Chapter 2

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you need to calm down

*TW* abuse

ALEX CHECKED THE TIME AND it was almost 10 pm

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ALEX CHECKED THE TIME AND it was almost 10 pm. His shift didn't finish till 11:00 pm. Only one hour to go. It had been a pretty quiet day, he'd had one surgery that morning. Just an appendectomy on an 8 year old. Other than that nothing.

Suddenly there was a commotion near the ER doors. A group of doctors formed a shield so he couldn't see exactly what going on. He could just hear Amelia repeat "You're going to be okay. We are going to help you." over and over in her sweet hush voice. When Hunt shouted, "I need a gurney over here!" "make that three" Meredith chimed in "And page Karev" Sheperd shouted.

Alex made his way through the crowd "I'm here, I'm here!"

"Where do you need me?" he asked. He took a look at the girl and froze. Why did she look so familiar? It was like he knew her. The young girl looked back at him, as if deep in thought. She looked no older than 9 years old and had a toddler attached to each hip, that she held on to them for dear life.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Karev but you can call me Dr. Alex I work in peds. You are okay. Everything is gonna be okay" a small voice could be heard coming from the bruised and bloody girl but he couldn't make out what she said. She repeats herself louder and slightly clearer the next time,

"wer- the- i-i um- th- the ki- ds" She managed to stutter out.

"The kids are fine they are just getting assessed in another room" he reassured her. 

As if someone flipped a switch in her mind the girl's whole demeanour changed in a split second.

"Uncle Alex?" She questioned. Alex could almost feel the cogs turning his my brain.

He froze. Suddenly everything was coming together. She was the spitting image of his little sister at that age. That's when he asked the awaited question...

"Princess?" Sadie's heart stopped at the nickname. She was only two when her dad dragged her across the country. She had no idea what happened and had no idea who she had lost. But she did have one glimpse of her past. A small memory box her father managed to hold onto even in his permanent druken state. In that box was a few little keepsakes from various family members, but what stood out was a picture of her and a younger version of the man stood in front of her with a caption on the back which read 'forever my princess, I love you to the moon and back, ~Uncle Alex'

"Uncle Alex!" Sadie shouted in excitement and shock as heat rose to her face and she burst into uncontrolled sobs. Sadie wasn't sure why she was even crying. Maybe because she finally felt safe.

Before she knew it Alex had encased her into a gentle, loving hug. He looked between her and Jonah and Lydia. Who had just been placed back on Sdaie's bed after being checked over.

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