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Watching the beautiful drawings out of his window move was Beomgyu's favorite part of the car ride.

Tall buildings, blue sky and people having fun with friends or family was a great view. He was more and more excited to see their soon to be reunited friendgroup and act as cheesy as the group of friends he saw.

It was fun seeing the world functioning as it is. He hadn't been able to travel much around Daegu while he was in his self inflicted lockdown.

«This is home» by Cavetown played on the radio, an artist Beomgyu chose for the ride back home.
He was already home, only a few kilometers away from his secret garden though.

Seoul didn't look so pretty from how he remembered it. Many lights shined through the alleyways even though it was only the afternoon.

He also didn't remember Taehyun and Kai's shared apartment to be so close to the center of the town as Yeonjun parked his vehicle.

They found themselves in front of a few shops, a bit of everything in front of his eyes. Then, he slowly realized that they were in front of their old hangout place : an abandoned garage next to some korean barbecue restaurant.

The 4 of them would often hangout in it, playing guitars and drums while being drunk on happiness and perhaps a bit of soju.

"Why are we here ? Aren't we supposed to go to Taehyun's-"

"I just wanted to spend some alone time with you for one last moment. I know you left your electric guitar in here." Yeonjun said, staring at the outside of the garage.
It needed to be painted again but it still looked the same.

Beomgyu smiled but some weird feeling pinched his heart, "Why didn't you guys give me my stuff back ?"

Yeonjun looked at him, "why didn't you take them before you left ?"

Touché, but something else bothered the long haired boy. "Have you guys ever met up here after i...left ?"

He didn't want to feel left out over something he chose to stupidly do. He could've stayed in Seoul for what we know ; but he followed his stupid hurt heart.

"Uhh," Yeonjun was thinking out loud, some scowl on his face not going unnoticed, "no. From what i remember, we did meet up once shortly after you left ; but there was only tears to discuss with. Didn't go well."

Beomgyu's selfishness quickly got shut down by that. Leaving hurt him, but also his dear friends. He left them afterall.

Yet, some cold fingers nevertheless the weather, wrapped around his hot ones. His invisible tears got wiped away by Yeonjun's faint smile.
"But it's okay, we're all okay now."

He nodded, there was no reason to feel bad about things he already silently apologized for. Him staying friends with Kai and Taehyun is proof that sometimes, some people are meant to understand the feelings you hide deep down without you expressing them.

And those same people were the same ones, standing in the middle of their tiny living room, holding a cake and cheering as the couple entered the room.

Confetti's jumping out from Kai's hands then he jumped into their arms. He held Beomgyu a bit longer though, some unsaid relief painting his beautiful face. "Beomgyu hyung ! I missed seeing you in 3D !"

Shining dots in the maknae's eyes told him everything he needed to know. Beomgyu smiled, getting emotional as well. "I missed seeing all of this in 3D too ! Last time i saw this garage with you three in it was in my daydream a few weeks ago."

Taehyun laughed as he walked to him and hugged him tightly as well. A bit too tightly because of those biceps Beomgyu did not recall seeing.

"Glad you two are here safe and sound. Well, sorry for lying to you Beomgyu but Yeonjun wanted to keep this a surprise haha ! Me and Kai spent a few days cleaning this room." Taehyun said as let them explore the old but shiny furnitures.

Nothing changed and nothing left, everything was positioned the same as they were before.
"Everything was so dusty and moldy ! You won't believe the amount of spiders i found !" He added.

Beomgyu jumped out of his own skin from hearing that, "Really !? Are there still any ? Did you check the couch ?"

The three other men laughed at him. They missed seeing some emotions in him other than the void.

"Forget the couch darling, you get to sit on my laps." Yeonjun flirtatiously said. He made his eyebrows do a couple of wave while biting his lower lip.

Beomgyu chuckled shyly while giving him a gentle tap on the chest, "Surely."

Ignoring the two youngests' negative reactions,
Yeonjun added, "Your superhero will protect you from every single bug that dares to touch you!"

"Okay we get it," Beomgyu replied with an eye-roll. "Anyway what's up with the goodies on the table ! There's so much to eat !"

Kai chuckled, "We went a bit overboard for 4 people but hey, we always loved to eat so let's enjoy ourselves after starving from each other's contact."

They all agreed, plopping one by one on the old couch. Cake, chips, candy and beers on the menu ; you can blame them for their malnutrition but you can't blame them for not resisting the temptation of having a good time.

They talked and laughed the day away, eating and singing as Beomgyu's recently washed guitar came back to life and came back to him.

Kai was on the drums while Taehyun and Yeonjun sang from the top of their lungs. The oldest even giving a few dance classes like he used to give them.

Even the darkest of the skies couldn't chase them  to sleep, so they ventured off in the streets of Seoul as they ate even more goodness the street foods offered.

Yeonjun and Beomgyu held hands dearly, palm against palm and fingers intertwined. Nothing in the world could make them go back to how things were.

They were stuck together for good. It's no bother for any of them though : they couldn't be more thankful for the destiny they were gifted.


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