Chapter 10

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all you had to do was stay

IT HAD BEEN AN HOUR since Jo had asked Alex to leave Sadie's hospital room

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IT HAD BEEN AN HOUR since Jo had asked Alex to leave Sadie's hospital room. Now he was lingering in the attendings' lounge, awaiting a scolding from his wife.

He didn't know what he felt, he for sure didn't feel sorry yet. Jerk.

Jo had told him not to come back until she had spoken to him but who was she being able to tell him what to do.

He had made up his mind to disobey his wife and was now on his way to his niece's room.

He made the not so polite decision to not even knock, just barge his way in.

"What do you think you're doing, I told you to stay away for crying out loud," Jo reprimanded him.

"I just wanted to come see you,"


"And what?"

"Aren't you going to apologise to your niece?"

"Apologise? For what?"

"Are you actually kidding me right now? You cannot be serious, you were such a jerk to her,"


"Get out now," Jo ordered unbelieving of how her husband was acting.

"Why should I?"

"Are you seriously that childish?" With that, Jo kissed Sadie on the cheek and stood up guiding Alex out of the room.

Once out of Sadie's sight Jo grabbed Alex by the wrist and pulled him all the way to an on-call room.

"Why on earth are you acting like this!"

"Like what?"

"An ass! That little girl has been through so much and you are making things worse. She had a full on panic attack last night because of you and you don't even think you have done anything wrong,"

"What did I do!"

"Why are you doing this Alex! I thought you were a good guy," Tears began to fall softy from Jo's eyes as she became extremely frustrated with the man she thought she loved.

"She tried to run away in the middle of the night, BACK TO HER ABUSIVE DAD and wouldn't even give me a reason!"

"She was scared for fuck sake, OF YOU, you made everything worse last night. You didn't even give her time to explain you just shouted and shouted. That poor girl has been through enough,"



"Well, why would she even think that?"

"Maybe because your asshole brother in law beat her her whole life, treat her like the shit on the bottom of his shoe, and made her feel worthless! She doesn't think she belongs here because she thinks we are too good to her. But, last night ruined that. She begged you to not hurt her but you were too busy screaming, being self conscious that your niece didn't want to live with you to realise!"

"She thought I was going to hurt her?" Tears welled in Alex's eyes before he broke into sobs. "Fuck, I didn't mean to act shitty, god I'm such a prick,"

"I know, I know, Your not a prick," Jo walked over to him slowly, wrapping her arms around him. "You just acted like one. Now you need to go apologise to that little girl before she tries to leave again. Don't get too close, ask before you touch her and don't make it about you, make it about her,"


SADIE HAD FINISHED WATCHING Moana and was now sat fiddling with her fingers as anxiety bubbled in her stomach.

Sadie felt as though she could be sick.

They are gonna send me back.

They hate me.

Suddenly the door swung open startling Sadie.

"Hey sweet girl," Jo whispered hovering at the door. "Uncle Alex wants to speak to you is it okay if he comes in?"

"y- yes it's f-ine" she managed to stutter out, fearful of the conversation to follow.

"Hey Princess," Alex loitered at the door feeling awkward and unsure how to approach hid fragile niece.

"H-hi" she managed to stutter out.

"Can I come in?"

Sadie just nodded.

Alex sat on the chair in the far corner of the room twiddling his fingers.

Like Uncle like niece.

"I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am for how I reacted earlier," Alex started. "I um just want what's best for you and it scared me to think you would go back there."

"I uh hope you know I love you very much and you are safe here with me and Jo, you aren't going anywhere, this is forever," he stood up as he finished what he had to say.

Sadie couldn't help but flinch as he did so.

God why am I like this.

Thankfully for Sadie is was unnoticed to Alex. However Jo saw.

"I love you too," a small voice belonging to Sadie whispered from the bed.

With that Jo decided it would be best if Alex slept somewhere else, rather than next to Sadie where he had been those last weeks, so she gently led him out the door blowing a soft kiss to Sadie on her way.

"I think you should go home tonight love,"

"What? No I want to stay here, I don't want to leave Sadie,"

"I'll be here,"

"Bu- but she needs me,"

"Alex she is afraid of you, you need to earn back her trust. It's going to take but she'll get there. You just need to be patient with her and not cross any lines,"

"Like what?"

"Don't get too close to her, don't touch her unless she initiates it and definitely don't raise your voice. Just tell her you love her and makes sure she knows you are there no matter what,"

"Oh god what have I done,"

"It's okay, it's just a bump in the road I told you this wouldn't be easy,"

Jo kissed Alex softly, held him in a gentle hug and retreated back to Sadie's room.


JO ENTERED SADIE'S room to find her missing.


Though she was quickly found next door cuddled up with Lydia and Jonah.

"Hey sweethearts," Jo invaded the low lit room to find the three watching a cartoon on tv. The two youngest siblings blabbering away as Sadie snuggled them listening contently to every murmur.

"Hi Aunt Jo," Sadie yawned.

Heyyyy guys hope you enjoyed Chapter 10 of 𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑪𝑬𝑺𝑺. Sorry this took so long to come out. I have been so incredibly busy with school and other things. I know I said Monday would be the new publish day but I thought since it had been so long I wouldn't make you wait any longer. Please do let me know of any spelling mistakes or errors. Ideas are always welcome,

love you too the moon and back

~ Ev

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