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Their time at the beach went by quickly as they found themselves swimming in the sunset's reflection.

They spent the whole day sunbathing, kissing and hugging. Even in the water they were inseparable.

The next day was their last day im vacation and they knew what would happen after it, but only vaguely.

As they walked back to their spot on the sand, Yeonjun's phone started ringing.

Incoming : Taehyunnie

"It's Taehyun", Yeonjun said as he picked up the call and put it on speaker.

"Hey ! Haven't heard of y'all in a while. Reassure me and tell me you didn't kill him or he didn't kill you-"

"I'm pretty much alive and well Taehyun." Beomgyu replies instead. "Hi terry !"

Silence told them that Taehyun did not expect Beomgyu to be anywhere close. "Beomgyu hyung...? Hey ! Are you two together?"

The couple laughed at that. "Sure we are. Both together and together." Yeonjun replies a bit shyly.

"HUHHHH ?! KAI, BIN, COME !!!" They heard the younger boy shout in the phone. Beomgyu was unfamiliar with the word «bin», but he soon recalled who that was.

"What...? Who's this- Beomgyu? Yeonjun too? OMG !" They heard the three of them chitchatting.

In the meantime, Yeonjun sat on the beach chair and pulled his boyfriend on his laps, both of them lying comfortably.

"So it's official? This early on ?" Taehyun said with a throat full of emotion. The three friends couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, this early on. Tell Soobin I'm sorry again."
The oldest replied shamefully, giving a squeeze on Beomgyu's arm. «i love you» he mouthed.

Beomgyu smiled shyly, ducking his face into Yeonjun's neck. He closed his eyes and felt. Felt his friends' excitement, felt Yeonjun's love, felt the beach wind fly through his hair...

"Come back already and let's celebrate!!!" Hueningkai cheered as the other two agreed.

Beomgyu felt Yeonjun's vibration as the older chuckled. "What do you think about it, Gyubear ?"

The three screeched through the phone at the comeback of the nickname, making Yeonjun lower the volume of the sound with a pained face.

"Beomgyu wants a big red velvet cake with chocolate toppings. Also a dance party like we used to have." The bear-like boy replied with a smile so wide it carved Yeonjun's neck.

"As long as you come back to Seoul and live with me and Hyuka." Taehyun said with a hint of hope in his voice. He really wanted things to go back to how they were. When there were 4 bestfriends living life day by day as if tomorrow never existed. Sure, they lived 2/2 separate, but they always found themselves sleeping in a living room at the end of the precious day.

And the only time the youngest two weren't at Beomgyu and Yeonjun's, Beomgyu wasn't home and Yeonjun plus Soobin were home...

Things dramatically changed, rather for one person than for the 4 others truthfully. Only Beomgyu decided to move out of Seoul.
Then, Kai and Taehyun felt too bad to hang out with Yeonjun without the last member of their group. They never replaced Beomgyu with Soobin, only let him in for a short matter of time.

They knew they were going to get back together one day, all four. Soobin even helped them achieve their one shared goal.
So yes, things will change, but for the better. We have more fun at 5 rather than 4.

"I'll live with Yeonjun actually, but it would be nice if we all lived together to reclaim our lost time. Our lost year. Right Junnie ?" Beomgyu asked as he pulled away from his neck to see his face.

"Mhm !" Yeonjun nodded, "Of course. Are you guys in too ?" He asked, not without giving Beomgyu a kiss since he couldn't get enough of seeing his round face.

"Obviously. Hm...Soobin ? Are you in ?" Taehyun asked, his heart skipped a beat as he realised that if Soobin accepted, Beomgyu would have to live with him as well.

"...No." he replied. "I'm going to study overseas. The only thing that kept me here was the relationship i no longer have. I want you 4 to make up for the time you've lost without me. Thanks for the offer though."

The four of them all felt the same feeling deeply hidden in each of their chest : relief. They didn't voice it, but they all felt it.

"Well guys, let us enjoy what's left of our 5 stars trip at the beach. See you in 2 days ?" Yeonjun concluded.

"Alright. Don't press yourselves, take as long as you need. Just call me when you'll be on the road , okay ?" Big brained Taehyun said, not telling them that he needed to know beforehand so they could set the little party up.

Yeonjun agreed and hung up after exchanging goodbyes. He set his phone away and brushed through the long hair of his cub.

Life goes on.


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