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The liferings had finally woken from their slumber. Lifesaver looked around, confused.

"Leafy, have you been steering the boat?" He asked.

"Um..." Leafy put her hands in her lap, embarrassed.

"The dang leaf got us lost! Ay Lifesaver, I say we throw her overboard!" Liferingy approached Leafy, prepared to push her.

"WE'RE NOT DOING THAT," Lifesaver protested. "We're not even lost. I see our island over there!" He pointed to the island. The trio parked their boat and stepped onto the rocky land. The smell of smoke filled the air, getting stronger as they walked. All the buildings were falling apart, many of them being charred. Lifesaver found a pretty nice house, left mostly intact. He knocked on its door.

No one answered.

He knocked harder.

No one answered.

He knocked faster.

No one answered.

"Where is everyone? Where are my parents?!" Lifesaver cried.

"Ye! And why's everything smell like smoke," Liferingy turned to Leafy. "Does this have anything to do with that Firey guy?"

"No...no! He would never-" She was ready to defend her friend, until she saw...

A spark.

A red spark.

The three of them followed the spark. It came from the neighbor's house. The house was on fire.

"It has to be an accident!" Leafy cried.

"This is no accident, Leafy. I swear if your friend hurt my family..." Lifesaver growled before being cut off my Liferingy.

"Wow Saver, yer finally gettin' aggressive!"

"No need to get aggressive. I-I'll find Firey! He's like...the second nicest person, I know he wouldn't do this!"

And with that Leafy ran off, now confident that her friend was alive.

And alive he was, though he wasn't living well. Blue had chained Firey's limbs together, using him to burn everything in their path.

"Blue, this isn't what we agreed to!" Firey protested.

"Huh? But you said you'd help me with this." Blue held him near a cabinet, watching it burn with awe.

"But these houses...they don't seem abandoned. Plus, couldn't you have burnt these yourself?"

"Red Leafy pretty much chased everyone away, it's not like I'm endangering anyone. And Firey, you do realize I'm framing you, right? When people see your fire...they'll assume YOU did the terrorizing!" Blue giggled as Firey's flame reflected in her dark eyes. Once she was done enjoying the scene, she dropped Firey onto the ground.

"Anyways, Red Leafy's making dinner across the street and I'm really hungry. Bye-bye!"

Blue walked out, swinging their arms joyfully.

And so, Firey sat alone in the wooden house as smoke filled the air. He could smell Red Leafy's cooking from across the street; Hot dogs it seemed like.

After passing a couple minutes laying on the ground, the window suddenly cracked open, and a familiar little leaf stepped through.

"Leafy! You're here!" Firey prepared to swallow her in a hug, until he remembered...

"I'm happy to see you too," Leafy sat down next to Firey and placed her hand on his. "Now, tell me what's going on with all this fire."

"It's...a long story. We'll talk about it later," Firey replied. "Right now, I have a craving for some hot dogs."


The two roasted hot dogs over a fire as Firey explained what had happened over the past few days.

"Wowee...you've been through a lot Firey. I spent most of my time hanging with the liferings." Leafy said.

"I'm glad you ditched those guys. They seem like jerks." Firey said with a chuckle.

"Yeah! Especially Liferingy. He's at the very bottom of my nice-people-list."

Firey's eyes widened with curiosity. "Where am I on the list?"

"At the very top of course! Right below me." Leafy took a bite of her hot dog as they both giggled until they ran out of breath. The two of them finished their food and crashed on the wooden floor. Fire flew through the flammable material, illuminating the building.

"I missed you so much." Firey whispered.

"I missed you too." Leafy replied with a smile.

Empty Space // Fireafy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now