A Swan and a Flame

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Firey couldn't explore the forest as much as he wanted. Everything was so tight and claustrophobic. One wrong move could burn down the whole woods, killing the wildlife within them. So he was stuck in his little patch of grass. But in the distance, he could see a paper swan sitting on a pond. So, he navigated through the trees over to the pond.

The swan floated across the water peacefully. She turned to Firey, seemingly afraid of him. Firey gently picked her up, offering her a smile.

"There's nothing to be afraid of little guy," Firey said. "Well, maybe there is. Trust me...I'm scared too."

The swan let out a little honk.

"Aw, you're a cute little guy. I guess if I'll be stuck here...we might as well hang out together." Firey sat the swan back into the pond. He stepped in next to her. It was pretty nice until the wind picked up and the water got awfully close to his flame and he quickly ran out the water. The swan seemed confused by his aquaphobia.

"Sorry, sorry. I'll go." Firey began to walk away, sitting back in his isolated area. Strangely, the swan followed behind, sitting right in front of him. The wind picked up, so Firey held the swan to stop her from blowing away. The leaves flew off the trees and danced throughout the forest. The sight was pretty, but also a bit...sad.

"Honk?" The swan asked as she saw Firey's depressed look.

"It's just...there's this girl. Her name's Leafy," Firey explained. "And she's super kind and gentle and...probably dead. She got swept into a wave. I haven't seen her since."

"Honk honk?"

"No, I haven't tried looking for her. But she could be anywhere! How would I-"

"Hooonk honk hooonk~"

"I'm not a coward! It's just...the water's scary."

The swan looked at him, skeptical.

"Okay, y'know what? I'm gonna take a nap. And when I wake up, I'm gonna build a boat and find Leafy. Alright?"

The swan nodded. Firey sat the swan down and laid next to her. He tossed and turned for hours, but eventually, he drifted off to sleep.


Firey woke up to a blue light. It was...a gas fire. A sentient gas fire, staring over him.

"You must be Firey~" The flame hissed.

"How do you know that?" Firey asked sleepily.

"Don't worry about it," The flame replied. "Anyhow, I'm Blue Firey, but you can call me Blue. And I need your help with something."

"What? No...I'm supposed to be looking for someone." Firey began to walk off. Blue Firey followed behind.

"Lemme guess, you wanna find that girl? Leafy, right?" Blue teased.


"I know everything, dear Firey. And I know where to find a recovery station," Blue stepped in front of Firey, holding out their hand. "I just need you to help me out~"

Hesitant, Firey shook their hand. "Alright. What do you need help with?"

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