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Except that day, the sun entered as the form of a person, and damn was he hot.

Beomgyu was sitting in his living room, watching the news and how terrible the world was doing and he related to it.

The curtains were drawn as usual, letting the flashing lights of the TV enlightening the dark room.

A week had passed since the meeting he had with his friends and the two he considered strangers, except he knew 1 too well.

A week had also passed since he lost the only thing that would motivate him to meet the outside world. His job.

Thus a week had passed since his life had slightly gotten worse. But something, only one particular thing, told him that everything was going to get better soon.

No he wasn't going to kill himself, instead he was offered a trip with his ex-boyfriend !
Isn't that exciting ?

Well, not really. He still didn't know what to do and what to choose, who to trust and who to lose.

He felt a little hungry and he looked up the time on his phone. 8am.

He couldn't believe it but it's not like he cared enough to be surprised.
He hadn't slept the whole night and every night prior for the past months.

He recalled the times he and Yeonjun would pull all nighters just to chat about life and how things were, how things will be...

Now he does the same thing except he has no plan and no idea for the future. He only thinks about the past and the past only is thought of.

It was Saturday and he had no plan for the day neither. Maybe he could look for more jobs except that was a hard task.

He lived in Daegu and most job offers were in Seoul. But Yeonjun was also in Seoul and he feared ever running into him even though the city was big as one can be.

Either way, he got up and went to the kitchen in hope of a good homemade meal would be sitting on the table. Except he was met with instant cup noodles and half empty soju bottles.

He prepared his very healthy meal (not) and sat back on the couch.

He ate his food while watching cooking shows, hoping he'd get full by pretending that the noodles were the 5 stars michelin meals that appeared on TV.

After he was done, he laid down and took his daily morning nap until 3 pm.

But something- someone woke him up at 1pm that day.


Grumpy, he woke up to loud knocks on his door.

He would never get visits from anyone as he didn't have friends besides Taehyun and Hueningkai and he hadn't talked with his family in years.

So he got up and slowly walked to the door, expecting the mail man or the kind granny next door.

"Coming !!" He growled as whoever was at the door definitely wasn't a granny, knocking like their life depended on it.

And the door he opened.

And the sun he met.

He stood there fazed, shocked or even flabbergasted. It had been a week since he hadn't seen him. Too short in his opinion.

And it took Yeonjun waving his hand in front of his face for him to connect back to life.
"Hello ? Beomgyu ?"

The long haired boy shook his face and cleared his throat.
"...What are you d-doing here ?"

It was quite unusual to see the most ethereally beautiful man that he missed, loved and hated so much at the same time in front of his door.

Staring too long at him would burn his eyes, which were now watering.

"Pack your bags, you're coming with me."


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