peel this damn dress off of you. I've been watching you dance in it all night and it's all I've been able to think about. Also, I believe I owe you a little something, from that day on the train."

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