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Beomgyu couldn't believe it. He gave the order to the chefs and quickly went to hide in the storage room, now seated down head in his knees.

Why were they all there ? Why were Soobin and Yeonjun out of the billions of citizens of the country in the shop ?

He didn't know if he heard the "Yeonjun's ex" part right. Soobin was now his ex ? But why were they seeing each other still ?

And they planned to "talk" with him. No way, he must've heard it wrong.

And if he didn't, then they were probably going to talk about something usual such as Beomgyu's depression as always.

But now he was going to talk with Yeonjun about his depression if that was the case, knowing the reason of his downfall is the man in the first place.

So no, they weren't possibly going to talk about that...right ?

Beomgyu was left there overthinking the situation and he did it for so long he forgot he was at work and not at home.

"Beomgyu, where are you ? Come serve quickly dude !" his coworker called from the kitchen.

The red mess he was from all of the silent crying didn't help, he didn't calculate his time well.

He quickly went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water, hoping it'll give him an alibi for the redness near his eyes and cheeks.

"Coming !!" He said as he ran to the kitchen.

He took the drinks and noticed how there was indeed 5 drinks in total, so they counted him in.

He took a deep breathe but then remembered he didn't warn anyone about his sudden break to converse with friends.

Yet he didn't care, he was already in trouble for being late either way.

He walked to their table reluctantly, almost wanting to throw up and fall but oh well life wasn't that easy.

"Here." He simply put as he placed each drink on the table. Even his.

"Thanks ! You're okay ? You took a little while and we heard the chefs looking for you..." Hueningkai honestly said.

Beomgyu inhaled the little oxygen that was left near him and nodded.
"Had to fix something in the storage room. There was a mess there."

In fact there was a mess, a crying one.

The boys hummed before Taehyun asked Beomgyu to sit down next to him.

Thankfully there was Hueningkai in front of him and the alley next to him, so he had lots of places to look at that weren't to his left where the two specific guys were.

"T-thanks for the invitation." He muttered under his breath, almost inaudible but Taehyun heard him.

"You're welcome, so um...well we're gathered here for something obviously." Hueningkai said looking down at his drink.

Beomgyu nodded. He stared at the table's drapes as he was fidgeting with them.

"So...how have you been Gyu ? Proper way to start a conversation afterall." Taehyun laughed bitterly from the awkwardness.

That was a question Beomgyu wasn't prepared for, even if he usually replied «fine» because heavens know he wasn't.

So should he tell the truth that was so obvious to people's eyes ? Or should he continue lying and looking like a fool ?

"Well..." he started. "Could be better. You guys ?"
He chose the safe option. At least he thinks.

"We're fine...what do you mean by that ?" Taehyun replied.

"Oh well...long shifts are the only things my life consists of nowadays. Nothing special happening, that's all." Beomgyu replied choosing another safe option.

Taehyun nodded making a sound of acknowledgment.

"So...how do i start this ? Anyway. Are you interested in going on a trip gyu ?" the mind of the group said once again.

Beomgyu's eyes shifted a bit, going from unfazed to shimmering in a fraction of seconds.

He turned to Taehyun and tilted his head as if he didn't understand the language the latter just spoke.

"W-why ? Are you guys going somewhere ?" the puppy like boy asked.

Taehyun shook his head.
"Me and Kai haven't seen you at your prime in a year. We know why and you do too. Yeonjun here knows too."

Beomgyu lowered his head again, nodding painfully.

"So i figured...Yeonjun and you could maybe go on a trip together and return back to normal. Just as friends at least... only if that's fine with you because it is with Yeonjun." Taehyun lied.

Yeonjun's brows furrowed. "What-"

"Him and Soobin are okay with him going on a trip simply because they aren't together anymore. But they're still fine and don't hate each other. Maybe that's what could happen with you two."

«Oh. That's what they want. » Beomgyu thought.

Soobin nodded. "That's actually something i wanted you two to do for a while. I'm sorry you had to live in pain because of...me. I want you two to have a honest talk like the one you've never had before. Maybe going on a little trip would be therapeutic for you but also for Yeonjun. He hasn't been living the past year well neither."

All of the hatred Beomgyu had for the blonde has now dissipated into the air. How can one be so thoughtful ?

But he had to be brave and speak what was truly in his heart now that he had the opportunity.

"But you've hurt me. You wasted a 5 years relationship for a 1 year one that ended well. And now suddenly you want to make up for the year of disaster and pain i went through ? Just like that you want us to be «buddies» again ?"
He said truthfully.

Which made Yeonjun mad.
"Listen. This wasn't my plan and i never planned to ever see you again if it wasn't to say sorry. I know i hurt you miserably and if anything i just want to apologize and let you live without me. But these dudes want us to go on a stupid trip together and i never gave my consent to it."

"But when will you apologize ? You had a year to do it but never came..." Beomgyu replied as he turned his hands into fists.

Yeonjun sighed.
"Maybe we should go on the trip. I'll make it all up for what i did. I also lived our separation badly even though it was my own fault. Because i lived it so badly i lost Soobin as well."

Beomgyu shook his head.
"You wouldn't understand. You could never understand. A little trip wont make up for a year of drugs and excessive alcohol consumption. You destroyed me Yeonjun. The only trip i need is one to a therapist. "
He said as he got up.

"I hate you." He finally said before snatching off his waiter apron and running out of the shop.


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