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Leafy looked up and noticed the tree was quite tall, with thick branches ripe for climbing. She made her way up the tree, leaving Firey half-asleep on the ground below. The branches tore her up a bit, but she kept going till she reached the top. She looked out over the ocean. In the distance, she could see some land blurred with smoke. Safety Island...previously a pay-to-get-in paradise, now turned into a hellhole. It made Leafy kinda sad to see the liferings lose their Dream Island.

So she was gonna get it back.

Leafy climbed down the tree. Firey gave her a confused look.

"Leafy, what were you doing up there?" He asked.

"Well...originally I was just climbing for fun. Then I started to feel bad about leaving the liferings," Leafy explained. "Firey, I think we should go back."

Firey thought back to how angry Lifesaver had gotten. He couldn't go back.

"Leafy, we should just go home with Flower and Gelatin."

"I know you're scared of Lifesaver and Blue. But we're supposed to be nice. And a nice person would help those in trouble!"

"I'm sorry Leafy, but you're on your own here. Keep me out of your 'nice' little quests."

"But Firey, Safety Island could become our Dream Island! Don't you want that? Isn't that why we left to begin with?"

"Maybe that's what it started as..."


"Listen Leafy," Firey stood up and held Leafy's hands. "I have given up on Dream Island."


"But I will continue to stay with you. I've hurt you many times but you continue to stay with me. So I'll do the same. I will come with you to Safety Island, but that's all I'm going to do. YOU will be in charge of fixing the damage Blue did."

"That's a little unfair works." Leafy said with a smile. She walked over to a boat and waited for Firey. Firey reluctantly followed her.

As they traveled towards the island, their view became more and more obscured in smoke. Leafy coughed a ton, while Firey was unaffected. Eventually the coughing began to sound more like choking.

"Leafy, are you okay?" Firey asked.

"Yeah I'm fine-" Leafy went into another coughing fit. Tears fell from her eyes. They were right in front of the island now. Burning buildings littered the land, but at the center was Blue and Red Leafy eating hotdogs. They chewed like nothing was happening, while Leafy vomited out the side of the boat. Firey realized what he must do.

"Leafy, you have to leave." Firey said sternly.

"But- ough- the island-"

"Leafy, you're gonna suffocate! You have to leave. I'll fix the island, I promise."

Leafy fell into another coughing fit. She nodded her head though, agreeing with Firey's plan. Firey got off the boat and stepped onto the island. He waved goodbye and Leafy drove away. He watched as she left, to make sure she was okay. Once that was confirmed, he was ready to confront blue.

"Blue Firey! Get your ass over here." Firey shouted. She turned to him, but then went back to eating.


She ignored him.

Firey decided he would approach her instead. He walked the distance and immediately pushed her over. He held her wrists down to prevent her from getting up.

"What are you doing? People LIVE here!" Firey said.

"I'm just making my Dream Island. Is there something wrong with that?" Blue asked smugly.

"OF COURSE THERE IS," Firey tightened his grip. "Why would you want to live like this? Everything's covered in-"

"Smoke? I'm unbothered by that. We're made of fire, remember."

"Don't you dare say 'we'. We're not the same."

"Really? Then why am I able to access your headspace?"

"Because you're a weirdo. Stay OUT of my dreams."

"Nah. Anyway, you're pretty weird for pinning me down like this." Blue winked.

Firey stood up, still holding her wrist. "Listen here Blue Firey, if you don't fix this mess I will throw you into the water!"

"Not if Red Leafy kills you first." Blue replied.

"Wait what-"

Red Leafy tore Firey away from Blue before running over to shore and throwing him off. She dusted off her hands, satisfied with herself.

"Great work Red Leafy," Blue Firey said. "Now we've gotten rid of Firey FOREVER."

Empty Space // Fireafy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now