Chapter 3

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wildest dreams

*TW* abuse

*TW* abuse

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1:34 am

AMELIA SAT AT A NURSES' STATION in the peds wing on a 48-hour shift that was only twelve hours in, flipping through a patient file. Erratic beeping filled the air. Her eyes darted to the room belonging to Karev's niece. Her heart sank as she rushed into the coding girl's room.

"I need a crash cart in here" Amelia shouted as Robbins and Wilson entered the room.

"Someone get the kids out of here!" Arizona said to the half a dozen nurses that swarmed the hall, referring to Jonah and Lydia who were now sat crying next to their practically lifeless big sister.

"Starting compressions," Amelia said as she begin to pump the fragile girl's chest. Although she had only just met her, tears flooded Amelia's eyes at Sadies condition.

"Push one of epi," Robbins told a nurse.

"Charge paddles to 150" Amelia shouted.

"clear" Everyone removed themselves from Sadie, as they all watched the monitor for any sign of life.


"Continue compressions" Robbins told Jo.

"Push another epi," Arizona told a nurse.

"Charge paddles to 200" Amelia repeated.

"Clear" Once again everyone stopped what they were doing with eyes glued to the monitor.

Beep. Beep. Finally a steady pace. They all let out a deep sigh of relief, just then Karev rounded the corner and was met with the chaos of the previous minute's events.

"What the hell happened!" He shouted pushing through the nurses to get to Sadies bed.

Jo walked over to him drawing comforting circles on his back as Amelia explained how the small girl coded but was stable now.

"Whe- where are J- Jonah an and Lydi- ia" He managed to stutter out while stroking Sadie's hair.

"A nurse took them into another room to distract them" He nodded slowly as he put his head down and squeezed his eyes shut clearly trying not to cry.

"We will come and check back on her later," Robbins said as she and Amelia cleared out with the nurses.

Jo turned to them and mouthed "Thank you" as they backed up. They nodded in acknowledgement and then walked down the hall their separate ways.


JO'S EYES PINGED OPEN AND darted to the glowing clock on the wall. 2:53 am

She looked around taking in the hospital room. Alex hadn't moved since he came in. Sadie slept peacefully, the heart monitor beeping at a steady rate and Jonah and Lydia laid at the bottom of the room sharing a cot.

Jo slowly and quietly stood up trying her best not to wake anyone. Alex's once rested head darted in her direction. She flashed him a soft smile and tiptoed over to plant a gentle kiss on his temple.

He stroked Sadie's hair one last time and took Jo's hand gently pulling her out of the room. She asked where he was taking her but he didn't say a word, he just kept walking till they reached a conference room where he opened the door guiding Jo inside.

"Are you oka-" She started.

"I want to adopt the kids." He finally spat out turning towards Jo. She froze.

"Jo" he started but paused. "I just can't let them go to some stranger. I let Sadie go once I can't do that again and Jonah and Lydia, you see how close she is to them she feels like she has to protect them. I just want to make sure she gets a childhood too. Let her leave to worrying to us you know?" Jo knew exactly how he felt because she felt it too.

"I couldn't agree more" She smiled as Alex engulfed her into a hug and spun her around.

"Let's go get our kids." He said as he started for the door.

"Hold on mister" he paused to look back at Jo "We can't just go in there and take them home. If we want to be their forever parents there's a process. We need lawyers, home visits the list goes on. It's not going to be easy, so let's not break the news just yet okay?"

"Okay," he almost whispered with a small smile. God, how she hated to break his heart but it's a lengthy process and they couldn't get ahead of themselves from the get go for the sake of the kids.

He held out his hand for her and she happily accepted as they walked to see their hopefully future children.

I'm sorry it's so short, but I didn't want to add more as the story is already continued after this part but I hope enjoyed Chapter 3 of 𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑪𝑬𝑺𝑺, hope to see you in the next one,

~ Ev ♡

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