Chapter 12

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE called you mom!! That's so exciting," Alex almost squealed at the news of the previous night's saga in Sadie's room

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE called you mom!! That's so exciting," Alex almost squealed at the news of the previous night's saga in Sadie's room.

He was unbelievably happy his family was coming together.

After all his years of broken homes, from when he was a kid taking care of his siblings while trying to survive himself to when his world fell about after his sister's death and his niece's disappearance.

He was finally whole again.

"Alex you can stop smiling now you're creeping me out a little" Jo chuckled, stroking her husbands back in comfort.

"I know I just- ahh! I can't believe it, oh my god I love you so much" He finally managed to get out before scooping up his wife and spinning her around.

"Alex!!" Jo squealed, "Put me down you big goof ball,"

"sorry, sorry" he laughed placing her gently on the ground looking lovingly into his favourite hazel eyes.

Just as the pair went in for a kiss the familiar sound of Sadie's hurried footsteps down the family homes stairs broke them apart.

"Good morning princess what can I do for you today," Alex asked in a put on British accent, one arm at his back the other across his stomach as though he was a butler holding a cloth.

"Morning Uncle Alex, morning Aunt Jo" Sadie smiled hoping onto a stool at the breakfast bench.

Jo's heart immediately sunk.

Had she really gotten so excited over something an eleven year old had said in a drowsy late night state?

Alex looked at his wife to catch her pitiful eyes she just smiled in return to shrug off her disappointment.

"And what would you like for breakfast today little miss" She asked in hopes to mask her dismay.

"Um can I please have waffles with strawberries?"

"Of course you can sunshine, I am just going to wake up the babies but I'm sure Uncle Alex can sort you breakfast if you would like it now,"


JO WALKED INTO THE living room, a toddler on each hip and her usual big smile plastered on her face.

"Morning bugs," Alex cooed taking Lydia in his arms and planting a gentle kiss on Jonah's pinked cheek.

"Okay, so today..." Jo said, her and Alex taking a seat either side of Sadie on the couch, " the babies are going to spend the day with Maya and Carina so you, me and Uncle Alex can talk about schools and go meet with some principal's of the ones nearby. Does that sound okay?"

Sadie just sat there confused.

"I get to go to a new school?"

"Well only if you want to princess but we thought it might be nice for a fresh start," Alex started.
Sadie didn't say anything, she was trying to think about all the possible scenarios a new school would bring, what if no one liked her still, what if she was bullied? That would be even worse than being ignored, there were so many things and-

"But you can stay at your old school if that's what you would prefer?" Jo continued trying to get anything out of the silent young girl beside her.

"NO-" Sadie practically shouted. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered. No school could be any worse than that hell hole she was used to." I would like to go to a different school please," she practically whispered embarrassed by her little outburst.

"That is perfectly fine I will call the schools and confirm we are coming"

With that Jo went into the kitchen, leaving Alex and Sadie, Jonah and Lydia playing quietly on the floor.

"Are you sure you are okay Princess I am worried about you,"

"Me? No i'm perfectly fine I promise, i'm going to get ready if that's okay?" Sadie asked standing up and heading for the stairs.

"Of course Princess, I love you,"

"Love you more," She shouted her voice fading as her feet pattered up the stairs.

Little did Sadie know, that was utterly impossible.

HEY GUYSSS!!! DID YA MISS ME?? I really hope you enjoyed chapter 12 of 𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑪𝑬𝑺𝑺!! Im so sorry for being so inactive and ALSO for taking back Sadie calling Jo mum it just had to be like that for a chapter I have already written to work lol. Let me know any ideas or anything you want me add!! As always,

I love you to the moon and back,

- Ev

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