4 - HER

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[Chapter 4]

So there is a species of parasitic wasp called the "Emerald Cockroach Wasp" that turns cockroaches into zombies-this wasp injects venom into the cockroach's brain, making it in a passive zombie-like state. The wasp then lays eggs inside the cockroach, and the hatched larvae eat the still-living cockroach from the inside out.

No wonder I hate those buzzing little buggers; on my way home on the train, I was scrolling through my phone, and my search engine recommendation always is the weirdest shit I ever knew.

My fingers danced on the screen, flicking through more peculiar and fascinating tidbits; then there it was-a fact that made my eyes harden.

Men and Women React Differently: Research suggests that men and women react differently to breakups. While women may experience more intense emotional pain initially, men may take longer to fully process and recover from the emotional impact of the breakup.

Thanks, internet, for stalking me with your bizarre knowledge. I shut the phone. Annoying.

Anyway, finally home sweet home, and of course, I managed to get pushed around like a pinball while getting off the train-the story of my life. But my apartment is just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the subway station, so at least I don't have to endure that chaos for too long.

With my keys jingling, I opened the door to my humble abode, ready to unwind after a long day. It was a one-room apartment that I could afford with my current salary.

I dropped my bag unceremoniously on the thrifted couch, grateful for the familiarity of my little sanctuary. My feet carried me to the fridge, seeking a cold glass of water.

But as I reached for the water jug, I couldn't help but hear my mom's voice in my mind, "Aiyyaa, it's better to drink hot water." I giggled at my mom's image, the hands on her waist looking at me sternly.

I turned around to place the glass on the counter and my heart almost leaped out of my chest. There they were-the same pair of piercing blue orbs that had haunted my thoughts earlier. It was him- Alex-fuck-Alexander standing there as if he had appeared out of thin air.

The glass slipped from my hand, shattering on the floor, forgotten in the sudden shock of seeing him again. My heart raced, a tumultuous mix of emotions swirling inside me. What was he doing here? How did he find me? How did he know my address?

"What the fuck are you doing here!" I screeched.

Suddenly he closed the distance between us, moving with an assertiveness that made my heart skip a beat. I barely had time to process what was happening before he scooped me up in his arms, effortlessly lifting me away from the broken glass.

I hit his chest with a half-hearted attempt at resistance, knowing I was no match for his strength.

Ignoring my feeble protests, he gently carried me to the couch and placed me down with a tenderness that caught me off guard. His hands lingered on my waist for a moment longer than necessary, and I couldn't help but notice his fingers trembling as if holding back the urge to pull me even closer.

Fuck my heart for feeling something I hated.

"You would have hurt yourself," he mumbled, his voice deep and tinged with concern. Alexander's face was uncomfortably close to mine, and I could feel his warm breath against my skin.

His intense blue eyes wandered down to my bare feet, inspecting them to ensure no glass had harmed me. After finding no cuts or injuries, he sighed, relieved.

Why did his small action clench my heart?

I couldn't tear my gaze away from his eyes. They were still as captivating as I remembered-deep, mysterious pools that seemed to hold a thousand untold stories. It was as if I could drown in those eyes, losing myself in their depths.

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