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They finished eating with shimmering and love deprived eyes.

"I need to go to the bathroom.." Yeonjun said.
"Stay by the car or inside, or follow me if you want."

Beomgyu nodded, agreeing to stay outside of the car to get some fresh air by the time the latter would be back.

He watched the raven haired boy walk to the bathroom when someone suddenly came to him strolling.

"H-hey ! I saw you from afar and I think you look very cool ! Mind giving me your socials ?"
a pretty handsome man asked.

Beomgyu stood there uncertain and scared as he hated social interactions.
"I don't have an-"

"- oh c'mon everybody does ! Give me your number then maybe ?" The man said as he placed his hand on Yeonjun's car.

Beomgyu stood there very scared now. That man was way too comfortable with life.
"I'm sorry i don't give my-"

And the man cut him off again.
"Don't worry i'm not a weirdo, i'm a safe guy, just trust me and give me your number."
He said as he offered his other hand in front of him, as if to tell him to place his phone in it.

Beomgyu shook his head.
"I won't give you my number please leave.."

The man chuckled and shook his head as well.
"Only if you give me your nu-"

"-fuck off before i shove my number down your throat." Yeonjun said from afar.

The guy and Beomgyu both stared at him with round eyes, Beomgyu's eyes being more hopeful and thankful.

Yeonjun walked to them and grabbed his ex by the wrist, pulling him behind him protectively.
"I said fuck off."

The man refused still. "And who are you to tell me what to do ? His boyfriend or something ?"

"You guessed it right." Yeonjun said as he punched the man in the stomach.

The man held his stomach with both arms and Yeonjun kicked him with his foot again, making him fall.

"Get in." He told Beomgyu, opening the door for him again. The bear like boy entered the vehicle scared and confused.

Yeonjun strolled to his side of the car and got in quickly, starting the engine as fast as he could.

As they got further away from the man, Yeonjun cursed under his breath.
"I'm sorry that happened, I should've taken you with me to prevent such bullshit."

Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows.
"You offered me to go but i didn't, it's completely my fault...but thanks for that, you came at the right time."

Yeonjun's shoulders relaxed.
"Thankfully. Did he touch you anywhere or hurt you ?"

Beomgyu shook his head. "He didn't...but invading my personal space felt like it."

Yeonjun nodded. "Just know that nothing like that will happen again. I'll put you in my pocket whenever i have to go somewhere."

Beomgyu smiled shyly, looking away as he felt his cheeks turn pink. "Whatever.."

It was now Yeonjun's turn to smile shyly and look away. He cleared his throat.
"Do you want to sleep at a hotel or in the car tonight ? The car's probably going to be uncomfortable."

Beomgyu shrugged. "Wherever you're going, i'm following as you said.."

Yeonjun chuckled. "Let's book a hotel then." He said. "Should we get each a room or a room with two beds ?"

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