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Firey decided to go for a walk to "cool off". Leafy noted how that was "Literally impossible", which gave Firey a little chuckle. Still didn't shake his uneasy feeling though.

Firey walked along the empty, grassy terrain until-


Everything went black for a moment. Then, Firey found himself within a smoky void, with a familiar blue flame standing before him.

"Wha~" Firey said, sitting up. "Did I die again?"

"No silly! You're just asleep. We're both asleep actually." Blue grabbed Firey's hand and spun him around before pulling him close to her. She continued to lead him through a dance with no song to follow; Just the two of them flowing through the empty space.

"Isn't this just beautiful? Being free from your worldly responsibilities? Wouldn't you give up your immortality to live this way?" Blue dipped down, falling into Firey's arms. Firey dropped her immediately.

"Blue, what are you talking about? I'm not immortal. I've died plenty of times!" Firey began to walk away from her, somehow expecting to find an exit.

"Yes, but none of your deaths have been permanent. Wouldn't it be wonderful to just...disappear forever?"

Firey stopped in his tracks. "Disappear...forever?"

"Firey, the life you want is...impossible. I know from experience. You'll never find the safe haven you desire. You'll never find your dream island, no matter how hard you try."

", you're lying. Get out of my head!" Firey shouted, while refusing to face her.

"No matter how hard you try, you'll end up hurting her, again and again and again. You're dangerous, Firey. You're a monster!"


Blue went silent, and Firey's loud, heavy breathes filled the void. Slowly but surely, the area faded to black.

Firey was shaken awake by Leafy. She had put on some winter attire; A blue scarf, a fuzzy hat, and some leg warmers. Firey imagined her erupting into flames, the only thing remaining being her non-flammable clothing...

He moved away from her.

"Firey, I'm seriously worried about you. You've been acting strange."

Firey didn't respond.

Leafy came closer to him, but not too close. "Grab my hands." She said.

Firey obliged.

"Now, walk with me."

Leafy pulled Firey forward as she walked backwards. She maintained that warm smile she always had. Firey couldn't help but smile too.

They walked for ages across the vacant land. They walked till their legs ached and they were forced to sit down. They sat in front of one of the few trees they could find, holding each other's hands and gazing at the clouds. The clouds were large and fluffy, without completely obscuring the sun.

"That cloud kinda looks like Gelatin!" Leafy said, pointing to a cloud that vaguely resembled the guy.

"It does." Firey replied with a weak chuckle.

"What do you see in the clouds, Firey?" Leafy asked.

"I don't really see anything..."

"Come on Firey! You've gotta see something~"

"Hm..." Firey looked around for a bit. "That one kinda looks like us."

The cloud barely looked like either of them, yet Leafy nodded in agreement. Firey realized that Leafy didn't actually care about the clouds. She just wanted to spend time with him.

Maybe that was all Firey needed. Even if he hurt her...maybe it was worth it.

This is what she wants, right?

Empty Space // Fireafy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now