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ranked N°1 Yeongyu :) tysm ____________________|

Yeonjun took Beomgyu to an all purpose store after visiting a few other clothing ones. This store had a bunch of house stuff (decorations, furniture...) and a few other random things.

Beomgyu, who walked in front of Yeonjun for most time, kept fidgeting a few things while eyeing others. "Hyung look at this !!" He would exclaim here and there, excitement all over his face.

However, his arms were empty, carrying nothing from the things he loved. As they got to the last part of the store, he found a bunch of plushies.

They were adorable but quite expensive, "Hyung look at this penguin plushie !! Isn't it adorable ?!", seeking for validation all the time.

"It is" the older nodded, "they all are. Pick something ?"

Beomgyu thoughtfully eyed every plushie, unaware of what Yeonjun was up to.

The older had a bag that he would fill with the things Beomgyu ached for but he walked silently away each time Yeonjun would tell him to take it.

"I love that one ! It's tiny and cute, it's the least expensive penguin" the younger said with an endearing smile on his face.

It was indeed small and cute to say the least. Pastel blue with a little bow tie on his neck.
It costed 7 bucks still, but whatever made Beomgyu happy.

"You want it ? You could take something a little big bigger for only a few more bucks ? Hyung will pay for you anyway."

"...i don't know", he replied with a little pout, putting the penguin back, "you choose what you're going to willingly spend money on then."

Yeonjun chuckled, he ruffled his hair and then patted his shoulder, "Then how about the big penguin over there ? The pastel orange one ? Cute isn't it ?"

Beomgyu nodded, mumbling a confirming «cute». Yeonjun grabbed the plushie, who was bigger than the previous one but still normal sized, and handed it to his boy.

"Thank you Yeonjunnie-hyung." He said with a cute tone and went in for a hug, "love you." he whispered in his ear.

Yeonjun planted a kiss on his cheek, "love you too, darling. Let's go feed my little bear now ?"

Beomgyu excitedly nodded ; he wanted to grab his hand until he noticed a bag that wasn't being held before, "We have to go to the cashier fast !" .

Thankfully he didn't ask about what Yeonjun took, and with Yeonjun's order, he waited for him outside of the store.

He didn't know why but he learned to take care of his own business as a child, standing by it.

Yeonjun joined him shortly after, "all done. We can go eat something and then we'll go back to the hotel to get ready to go swimming."

Beomgyu agreed and held his hand, "We can go eat ramen and dumplings over there ! Do you want to ?"

Yeonjun nodded, "whatever you want to eat, i'll want to eat. And you know i love ramen."

Beomgyu smiled shyly, he did know ; he knew even more things about him.

The thought of going back to as it was makes him blush, knowing they already knew each other better than the studies they learned.


After eating, they went to a nearby parc and grabbed some icecream from an icecream truck.

Butterflies flying around, kids playing together, elderly people talking while seated on benches...
Everything screamed summer.

Beomgyu eating an icecream was by far Yeonjun's favorite. He looked too adorable with the cone in his hand and the melon flavored scoop on it.

He got caught staring once again, for the 40th time in the afternoon. "Hyung your icecream is melting! Stop eating me with those eyes and focus on your food."

"I am focusing on my food," the older said boldly, eyes lingering a bit too long on Beomgyu before quickly looking away and licking the melted strands on his cone.

The younger grunted playfully, looking the other way as well. The sky was still very bright and blue, the moon still visible decorating it.

He loved blue skies, they remind him that after rough times, they got better themselves. It's okay to be sad because happiness will come someday, any day, for one day or multiple. Life goes on.

Life goes on.

He looked back at how miserable he was, not bothering to know anymore from the outside world. Now he's sitting outside in a beautiful place mother nature conserved just for the two of them.

For other people as well, but just for them.

He looked at Yeonjun and laughed. The older looked back at him confused, "what are you laughing at, you bumblebee ?"

Beomgyu shook his head, "Nothing. I just think it's ridiculous that we're not romantically making out on this bench right now."

Yeonjun gasped, "oh wow. Blame the icecream you made me eat. C'mon, finish yours already then !" He whined, eliciting another contagious laughter to the latter.

They were ridiculous, but that's what love is all about ; being ridiculous.


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