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Firey and Leafy decided to enjoy the view, looking over the edge of the ship. Leafy enjoyed the gentle movement of the waves, and Firey enjoyed the wind in his flame. As the boat traveled further, sea monsters seemed to fill the waters, eventually circling the cruise.

"Um, Boaty? Maybe we should go another way." Leafy said to the boat.

"I can't! They have us surrounded." Boaty tried to turn back only for something to crash into him, creating a big hole in his side. He screamed and cried as he sank deeper and deeper. The liferings jumped into the ocean.

"Guys, come back! Firey can't swim!" Leafy shouted to the liferings. They ignored her, swimming away into the sunrise. Firey moved to a section of the boat further above the water. Leafy looked around, desperately searching for a way to avert the crisis. Then she remembered...

Leaves can float.

She held Firey above her head and swam away. Boaty unfortunately was left to drown as the water swallowed him whole. He cried in pain until he was no longer visible to those above the surface.

"We really need to find a recovery center." Leafy noted. Firey nodded in agreement.

The two traveled aimlessly, having no idea where the island could be. The wind got stronger and the waves started to push them about, getting awfully close to extinguishing Firey's flame.

"Leafy, we really need to get to land!" Firey cried.

Leafy saw an island in the distance, so she tried to swim faster, until a strong wave came hurtling towards her, burying her underwater. She quickly made her way back to the surface. She let out a sigh of relief before realizing...

Firey's gone.

There's no possible way he could've survived that. Leafy looked at her hand, ashamed of her mistake. She floated in shock for hours, holding back tears, but when she reached land, she couldn't hold it in anymore. She crashed onto the island and let her tears dampen the sand, and behind her, the sun rose to the middle of the sky.
"Is she dead?"

"Prolly not. Let's throw her in the ocean."

"Let's at least check!"

"Why? Didn't her buddy kill Floaty? Why can't we just leave her to die?"

"Lifesaver, we already tried that. And she survived. We can't keep trying to kill her."

"Good point Liferingy."

Lifesaver shook Leafy awake. Leafy stood up and swept the sand off her face.

"Firey...he's gone." She mumbled.

"No worries mate, we'll order a recovery station to the island," Liferingy said. "That'll take a while though, considering WE'RE ON THE WRONG ISLAND!"

"Calm down Liferingy, everything's gonna be alright," Lifesaver spit on his hand and held it out for Leafy to shake. "Anyways I'm Lifesaver, and the ornery guy beside me is Liferingy. Now, we're willing to help you get your friend back if you're willing to help us get to Safety Island."

"Why can't we stay on this island? It seems pretty cozy." Leafy demonstrated the coziness by laying down in the sand. Lifesaver sat down next to her.

"We're visiting family. Also there's no service here so we can't order recovery stations." He explained.

"Not to mention this island's super boring," Liferingy complained. "Now quit chit-chatting and start building a boat!"

Empty Space // Fireafy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now