Chapter 14

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american girl

"Sadie sunshine?" Jo whispered gently, knocking on her preteen's door before slowly opening it slightly a few minutes later after no response

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"Sadie sunshine?" Jo whispered gently, knocking on her preteen's door before slowly opening it slightly a few minutes later after no response. "It's time to get up baby, are you ready for your first day at your new school?"

Sadie just groaned. She really didn't want to get out of her warm bed.

"Come on numpty it's 7am, if you get up now I can make you some breakfast before I have to get Jo and Lydia ready for preschool and daycare," Jo chuckled slightly as Sadie just rolled around wrapping herself further into the covers.

"Ugh Mondays are so not fun," She groaned as she sat up and pushed the quilt off herself, the cool October air swallowing her as she stood up and followed her aunt downstairs.

"Okay, what would you like to eat my little love?" 

It was at this moment that Sadie noticed how nervous she felt. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach and the thought of food was enough to make her gag.

"Um I'm not hungry," Sadie replied sheepishly embarrassed of how scared she was.

"Are you sure? I can make you anything you like," Jo prompted, hopeful to get something down her.

"I uh yeah I'm fine thank you, I think I'll just go shower and maybe eat something before I leave"

"No worries baby, I love you," 

"I love you too," Sadie shouted getting louder as she retreated up the stairs.


After showering and picking an outfit of grey sweatpants, a tight black t-shirt and a matching grey sweatshirt, Sadie couldn't move. 

She sat on her bed frozen as all the possibilities of today rushed through her mind. What if nobody liked her still or worse what if they bullied her? What if they all questioned why she moved schools two months into the year?

Oh god. 

She thought to herself over and over how she should have just stayed at her old school, at least she wasn't picked on there.

Just then there was a knock at her bedroom door that pulled her out of her spiral.

"Come in," Sadie whispered.

"Hey, kiddo you excited for your first day?" Alex asked from her doorway a massive grin on his face as he attempted to cheer up his clearly worried niece.

"Yeah I guess,"

"You don't sound too convincing Princess, what's the matter?" 

"Um I guess I'm just scared, what if nobody likes me?" She questioned looking up at her uncle with the saddest green eyes.

Alex immediately pulled her into a hug, kissing the top of her head.

"They gonna love you, Princess, kids can be mean but just show them how kind and funny and smart you are and they will have no choice but to love you,"

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