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Yeonjun followed him to the car like a dog returning to his owner.

Too baffled by what happened, he quickly grabbed Beomgyu's fragile hand, causing the boy to turn around abruptly.

He relaxed seeing that it was Yeonjun.

"Beomgyu hold on. I'm sorry for our conversation. We don't have to go swimming if you don't want to. Please ?"

Beomgyu gave him a confused look.
"Why are you apologising? You didn't know, nobody did. We can go swimming if you want..."

"But it's not about me ! If you want to then i'll follow." Yeonjun replied, shoving his pointing finger in the latter's chest.

"I'm fine with going ! I told you so many times ! Why can't you treat me like an adult human being?"
Beomgyu replied, some sort of hurting in his voice.

Yeonjun frowned, "When have i ever not treated you like one !" he protested.

Beomgyu gave him a deadly smile that faded right away.
"Let me think...or should i really remind you ?
You cheated on me."

Yeonjun gasped, his frowning lines between his eyebrows digging deeper into his skin.
"I thought we were over that !"

It was now the latter's time to frown.
"You were over that ! Not me ! I told you that the other day, gosh how can one be so forgetful ? And how can i be so forgettable ?"

Yeonjun shook his face, his angry frown turning into a concerned one. "You're not forgettable, i'm just forgetful. If you were so forgettable how was i able to remember your nightly or daily needs ? I could never forget about you."

And if he thought that would be enough to stop their ruckus, he was wrong.

"I wish you did." Beomgyu said before turning back and walking away. Where ? In front of him until he fell out of the world.

Yeonjun stood there with his hands turned into fists. He was very mad at the last statement. He willingly accepted to go on a trip with him only to be hated on for it.

He even wished he had forgotten about him.

But he didn't, so now he had to go chase after him and continue this journey to hell.


"Beomgyu wait !" He said as he ran after him, the latter too fast to catch.

He ran and ran until he got into a tiny street with a wall at it's extremity, blocking him from going further.

He stopped and closed his wet eyes, remaining tears sliding down his pale face.

Yeonjun slowed down and stopped as well, unsure if he should go to him or let him be until he turns around by himself.

He chose the second option and slid his back on a wall until he sat down next to a garbage can.

He looked at his dry hands and wished he could read the future on them to know what was ahead for the two of them.

He stared a bit too long, not noticing how his eyelids were closing until he fell asleep.


Beomgyu stood there for a good 15 minutes, releasing the ounce of pain that was left in his heart.

When he was done, he wiped his blurry eyes with the back of his hands and finally turned around.

He saw a sleeping Yeonjun sitting down further down the alley. He felt bad when he got closer and saw dried tears on his cheeks.

He remembered that he didn't let the man sleep until late at night and that he was the one driving for the whole journey : he needed energy.

And he drained all of it on Beomgyu.
By helping him at night or by arguing with him, he definitely was tired.

So the long haired boy sat next to him and put his arm around his hovering neck, then pulling his head onto his shoulder.

They surely looked pathetic as they were sat down, depressed looking, publicly but nobody enters empty ending alleyways.

He patted the boy's shoulder and then he laid his own head on Yeonjun's.

He didn't sleep in case pickpockets or anyone would come to them.

So he let the man sleep in his arms until he would wake up by himself.


After half an hour, Yeonjun's body twitched. He then felt uncomfortable and grumbled himself to life.

Beomgyu quickly removed his arm from around him and looked away.

Yeonjun lifted his head from the latter's should and looked around before his eyes landed on the boy next to him.

"B-Beomgyu..?" He said as he wiped his eyes with his forearm.

Beomgyu looked at him before sadly lowering his gaze, remembering what happened earlier.

He felt bad for what he did and he was scared of confrontation, so he put himself in a very uncomfortable situation.

"Hey...it's okay." Yeonjun said as he lifted Beomgyu's chin with his fingers to make him look at him. "Look at me...Did i fall asleep ? Well i dozed off surely...sorry for the wait you could've had woken me up."

Thankfully he changed the subject, Beomgyu thought. But he knew he had to apologise, Yeonjun deserved his anger but not today.

"I could've...but i didn't let you sleep last night. Thought you deserved some sleep, you lack energy. " he said with a small voice.

Yeonjun nodded and got up, dusting his pants off from the floor's dirtiness. "We're almost there though, we'll be in a nice hotel very soon. I'll get to relax plenty and you will too."

He watched the road as he said that, not knowing Beomgyu was right behind him.

And the said boy hugged him from behind suddenly, not saying anything and pushing his face into his back.

After a few seconds of silence, a muffled voice came out. "I'm sorry."

Yeonjun took a deep breath and held on the boy's fragile arms to keep them steady while he turned around on himself,

now hugging the boy directly from the front.

"It's fine, let's go okay ? Let's talk about it way later today, for now let's enjoy our day together...please ?" Yeonjun asked with a voice full of shaky hope while he burried his face into the latter's neck.

Beomgyu gave a little nod before squishing tightly the taller boy one last time before letting go.

He knew that from now on he would hang on Yeonjun for dear life,
And wether he liked it or not :
he will never let him go.

While Yeonjun knew from there on that he will never leave him again.


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