Chapter 9

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a place in this world

SADIE OPENED HER EYES TO BE greeted with the room she had been confined to for the past few weeks

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SADIE OPENED HER EYES TO BE greeted with the room she had been confined to for the past few weeks. The light that snuck through the loosely closed blinds pained Sadie's head.

She glanced at the clock that hung on the wall.

10:48 am

She could feel Maya's presence behind her signalling she hadn't left since yesterday.

Oh god.



Sadie would be in so much trouble later. They were gonna hurt her. She deserved it though. For pulling that stunt. She just didn't want to be a burden. But she got caught and with getting caught came consequences.

Sadie felt shuffling behind her. Just then Maya sat up towering over her.

"Morning sweet girl how are you feeling today?"

"Please don't hurt me I'm really sorry, I'll never run away again I promise," Tears began to slip out of Sadie's eyes as Maya pulled to her chest and rocked her forwards and backwards on her lap.

"Shhhh sweet girl. No one is going to hurt you here. You're safe. You're okay. I've got you sweet girl,"

Sadie began to sob thinking of the beating she would receive later on. She heard what Maya was saying but she chose not to believe it. Believing she was safe would only cause her to let her guard down which would in the end only result in a lot more pain.

"Close your eyes, sweetheart, it's okay you're going to be okay honey,"



It was not supposed to happen like this.

She was supposed to be back there right now.

Before she knew it Maya could hear the soft snores coming from Sadie as she fell back into sleep. Maya decided now was a good time to slip away and figure out what to do with Jo and Alex.


Meanwhile, Jo was explaining to Alex the events of last night.

"What do you mean she snuck out of her room and ended up in the ER!"

"Exactly what you just said. That's all I know. You and Maya came before she could tell me anything,"

"Alright, I'll have a word with her," he sighed knowing this conversation wasn't going to go any further.

"Okay, well I have to get back to work but I love you and we'll speak later," Jo said standing up and placing a kiss on Alex's head before ruffling his hair and making her way out the door.

"Love you too!" Alex shouted as the door closed behind her.

Alex decided he should have a word with Sadie. He knew she was acting funny yesterday and then she pulled this stunt. What on Earth was going on with her.

Alex made his way through the hospital and bumped into Maya en route.

"Hey is she okay,"

"No not really, she just sobbed all night before falling asleep,"

"Okay well, I'm going to go talk to her, figure out what's going on,"

"Keep me updated,"

With that, Alex nodded his head in acknowledgement and made his way to Sadie.

"Hey, Princess,"

"Hi, Uncle Alex,"

"We need to have a chat about last night,"

"I'm really sorry okay,"

"Start talking I want the whole story no missing details,"

"Well I decided i had to go home so-"

"What do you mean home?"

"Back to my dad," Sadie's voice was small and anxious.

"WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU GO BACK TO YOUR DAD," Alex shouted begging to get angry.

"I- i- i,"


Sadie began to shrink in the bed attempting to make herself as small as possible and escape Alex's wrath.

"I- I'm so- sorry"

"That's not good enough,"

Sadie's fragile body racked with sobs as fear and pain overtook her.

At that exact moment, Jo approached Sadie's door after hearing the shouting. Just then Alex went to lock his hands behind his head. This startled Sadie causing her to back up in her bed and sob uncontrollably.


Jo stormed into the room and walked straight over to Sadie pushing Alex far away from her in the process.

"It's okay sunshine, I promise. Your safe here. Uncle Alex is just upset because of your dad, not you sweet girl," Jo whispered to the small girl as she tucked strands of hair behind her ear gently.

"Get out," Jo ordered to Alex "Get out, calm down and don't come back till I have spoken to you,"

"Fine," and with that Alex stormed off not even apologising for his behaviour.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry," Sadie sobbed.

"Shhh it's okay. I promise it's not your fault sweet girl, trust me. Everything is going to be just fine,"

"I- i didn't w- want to b- b- be a burden to yo- you so i- i - i thought i should just le- leave,"

"You are not a burden I don't want you to ever think that you are okay? You are a part of us now so don't go trying to get away!" They both chuckled lightly at the comment.

"I know I'm sorry, I panicked I thought I didn't belong here,"

"Don't ever apologise, your 11! You are allowed to make mistakes, but just so you know you do belong here we want you here with us okay sweet girl? You will forever have a place with us,"

"O- okay,"

With that Jo placed a soft kiss on Sadie's before laying her down, slotting in beside her and playing a movie Sadie had never seen.


Hey guys sorry this part is not as long as usual I had no idea how to go about this chapter lol. I'm sorry for making Alex the ass in the part. He will just be a dick for a little longer then he will redeem himself. Anyway, hope you enjoyed Chapter 9 of 𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑪𝑬𝑺𝑺. Let me know what you think.

love you to the moon and back,

~ Ev

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