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Hours of mindless paddling passed with not a single island in sight. Firey considered joining Leafy in her slumber until he saw something in the distance. He turned to Leafy and shook her awake.

"Look at this Leafy!"

Leafy sat up and rubbed her eyes. After blinking a couple of times, she saw the source of Firey's excitement.

"Oh my gosh is that a cruise?!" Leafy said in awe.

"Yeah! Let's check it out."

Leafy and Firey flicked the water about in an attempt to reach the cruise. After 20 minutes of paddling, they climbed up the boat. Leafy crashed onto the wooden floor, tired from all the paddling and climbing. Firey didn't lay down, for he was at risk of setting the place aflame. Instead he kneeled down to give himself a rest.

The boat was silent, uncomfortably so. It was quite vacant for a cruise, leaving Firey ill at ease.

"Hey...why is this place so empty?" Firey asked.

"Who cares! We have a whole cruise to ourselves," Leafy noticed a pool in the middle of the boat. "Ooo! Let's swim!"

Firey crossed his arms.

"Oh, yeah...well, you could stand on one of the liferings!" Leafy grabs a lifering only for it to walk away, annoyed.

"Okay you can stand on me."

The two of them walked over to the pool. Leafy pushed Firey aside. She jumped up high, did a little twirl mid-air, and dived into the pool, causing a giant splash. Luckily Firey was untouched by the water.

Leafy laid on her back, allowing Firey to step onto her. They floated across the water with the wind pushing them about. Firey's flames seemed to fly off in sparks as they followed the trajectory of the breeze. It was beautiful, and Leafy stared in awe. Firey looked back with a smile. The sweet moment was interrupted by the shouting of one of the liferings.

"Hey boys! You do realize this isn't yer boat eh?" The lifering asked.

"I'm a girl!" Leafy replied.

"Whateva. Anyhow, Boaty's taking us to a tropical place a couple o' miles away. You haveta pay to get in the place so ya betta have the bucks."

"Oh no Firey, we don't have any money!" Leafy cried.

Firey thought for a second. Then a lightbulb turned on in his brain. He walked over to Floaty, taking his cash before burning him alive. He walked back over to Leafy, satisfied.

"Firey! You can't do that anymore." Leafy said.

"Why not?" Firey replied.

"We don't have a recovery station!"

"Oh..." Firey looked over to Floaty's dead body. "Maybe we'll find one on the island!"

"I sure hope so." Leafy said with a sigh.

Empty Space // Fireafy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now