3 - HER

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[Chapter 3]

I could no longer concentrate on my work as thoughts of Alexander continued to whirl through my mind. Travis, always thoughtful, tapped my shoulder with concern written all over his face. He knew me too well-I couldn't hide anything from him.

"Let's grab some coffee," he suggested, leaving me no choice but to follow. Travis was a year older and worked in IT, but tended to bounce around like a caffeinated bunny.

He would often disturb me in my cubicle, and strangely, I secretly enjoyed the distraction. There were no romantic feelings between us-he swung the other way.

We made our way to the company cafeteria, and I made him find a table while I faced the barista. "One frappuccino and an espresso with a double shot," I deadpanned.

But just as I was about to escape, Roman-Alexander's best friend, appeared behind me like a burly mountain of memories. I sighed internally, not ready for this unexpected reunion.

"Daisy," he called out, his voice tinged with regret.

I turned to face him, "Oh, hey there, Roman, long time no see. Still lifting weights like you're auditioning for 'Mr. Universe,' I see."

Roman's eyes softened with a mix of nostalgia and desperation. He always looked out for me, even when Alexander couldn't. Back in the day, he would walk me home at night when Alexander was busy being Mr. Mysterious.

But today, he had a plea in those puppy-dog eyes. "Talk to him, Daisy. Please," he begged, tugging at my heartstrings.

I brushed it off with a sarcastic remark. "Ah, the classic 'please talk to your emotionally distant ex who broke your heart into a million pieces' request. You know what, Roman, I'll add it to my to-do list right after 'climb Mount Everest in high heels.'"

Ignoring his pitiful stare, I grabbed the coffee and walked away, leaving the barista even more intrigued by our little drama.

Roman followed me like a puppy. "I must warn you. He is watching you guys from the CCTV. Your little friend might face his wrath," he commented. I stopped glaring at him.

The urge to dump the burning coffee on his head grew, but I controlled it-I didn't want to waste a good cup of coffee on him.

Ah, yes, Alexander's possessiveness was like a rollercoaster ride-wild, intense, and sometimes a little too much for my good. I'll never forget that one day at the garage when a customer dared to flirt with me, thinking he could be smooth and subtle. Little did he know he was about to experience Alexander's wrath.

As the customer casually asked for my number, Alexander wasted no time unleashing his inner Hulk. With a sucker punch that could rival a boxing champion's, he sent the poor guy flying, probably to the next town. Okay, maybe not that far, but you get the idea.

It was absurdly over-the-top, yet I have to admit a twisted part of me found his protectiveness weirdly hot. The teenage me was a wild one-craving that intensity like it was some twisted romance novel. Oh, to be young and reckless again.

But thankfully, as an adult, I've come to my senses. Possessiveness might have been hot in a teenage fantasy, but now it's simply exhausting. I'm done with drama and emotional rollercoasters. My ideal guy now is someone who trusts and respects me enough to let me live my life without constantly hovering like a helicopter parent.

Travis, always the curious rabbit, looked between us with a puzzled expression. He wasn't there for the initial encounter, so he was understandably clueless about Roman's identity.

"After six years of disappearing, Alexander's mouth has vanished too, leaving his friends to talk for him," I sneered.

Roman winced at my remark, but I had no time for pleasantries. I wasn't the same cute teenager he once knew-I was now a stressed working woman, focused on putting food on my plate and making it through each day.

When Roman grabbed my arm, Travis stepped in like a protective guardian. "Whoa there, buddy," he said, his glare piercing through Roman. I pulled away from the unwanted touch, not in the mood for anyone's drama.

"Don't touch her," Travis warned, his stance protective and defiant. Roman narrowed his eyes, not expecting such a reaction from my blonde bestie.

I looked at Travis, my knight in shining armor and protector of personal space. Gosh, I loved him.

"Listen here, buddy," Roman began, and I knew where his threat was heading toward Travis. But oh no, nobody messes with my best friend except me. Hehe.

"Listen here, buddy," I interrupted him, cutting off his veiled threats, "I couldn't care less. So go ahead, deliver your message to your little friend, and tell him I give zero fucks about him anymore."

Roman's eyes widened at my choice of words. Ah, the teenage me was a well-behaved girl who never let a curse word slip. But times have changed, and so have I. Sometimes, you just gotta let a few profanities fly to make your point crystal clear.

In the aftermath of Alexander breaking my heart, I embraced a newfound boldness. One-night stands became my way of reclaiming control of showing the world that I was okay, one boy could not break me. I tossed aside society's judgment, refusing to be shackled by their labels of "slut" or "good girl."

I can do whatever I want and whoever I want.

Roman stood there speechless as I grabbed Travis and led him to a quieter spot, away from the people of my past.

"Who was he?" Travis asked, his curiosity evident. "Ex?"

"He was more like a brother to me," I replied, shaking my head.

"Was?" Travis raised an eyebrow, sensing there was more to the story.

"I don't want to talk about it," I sighed, sipping the bitter coffee. Thankfully, Travis respected my boundaries and didn't push further.

"Wanna binge-watch Fast and Furious movies tonight?" he suggested, trying to lighten the mood.

"My place," I said, and he agreed. "I'll bring the wine and food," he smiled, and we continued planning our movie night. Little did we know that the night ahead would be filled with unexpected twists and turns, just like those action-packed movies we were about to watch.


Uff, Daisy has transformed into a bold girl. After portraying an innocent Iris, I'm eager to create a bratty bad girl who was once a good girl.

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