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After 30 minutes of awkward silence, Yeonjun turned on the radio of his luxurious car.

Too bad love songs were playing for the next 30 minutes and singing their most beautiful verses to the two lovesick guys.

Beomgyu hadn't left his hometown, Daegu, in a while since everything he knew was there. And by that i mean his tiny apartment and his used-to-be job next door.

So he stared at the beautiful sceneries out of the window, his eyes following birds as they fly.

Yeonjun on the other hand couldn't stand the silence between them. He knew they wont be able to hold it any longer since communication is key during a trip.

So he while Beomgyu was staring at beautiful sceneries, he didn't know that he was the beautiful scenery of his ex boyfriend.

The latter stared at him almost forgetting he had to look ahead of him while driving. So his eyes flew back to the road and his mind was trying to find ways to start a conversation.

After 30 questions he asked in his head, he thought he was ready to talk and hoped Beomgyu was too.

As they stopped at red lights, he started the following.

" is life and all of that going on for you ? You still work at Darell's huh ?"

The irony. Beomgyu turned his head with a sinister face, looking at the reason of his sinister life.

Though he cracked a smile at that.
"About that...i got fired the other day."

Yeonjun gasped, staring back at him.
"What ? Why ?"

The latter looked away as he noticed the boy looking at him.
"Didn't attend many sessions of work. And the day we gathered was my manager's last straw."

Yeonjun oh'd at that, his mouth forming a little «o» then bit his lower lip.
"Damn, didn't know about tha-"

"Nobody does." Beomgyu cut. "I haven't told anyone and nobody asked after me either way."

Yeonjun looked back at him with a confused face.
"Didn't Taehyun call you after you left ?"

The boy looked up as if he was trying to remember.
"Now that you've said that...i think i didn't pick up the calls." He said as he chuckled.

Yeonjun remembered though that he was the reason Beomgyu left running.

So while the latter was yet to be looking back at him, he started.
"I'm sorry. That was my fault. Always been my fault."

Beomgyu shook his head.
"I just didn't feel like talking, i-i had to leave that's al-"

"Beomgyu. Please. Allow me to sincerely apologise for what i've done a year ago, for the consequences of it throughout the year and for the other day. I'm not good at talking and you know that but if i got up this morning thinking about you and the way i could make it better for the two of us, it's for a reason, and it's regret. I regret not treating you the way i should've, i regret ending long years of the purest love i could've received and given and i regret losing you. Now regret isn't the only reason and i'm hoping i'll get to show it to you later on. I'm sorry, Beomgyu."

Yeonjun's eyes were more profound than the ocean and Beomgyu almost drowned in them.

The boy kept staring into his eyes as if he was trying to fish the other reason out of them. As if he was trying to see if he was sincere or not.

And thankfully he was. He had to be.

So Beomgyu took a deep and shaky breathe and looked away.
"I don't know if i'll ever be able to forgive you. But i know that this is the occasion for us to close the prior book and to start writing a new one for the sake of the both of us, the past year being an ellipse. Maybe one day i'll be able to forgive you, but for now I'm thankful you apologised and I'm grateful i got to see you once again. Thank you for apologising."

And Beomgyu's smile was wider than the sky.
A sky Yeonjun will forever be staring at until he'll one day be able to touch it.

The raven haired boy simply nodded, accepting and comprehending his speech.
"Thank you for letting me apologize. I'll do it again if it is to see your smile once more."

The red lights turned green and he started driving again, this time with a comfortable silence.


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