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They drove for about two hours before stopping at a pause area next to a gas station to take a break.

"Let's go eat, i brought sandwiches and planned on buying drinks and stuff here." Yeonjun said as he pointed the little gas station store.

Beomgyu nodded and got out of the vehicule, walking ahead to the shop.

Yeonjun followed him from close behind and whoever would see him then would think that he was ready to jump on them if they approached Beomgyu.

They entered and went to the drinks section, the long haired boy unsure of what to take since he's been drinking only alcoholic drinks for the past months.

The other boy noticed that he was having a hard time choosing so he went ahead and grabbed some arizona drinks.
"Have you ever had one of these ? They're pretty good. I love the watermelon flavored one !"

Beomgyu shook his head at the question and looked at the different flavors they offered.

His eyes fell on a fruit punch one and took it, he didn't care either way as he wasn't a picky eater : he was just not an eater.

Yeonjun grabbed the drink from his hands and strolled down to the snack aisle.

He knew what he was going to take for himself but also for Beomgyu.

Then the boy in question joined him.
"What are you looking for ?"

"I do have snacks in the car but i forgot to buy candy. I know you like sour patch kids don't you ?" He replied.

Beomgyu shrugged. "Haven't had those in a while..."

"Oh" Yeonjun replied. "But you're up for some, right ? If not i'll take them for myself."

"Whatever." The latter mumbled as he turned around to walk to the cash register.

Which left Yeonjun perplexed. Did he say something wrong ? Or was it Beomgyu's nowadays attitude ?

He comforted himself into choosing the second option, nodding to himself as if he wasn't alone in his head.

He went to the cash register and payed for the sugar rush ride he just bought then thanked goodbye the cashier.

The two walked silently to an empty table and settled their snacks then Yeonjun went to take the sandwiches he prepared.

Well, he bought them the same morning as he was preparing for the trip.

"There." He said as he place them on the table along with some already cooking cup noodles.

Ah, that's why he took a while, thought Beomgyu.
The noodles were boiling in hot water.

Yeonjun sat on the opposite side of Beomgyu, looking at their food with feline, almost lustful eyes.

Beomgyu hadn't seen him in so long so him being right in front of him was pretty breathtaking.

Not because he was hot (he indeed was to which Beomgyu would agree) , but because the reason he had deprived himself from living a normal and peaceful existence was right in front of him.

But he knew that if he categorised Yeonjun as that and that only, he'll live the same way he did for the rest of his life.

Yes he was the reason, but he could also be the reason he'll come back to this trip with a tiny bit of peace of mind. Hopefully a ton.

So he took a deep breathe.
"Thanks...for the food." he mumbled almost inaudible.

Yeonjun smiled like nothing happened before, he still had the same smile he had whilst they were together.
"It's fine no need to thank me, remember : the food's on me."

Beomgyu nodded shyly and started digging in his food. He began with the noodles since his stomach was solely used to eating those.

But his long sleeved shirt did not hide one thing from the reason he got it in the first place.

Yeonjun saw it. And saw life flash before his eyes.

He couldn't help but stare at the semi-colon tattoo on Beomgyu's side of wrist.

It wasn't there before and he never knew that Beomgyu lived through that. Lived through suicidal ideation.

And survived it.

It was too early to ask, wasn't it ?

But he fucked up a month and fucked up a year ago, he had nothing to lose and something to gain, so that was a deal.

So he started.
"Beomgyu...can i ask about something extremely personal ? I just noticed it and it's tickling my brains..."

Beomgyu looked up at it and definitely knew what he was going to ask by the fact that the boy was staring right at it.

So he sighed.
"What do you want to know about it ?"

"Uhh.." began the curious. "Wh...what hap...why...i don't know how to put it-"

"- it's a semi-colon. And yes it is for what you're probably stuttering about."
Beomgyu replied.
"Got it a month ago after deciding that i would in fact live again but turns out nothing changed since then. To be fair, things worsened. But at least it's there to remind me that my life isn't over yet because no one else reminds me so, not even myself."

Yeonjun looked down ashamed, eyes angry and eyebrows furrowed. He was holding back either to punch himself or to cry.

And Beomgyu noticed it, so he caressed carefully the boy's hand.
"Don't feel bad. You coming back gave me a first reason to keep going."

Yeonjun looked at the boy with a threatening-to-cry pout. "Bu-"

"And i hope you'll give me even more reasons. Please bare patiently with me. I'm almost there.
I know you'll get me back to where you dropped me and I have faith in you...and me."

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