Chapter 1

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this is why we can't have nice things

*TW* abuse

*TW* abuse

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5 am

LYDIA HAD JUST WOKEN UP screaming, completely unwell. She was teething with an ear infection. Not a good mix if you want to be well rested. But the monster down the hall kept screaming "SHUT THE HELL UP!! BEFORE I COME IN THERE AND MAKE YOU SHUT UP" from the other room, in unison with the punches he laid on the quivering wall.

Sadie, as motherly as a neglected 11 year old can be, gently tried to calm the baby down, bouncing her as she paced up and down the room the three children shared. Jonah who was previously asleep stirred on his broken mattress that laid in the corner of their bare room. Sadie crouched down next to him whispering sweet nothings into his ear praying he would go back to sleep. The stressed girl sighed thankfully as he planted a kiss on her cheek and proceeded to roll over and go back to sleep as he was asked.

Now she had to get this sweet little girl back to sleep before she got into bother. Sadie sat on the floor Lydia pressed up to her chest a little leg draped down either side of her as she rocked them forwards and backward. Just as her screams died down into whimpers the door slammed open.

The fragile girl looked up to be met with her drunken father "morrrningg" he slurred swinging on the door.

She kept her eye line down. She occasionally glanced up through her eyelashes to see what he was doing. What he was plotting to do.

Just as her breathing started to quicken and her heart rate increased, a long, disgusting belch exited his mouth and then heavy footsteps plodded along the hall. "I'm going out. I'll be back later" he shouted his voice slowly became fainter as he left his children behind.

Once Sadie felt okay again she placed a long kiss on the now sleeping baby's head and laid her in her makeshift cott. She then climbed into bed again praying for at least an hour more sleep.


SADIE WOKE UP TO A LOUD CRASH. She snapped up in bed to see her father storm in.  "no, no, no, no, no, no" she whispered "Whatever I did I promise I'm really really sorry" she managed to squeal backing up in the small bed.

The large man walked closer to the three throwing whatever he could reach in their direction. Sadie put protective arms around Jonah, as she received the brunt of the impact herself.

The small girl prayed he didn't think to turn around and hurt the baby.

Just like reading her mind that is exactly what he did. The so called father picked the peacefully sleeping Lydia out of her pile of blankets and cushions threatening to hurt her.

Sadie's eyes pinged open once more. she was met with the struggle to breathe and dripping in sweat. She looked down to her left to see a smiling Jonah confirming he was unharmed.

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