Who Are You?

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I somehow manage to wake up on my own the morning after. I yawn and stretch before finally opening my eyes. The white walls of the room making me sigh as I remember where I am. What am I even supposed to do? Is there a certain time I have to wait to until I can leave my room? My thoughts begin to race, not even giving me the luxury of five simple minutes of peace.

A knock on my door interrupts my snowballing panic and I mumble for them to come in. In walks one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid my eyes on. Her auburn hair is pinned up neatly, her dress ironed to perfection. Heels quietly clicking on the floor as she closes the door and walks closer to me.

"Hello?" she snaps me out of it sternly, "sorry... morning brain" I lie and she nods once. "Breakfast is soon, so get ready" she states, more so looking through me than at me. "Yes ma'am" I reply politely and she finally looks at me, like really looks into my eyes. I can't read her expression at all which scares me.

After a few seconds of intense eye contact she just turns on her heels and walks out. I shake my head confused before getting up. Luckily Coco was tucked under the covers so that means she didn't see her. I decide to unpack my clothes quickly and place her in a drawer underneath them. Once I've readied myself, I head out my room.

I didn't pay much attention last night to which way Dolly was taking me. Which means I'm completely lost right now, not helping my previous panic at all. I take deep breaths and try to remain calm, wandering the halls looking for someone to help me. It seems everyone has vacated the premises as I can't find a single living soul.

I finally make it to the front of the building and sigh in relief. I walk up to the front desk and see Dolly. I small smile rises on my face as she's somewhat familiar to me now. "Hey, can you tell me where the cafeteria is?" I ask nicely and she gives me directions on which way to go. I thank her and promptly head over, taking a deep breath before pushing open the door.

As I step in almost everyone's head turns to me. Some of them looking me up and down and others immediately turning back to their food looking uninterested. "Ms. Pierce. You're late" someone barks at me and I turn to see another nurse, one I haven't met before. "Pardon me miss..." I ask for her name, "Nurse Bucket" she corrects me.

I stifle a giggle at her name but quickly regain my composure. "Well, nurse bucket, it's not entirely my fault since no one showed me how to get here and I just arrived last night" I tell her and she scowls at me. "You could've ask-" "she's right, Nurse Bucket. Someone should've given her a tour but I was told she was a late admittance. I'm sure once she knows her way around she won't be late again, right Ms. Pierce" the nurse who came to get me this morning prompts.

I nod along, "right nurse..." I ask, "Ratched" she fills in the blank. Ratched... interesting. "Well sit down. We don't have all day" Bucket spats and I simply stare at her blankly. "I'm not hungry" I say, "so you came all the way down here and you're not hungry?" she chuckles, I can tell she's trying to make fun of me.

Most people, who were disinterested before, have suddenly taken interest. The majority of the room is watching our interaction and I'm certainly not going to let her bully me. It'll send a bad impression to the others that they can just walk all over me. "Well I assumed meals were mandatory and I didn't want to cause any trouble. So I just came here to inform you that I'm not hungry. And, if I may be excused, I'd like to go back to my room" I voice calmly.

She looks slightly taken aback as if she expected me not to say anything. My eyes flicker to Ratched to see her smirking a bit but it falls once my eyes land on her. "No. You will sit here. Maybe then you'll change your mind" Bucket quips and I just nod, silently making my way towards a chair in the corner.

"She doesn't have to stay if she's not going to eat. I mean why make her just sit there?" Ratched speaks up, "because. I. Said. So" Bucket seethes. A look falls upon Ratched's face that I've seen too many times before. She slowly leans into Bucket's ear and whispers something to her. So softly I can't even read her lips from where I'm sitting.

She slowly pulls back and smiles politely, Buckets narrows her eyes and storms off. Ratched turns me to me and nods with her head for me to come over. I quickly get up and move to stand beside her, "yes ma'am?" I say. "You may go back to your room" she states simply, "could you show me the way? I forgot" I say nervously.

"Yes. But this is the first and last time" she sighs slightly annoyed. I just nod, thinking that if I speak anymore I might piss her off even further. We exit the cafeteria and she leads me to my room, silence accompanying us the entire way. We stop in front of my door and she motions to it, clasping her hands in front of her.

"Thank you... for whatever you said to Nurse Bucket too" I voice, "it's my job to ensure the comfortability of the patients" she replies. "Well, I appreciate it. That was very kind of you and you didn't have to do that" I add, "goodbye Ms. Pierce" she responds. "I prefer Alex" I call after her, "it's Ms. Pierce or Alexandra" she replies.

Stopping in her tracks but not turning around to face me. "I guess Pierce is fine then" I mumble, she doesn't say anything for a moment. I just stare at her back, waiting for her to make a move. "Pierce it is" she says, walking away directly after. I sigh and enter my room closing the door behind me. Today has been something else and it hasn't even started yet.

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