Let's Take A Bath

240 16 22

TW: hydrotherapy, betsy's sadistic ass

As soon as my eyes opened, I was met with Bucket standing over me. "Get up" she ordered, "well if you move, maybe I could" I grumble tiredly. "You're going to regret that" she mumbled under her breath and I just ignored it. Bucket seems to be full of empty threats and I'm not in the mood to argue right now.

"Let's go" she barks as soon as I'm on my feet. "Can I at least change first?" I ask softly, "no need" she smirks. I struggle to control my facial expressions as that's always been hard for me. I manage to keep a straight face and just put on some slippers and follow her. We go through multiple, seemingly endless, hallways before reaching our destination.

She pushes open the door with her back and smiles at me the entire time. I don't think I've ever seen the woman smile, so it must not be good whatever she has planned. I entered the room, glancing at her cautiously. I finally take in my surroundings and squint in confusion.

I hear the door creak making my head turn towards it. My gaze lands on a man who appears to be in his early 30's maybe. Half of his face is burned and he looks really nervous, maybe even more than me. This can't be good. I get a twisting feeling in my stomach but try my best to ignore it.

"Alexandra. This is Huck, he'll be assisting me today" she states, "nice to meet you" he smiles. "You too" I smile back genuinely, it's nice to actually see a comforting face for once. Even though he has a bit of a rough exterior, he seems to have a good soul. "If you will do the honors" she gestures to Huck.

He walks over to one of the bathtubs and begins turning the dial. "So, Alexandra-" "please call me Alex" I ask nicely. "Your name is Alexandra, so that's what I'll call you. Now stop interrupting me" it was only once. "You will be undergoing Hydrotherapy today. It is the latest breakthrough in treatment" she says proudly.

"If you would remove your shoes, please" she asks politely, noticeably in a better mood than before. I obey her instructions and wait for the next set. "Now..." she opens the lid of the tub and steam escapes rapidly. "Get in" she orders, "umm... how hot is that?" I ask, knowing how sensitive my skin is, especially to temperature changes.

"135°" she states after glancing at the paper, "that's too hot... I-I can't" I tell her. "This is the treatment, Alexandra. You can deny to go through with it, but it would be a very big mistake on your part" she threatens. I gulp and nod hesitantly, approaching the tub with cautious steps. I take a deep breath and dip my foot in, immediately feeling the effects.

I try to ease myself in but Bucket comes over and pushes me in. The water splashing a bit as I fall in and try to wiggle out. I wince as I can feel my body burning all over. "Close the lids and lock it" she orders and Huck comes over to do it. He flashes me an apologetic smile as he closes the latch.

I don't utter a word, I just start to cry silently. When the pain becomes unbearable I open my mouth trying to ask to be let out. "C-c-can I p-please get o-out n-now? I—it h-h-hurts" I stutter out, doing my best to hold back a sob. "Hmmm... no. 5 more minutes and then you'll go in the ice bath" she replies with a smirk.

I whimper in pain, not bothering to protest because I know it'd fall on deaf ears. I close my eyes, trying to imagine I'm in a better moment and place. I assume I passed out at some point since I got a harsh slap to the face. I jolt forward only for my throat to roughly hit the metal plate keeping me in the tub.

Bucket 'tries' to hide her laugh but it's clear my pain is humorous to her. They open the lid and Bucket sighs as she realizes she has to help. She goes by my ankles and Huck stays near my head. His grip is as gentle as possible while Bucket's is the complete opposite. I wince as they lift me up and I turn my head slightly to see the next bath.

This is hell. Soon my skin lights on fire yet again, but this time it's cold. A prickly sensation spreading all over my body as I instantly begin to shiver. They close the latch and this time she doesn't even bother, she just leaves. She orders Huck to go with her and he looks at me with sad eyes. I just nod knowing it's not his fault; it's that evil sadistic bitch.

As soon as the doors close and I hear their footsteps receding I begin crying again. This time allowing my sobs to escape as the pain overwhelms me. This is torture. The only thing this has done is scare the living shit outta me. Well maybe that's why they think it'll be affective. Fair enough.

I start daydreaming, trying to escape from what is actually going on. I don't even know how long she's going to leave me in here. I think about my brother and how I would sneak out to get him sugary snacks. How I would use allowance or saved birthday money when we were younger to buy him ice cream when mom and his dad said no.

"Ms. Pierce..." I hear vaguely but it's too far and it goes quickly. They repeat it again and again until I come to the conclusion that it's a real person. I open my eyes, blinking slowly as everything's a bit blurry. Eventually my eyes land on red hair and I blink a few more times before the picture is clear. I smile lightly at her as she looks at me with an expression I've never seen her wear.

She looks scared. "God what have they done to you" she mutters under her breath as she frantically fiddles with the latch. Once it's open her eyes widen, I just close my own and lay there. I hear her wince before I feel her arms cradling my body. "Can you stand?" she asks softly and I can't even respond if I wanted to.

I feel like I'm going to pass out at any second and I'm much too tired to use my last energy on speaking. She starts walking and I feel her put something on top of me before the door opens. After that everything goes quiet for a while, just the faint motion of her walking. "Ms. Pierce" she mutters and I open my eyes quickly, realizing I'd passed out or fallen asleep.

She opens her mouth to speak but closes it and gulps. "Good night" she says, pulling the covers over me up higher before leaving my room.

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